
tánɡ rén
  • sugar figurine;diabetes
糖人 [táng rén]
  • [figure made of maltose] 用糖稀吹制的各种形象,可观赏、食用

  1. 2013年,提名影片中包括了讲述艾滋病和中东冲突等主题的影片,但最后获奖的却是《寻找小糖人》(SearchingforSugarMan),它讲述一个才华横溢却不幸默默无闻的底特律音乐家的故事。

    In 2013 , when the nominated documentaries delved into subjects like AIDS and conflict in the Middle East , the prize went to " Searching for Sugar Man , " about a tremendously gifted , woefully obscure musician from Detroit .

  2. 快进到棉花糖人那段。-

    Jump ahead to the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man . -

  3. 最佳纪录片奖:《寻找小糖人》

    Best documentary feature : " Searching for Sugar Man "

  4. 桃源人家民间工艺大汇展:剪纸、沙画、糖人、面人、糖葫芦等。

    Folk arts & crafts demonstration by peach orchard families : paper cutting , sand picture , sugar-coated figurine , dough figurine , sugar-coated berry , etc.

  5. 他说《离巨星20英尺》其实是关于非裔美国艺术家们的贡献长期被遗忘的事实,而《小糖人》则是讲述一位底特律拉丁裔艺术家虽然极具才华,但仍然无法逃脱无名与贫穷的处境。

    While " 20 Feet From Stardom " was essentially about African-American artists whose work had been forgotten , he said , " Sugar Man " was about a Latino man from Detroit whose deep talent didn 't help him escape either obscurity or poverty .

  6. 现在越来越多的人开始在情人节、圣诞节互赠礼物,却不知道年画、糖人,没听过唢呐,不识艾草、菖蒲。

    More and more Chinese people are beginning to exchange gifts on Valentine 's Day and Christmas . However , many of them know nothing about Chinese New Year pictures or sugarcoated figurines , have never heard suona music , and cannot recognize wormwood or calami .