
  1. 马英九和陈水扁均否认曾利用公共资金牟取私利。

    Both have denied using public money for personal advantage .

  2. 陈水扁的另一亲密助手马永成也于6月1日辞职。

    Another close aide , Ma Yung-cheng , resigned on June 1st .

  3. 在陈水扁执政期间,台湾采取的是孤立政策,这令台湾地产市场陷入了低迷。

    Under Mr. Chen , Taiwan adopted an isolationist stance that sent the Taiwanese property market into a slumber .

  4. 陈水扁的支持者说,这项修正案将免除部分人遭到的指控。而这些指控同陈水扁目前面对的指控类似。

    Mr. Chen 's supporters said the legislation would clear others of charges similar to those that Mr. Chen still faces .

  5. 顾立雄表示:尽管陈水扁没有被正式起诉,但他是此案事实上的被告。

    " Although Chen Shui-bian has not formally been indicted , he is the de facto defendant in this case ," Mr Koo said .

  6. 去年四月,陈水扁被诊断为重度忧郁症、疑似帕金森综合症和其他病况,从监狱转移至监狱医院。

    Chen was transferred to a prison hospital in April last year after being diagnosed with severe depression , suspected Parkinson 's disease and other conditions .

  7. 昨日,台湾检方向新总统发出请求,要求把被陈水扁列为机密的文件和记录交给检方。

    Yesterday , prosecutors sent a request to the new president , asking for documents and recordings declared secret by Mr Chen to be handed over to them .

  8. 昨日,陈水扁再次受到传讯,事后他在记者会上表示:“你可以查,绝对没有贪污,绝对没有偷来的钱。”

    Mr Chen was questioned again yesterday , and afterwards told a press conference : " you can check it out . There was absolutely no graft , absolutely no stolen money . "

  9. 几个街区之外,几十万“倒扁”民众身穿红衣、头戴红帽,在现场要求涉嫌一系列“贪污”丑闻的陈水扁下台。

    Several blocks away , hundreds of thousands of people , most wearing red shirts and hats to symbolize their opposition to Chen , rallied to demand he step down over a string of corruption scandals .

  10. 发表此份声明之前,昨日陈水扁的羁押庭审突然暂时休庭,因为陈水扁称自己身体不适,说他的心脏不好,半夜经常冒冷汗。

    The statement comes after Mr Chen 's bail hearing yesterday was cut short after the former president complained of feeling unwell , saying he had heart conditions and often broke out in a cold sweat at night .

  11. 我会放弃上诉,马上可以发监执行,不必再演马戏,陈水扁表示。过去7个月来的大部分时间里,他一直被单独羁押。

    I will give up my right to appeal so the sentence could be executed immediately . Let 's stop with this circus , said Mr Chen , who has already been in solitary detention for most of the past seven months .

  12. 这两只可爱的、被北京的宣传机器挑衅性地命名为“团团”和“圆圆”的大熊猫,曾被陈水扁禁止入境,他或许希望把它们命名为“走走”和“开开”。

    The cuddly duo , provocatively named the equivalent of " re " and " union " by the Beijing propaganda machine , had been refused admission by Mr Chen , who perhaps wanted to name them " bugger " and " off " .