
  • 网络Anna Chennault;Chen Hsiang-mei;Anna Chan Chennault
  1. 今晚,让我们深感荣幸的是,“飞虎队”队长陈纳德将军的夫人陈香梅女士和女儿陈美丽女士就在现场。

    And tonight , we are honored to have with us the wife and daughter of General Chennault , Madam Anna Chennault and Cynthia Chennault .

  2. 1947年,陈纳德将军与中央社记者、中国名媛陈香梅小姐结为伉丽。

    In1947 , general Chennault married Miss Chen xiangmei , a reporter of Central News agency .

  3. 陈香梅是一位坚强的女性,丈夫的离世并没有阻碍她在事业上的追求。

    A strong woman , the death of her husband did not slow Anna 's career .

  4. 香梅之路:陈香梅回忆录1991年江淮梅雨暴雨与亚洲季风的关系

    On the relationship between Meiyu heavy rainfall over the Jiang Huai basin in 1991 and Asian monsoon

  5. 文中指出陈香梅文化现象是属於中国新文学和中国新文化的一种特殊现象,是具有很大的研究价值和意义。

    I believe Chen Xiang Mei is a special and significant cultural phenomenon in modern Chinese literature and culture .

  6. 陈香梅的父亲是一名外交官,他想把孩子们送到国外学习,但是陈香梅并未遵从父命。

    Anna 's father , a diplomat , wanted to send his children to study abroad , but Anna refused .

  7. 1946年,陈香梅遇到了当时著名的战斗英雄,也是她未来的丈夫陈纳德将军。

    In1946 , Anna met her future husband General Claire Chennault , who was a major war hero in China .

  8. 陈香梅1925年6月23日出生于北京的一个书香门第;在姐妹中,她是最坚持己见的一个。

    Born into a well educated family in Beijing on Jun.23,1925 , Anna was the most opinionated and stubborn of the siblings .

  9. 她还设立了“陈香梅奖学金”,每年春天都会为一批优秀的中文系学生颁发2000美元的助学金。

    The " Chen Hsiang-mei Scholarship ," which includes a stipend of US $ 2000 , is awarded each spring to persons majoring in Chinese .

  10. 陈香梅在美国主流政治活动中的表现日益突出,她在社交圈中的地位也逐步稳固;

    As Anna became increasingly prominent in mainstream political activities and gradually built up her status in social circles , she came to be known in the U.

  11. 1963年,肯尼迪总统任命陈香梅为中国难民救济委员会主席,她成为有史以来第一位出任白宫公职的华裔。

    In1963 , President Kennedy named her the chairman of the Chinese Refugees Relief Committee , making her the first person of Chinese ancestry to be appointed to the White House staff .