
táng cù
  • sweet and sour;sugar vinegar;sugar and vinegar
糖醋 [táng cù]
  • (1) [sugar and vinegar]∶糖和醋

  • (2) [sweet and sour]∶加入糖和醋的

  • 糖醋鱼

  • (3) [sugar vinegar]∶用制糖或制淀粉的下脚料,通过酒精或醋酸发酵的方法而制成的食醋

糖醋[táng cù]
  1. 用盐水浸泡后保存在糖醋中的泡菜。

    Pickle cured in brine and preserved in sugar and vinegar .

  2. 方法采用捕蝇笼糖醋诱饵诱捕法。

    Methods Cage traps with sugar and vinegar baits were used to capture flies .

  3. 糖醋鱼很合他的胃口。

    Sour-sweet fish agreed very well with him .

  4. 糖醋排骨、清蒸鲤鱼、冬菜扣肉、虫草鸭子。HPLC测定清肺合剂中鱼腥草素的含量

    The Sweet and Sour Pork Chops , the Steamed Carp , the Steamed Preserved Cabbage and Pork and the Duck with Chinese Caterpillar Fungus . Determination of decanoyl acetaldehyde in Qingfei oral liquid by HPLC

  5. 小份量的“三品”因应了佛教的素餐观:“糖醋排骨”由插入莲藕的一截李子、压成宝葫芦(calabashgourd)样的素鸡以及裹着一把马兰头的豆腐皮做成。

    A trio of small bites offers a nod to Buddhist vegetarian cooking : a sweet , glossy " spare rib " made of a plum impaled on a strip of lotus root ; spiced tofu pressed into the form of a calabash gourd ; and a bundle of Indian aster leaves wrapped in tofu skin .

  6. 我来帮你夹点糖醋鱼。

    Let me help you to some sweet and sour fish .

  7. 这家餐馆糖醋排骨很有名。

    This restaurant if famous for its sweet and sour ribs .

  8. 试一下这个糖醋猪扒的简化版本吧。

    Try this simplified version of Orange Pork Chop Stir-fry .

  9. 我的糖醋排骨做好了吗?

    Has my sweet and sour spare-ribs been ready yet ?

  10. 山东最著名的菜肴是糖醋鲤鱼。

    Shandong 's most famous dish is the Sweat and Sour Carp .

  11. 我听说你们的糖醋肉很好。

    I hear that your sweet and sour pork is very good .

  12. 糖醋猪肉、炸鸡和蔬菜。真的!

    Sweet and sour pork , fried chicken and vegetables . Really !

  13. 来一份宫保鸡丁和糖醋排骨!

    I will have kung-pao chicken and sweet and sour pork ribs !

  14. 也就是糖醋炸桂鱼,这是我们这儿的特色菜,味道很好。

    That is one of our specialties and very tasty .

  15. 酱香味糖醋大蒜的加工配方与工艺

    Technology and formula of sauce flavor sweet-and - sour garlic

  16. 糖醋大蒜主要辅料优化配比及其渗透规律的研究

    Study on optimization formula and infiltration regularity for major auxiliary burden of sugar-vinegar garlic

  17. 正宗的糖醋鲤鱼必须打捞自黄河。

    A truly authentic Sweet and Sour Carp must come from the Yellow River .

  18. 让我们点一份糖醋排骨。

    Let 's order sweet and sour pork .

  19. 另一种着名的做法是糖醋,特别是糖醋鲤鱼。

    The other is the well-known sweet-and-sour method of preparing food , particularly carp .

  20. 他承认,他心目中的中国美食就是糖醋排骨。

    He confessed that his own idea of a good Chinese meal was sweet-and-sour pork .

  21. 切碎的水果或青番茄,在有姜末和香料的糖醋中烹调。

    Chopped fruits or green tomatoes cooked in vinegar and sugar with ginger and spices .

  22. 恐怕弄错了,我要的是糖醋鱼。

    I 'm afraid there is a mistake . I ordered a sweet and sourfish .

  23. 你们有糖醋肉吗?

    Have you got sweet-and-sour pork ?

  24. 哦,我的糖醋排骨做得非常好,我满怀希望地说道。

    Oh , I can cook a very good sweet-and-sour pork , I said , hopefully .

  25. 颜色和糖醋液对番石榴实蝇引诱效果

    Effect of the Color and the Solution of Sweet Bait on the Common Guava Fruit Fly

  26. 该款白葡萄酒可以搭配现代美食,烤鱼和糖醋菜肴等一同享用。

    This white wine will be appreciated with moderne cuisine , grilled fish and sweet-and-sour dishes .

  27. 但你总是喜欢鲱鱼先生糖醋的

    But you always like herring done in this way , sir , in sweet vinegar .

  28. 我来给你夹一点牛肉(凉菜,糖醋鱼)。

    Let me help you to some beef [ cold dishes , sweet and sour fish ] .

  29. 它的主要名菜有糖醋鲤鱼、红烧海螺、荷花大虾等。

    Famous Shandong dishes include sweet-and-sour carp , braised conch in soy sauce and lotus flower prawns .

  30. 糖醋鲤鱼—外表松脆,里面鲜嫩,微甜、微酸。

    Sweet and Sour Carp-with crisp exterior and tender fish interior , a little sweet and sour .