
  • William Chan
  1. 韩庚、鹿晗、陈伟霆都将参与其中。

    The show includes Han Geng , Lu Han and William Chan .

  2. 以李易峰、井柏然、陈伟霆等从选秀节目上初露头角的艺人为代表,“小鲜肉”明星几乎都是85后。没有受过专业的表演培训,他们曾在演戏还是唱歌之间摇摆不定,还有一些为了成为专业演员而不停奋斗着。

    were born after 1985 and first gained attention through talent shows . Without specialized acting training , they have wasted a few years wavering between a career in singing or acting . Many still struggle to be recognized as professional actors .