
  1. 陈琳:终极目标就是爱

    Chen Lin : love is my ultimate goal

  2. 当芳芳决定离开陈琳的时候,陈琳终于找到了行走在路上的荷尔德林。

    Finally , Chen has found Hlderlin who was in his way while Fangfang leaving her .

  3. 就在昨天晚上,我们知道了关于陈琳的不幸消息,一个著名的歌手,跳楼自尽了。

    Just last night , we learned the sad news about Chen Lin , a well-known singer , who jumped to her death .

  4. 不过,目前在重庆从事教育培训的陈琳说,她对于每月3000元的工资没有什么好抱怨的。

    Still , Chen Lin , currently working as an education trainer in Chongqing , said she had no complaints about her 3000-yuan monthly salary . '

  5. 陈琳表示:你需要努力工作,富有耐心以便和其他人打成一片。要时刻尊重并体恤上司。

    You need to work hard and be patient in order to foster a good relationship with others . Always be respectful and considerate toward your supervisor , said Chen .

  6. 有时候,一位室友想看电影,一位室友想学习,另一位室友则想睡觉。来自汕头大学计算机科学专业大一年级、18岁的陈琳(音译)表示。

    Sometimes one roommate may want to watch a movie , another wants to study , and another wants to sleep , said Chen Lin , 18 , a freshman majoring in computer science at Shantou University .

  7. 文化意识是指对异国文化和本国文化的异同的敏感度,和在使用外语时根据目标语文化来调整自己的语言理解和语言产出的自觉性(陈琳,王蔷,2003:81)。

    Cultural awareness refers to the sensitivity and insight to the native and target culture , the self-consciousness of adjusting one 's own language understanding and output to cope with the target culture when using the target language .