
  • 网络Glycocalyx
  1. 但是,当糖被添加到饮料或包装食品中,它的吸收会更快,会加重肝脏负担。

    But when sugar is added to beverages3 or packaged foods , it ’ s more quickly absorbed and burdens the liver .

  2. 蔗渣作底物其胞壁多糖被充分水解。

    Polysaccharides in cell wall of this substrate were hydrolyzed extensively .

  3. 糖被禁止进口滞留在仓库,买方拒绝了收取单据。

    The sugar was not allows to be imported and was placed in a warehouse .

  4. 这是因为当糖被提取掉,取而代之的就是人造甜味剂。

    That 's because while the sugar has been yanked , it 's been replaced with an artificial sweetener .

  5. 在另一种类型中,羰基的功能是作为酮类,这些糖被称为酮糖。

    In the other type of monosaccharide , the carbonyl function is a ketone group . These sugars are termed ketoses .

  6. 阿拉伯糖被证实是一种易降解的单糖,多数实验中只能观察到其浓度随反应时间的延长而下降的趋势。

    Arabinose is confirmed as a readily degradable monomer , the concentration of arabinose is observed decreasing over reaction time in most of the experiments .

  7. 在培养6天的浓缩滤液中加入等体积的95%乙醇后大量白色粘稠、纤维状的多糖被沉淀下来。

    The white , fibrous polysaccharide could be precipitated from concentrative filtrate of 6 days-old cultures by the addition of equal volume 95 % alcohol .

  8. 随着动物类药材研究的日益繁荣,在动物机体内的一些内源性多糖被证明具有多种生物活性。

    Along with the flourishing study on the animal medicinal materials , it was proved that some endogenouspolysaccharides of animal organism had all kinds of bioactivities .

  9. 几乎所有的细胞膜表面都有糖,它们以聚糖、糖蛋白以及糖肽等糖缀合物的形式在细胞膜外表面形成被称为糖被的致密糖基化层。

    Carbohydrates have been found on the surface of nearly every cell in the form of polysaccharides , glycoproteins , glycolipids or / and other glycoconjugates .

  10. 如果糖浓度很高,那么在糖被全部消耗之前,酒精就会积聚并抑制发酵,因此就会制成一种甜葡萄酒。

    With higher levels of sugar , alcohol will accumulate and inhibit the fermentation before the sugar can be completely used , thus producing a sweeter wine .

  11. 流感病的通过红细胞凝集素和唾液酸表面的糖被附着在上皮细胞表面。通常在哺乳动物的鼻子,喉和肺里,以及鸟类的肠道里。

    Influenza viruses bind through hemagglutinin onto sialic acid sugars on the surfaces of epithelial cells ; typically in the nose , throat and lungs of mammals and intestines of birds .

  12. 胰岛素是一种激素,它从我们所吃的食物中汲取糖并让糖被我们的组织吸收,以此提供能量。

    Insulin is a hormonethat takes the sugar from the foods we eat and allows it to enter our tissues , where our body can use it as fuel , or energy .

  13. 结果表明,随着超声功率的增大,不断有较大分子量的多糖被提取出来,但当超声功率进一步增大时,大分子量的多糖分子量减半,被降解成较小分子量的多糖。

    The results showed that larger molecular weight polysaccharides were obtained with the increasing of ultrasonic power , but degradation phenomenon that large molecular weight cut in half and degraded to small molecular weight emerged with the further increasing of ultrasonic power .