
  • 网络oncogene;carcinogen;type I carcinogen
  1. 方法采用多种致癌因子诱发小鼠肺癌的实验。

    Methods Induce mice lung cancer by different kinds of carcinogens .

  2. 大多数GSTs底物是包括环境致癌因子在内的异生物和氧化应激产物,GSTs以此促进致癌因子的代谢,在细胞抗损伤、抗癌变的过程中发挥着重要的作用。

    For most of the substrates are surrounding substances or oxidative stress products including environmental carcinogens , GSTs play an important role in inducing carcinogen excreted , cytoprotective and anticancer action .

  3. 幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)感染和多种胃肠道疾病的发生密切相关,世界卫生组织已经把Hp列为Ⅰ类致癌因子,并明确为胃癌的危险因子。

    Helicobacter pylori ( H. pylori ) infection associated with sorts of gastric diseases .

  4. 近年来线粒体DNA(mitochondrialDNA,mtDNA)成为肿瘤学研究的热点之一,它是核基因组之外的一种重要的DNA物质,比核基因更容易受多种致癌因子的影响而发生突变。

    Recently , mitochondrial DNA ( mt DNA ) , an important group of gene outside nucleus , has become a hotspot in oncology .

  5. 其中最小的病毒转录体HBx翻译产物被认为是肝癌的致癌因子,HBx的特性包括,刺激转录和信号转导、干扰DNA修复、诱导凋亡、促进体内体外的恶性转化。

    The translation product of the smallest viral transcript , HBx , is regarded as a hepatocarcinogenic factor .

  6. POK红系髓性致癌因子在胰腺癌组织的表达及其意义

    The Expression and Significance of Pokemon in the Pancreatic Cancer Tissue of Human

  7. 1994年国际癌症研究中心(IARC)将H.pylori列为I类致癌因子。

    H. pylori was listed as I type carcinogenic factor by International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) .

  8. 幽门螺杆菌(HelicobacterPylori,H.pylori)感染是慢性胃炎、消化性溃疡以及胃癌、胃粘膜组织淋巴瘤(MALT)等疾病的重要致病因素,世界卫生组织已将其列为一类致癌因子。目前,H。

    Helicobacter pylori ( H.pylori ) infection is key aetiological factor in chronic gastritis peptic ulcer disease , gastric mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue ( MALT ) lymphoma and gastric adenocarcinoma .

  9. 幽门螺杆菌(HelicobacterPylori.以下简称Hp)感染与胃癌密切相关,1994年WHO癌症研究中心将Hp列为Ⅰ类致癌因子。

    The Helicobacter pylori ( Hp ) infection has close relationship with the occurrence of the stomach cancer . In 1994 , WHO cancer research center listed Hp as I kind of carcinogenic factor .

  10. 本文就CLA对肿瘤细胞转移特性的影响,抑制癌细胞增殖,抑制致癌因子的活性等方面做综述。

    This review summarized different mechanisms of CLA on carcinogenesis inhibition such as the effects on tumor cell transference , inhibition of tumor cell proliferation and carcinoma gene expression .

  11. 目的:自1983年Marshalletal首先从胃粘膜分离出幽门螺杆菌(HelicobacterPylori)以来,大量研究表明此菌与慢性胃炎、消化性溃疡存在密切相关,并被WHO列为一级致癌因子。

    Objects : Since Marshall et al separate Helicobacter pylori from human gastric mucosa membrane in 1983 , many studies showed that it is implicated in the development of chronic gastritis , peptic ulceration and listed as the first cancer factor by WHO .

  12. 幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)与胃癌、胃淋巴瘤的密切联系已为许多研究所肯定,1994年世界卫生组织将幽门螺杆菌列为第一类致癌因子。

    The human pathogen Helicobacter pylori induces a persistent infection that is considered to be a type I carcinogen by World Health Organization in 1994 because of its role in the development of both gastric carcinoma and gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma .

  13. Hp感染与慢性胃炎、消化性溃疡、胃癌以及MLAT淋巴瘤的发生密切相关,1994年国际癌症研究机构已将其列为人类Ⅰ类致癌因子。

    Infection with H. Pylori is strongly associated with chronic gastritis , peptic ulceration , gastric cancer and MALT Lymphoma . In 1994 , Hp has been classified as a group I carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) .

  14. 硒对不同水体致癌因子诱发健康人微核的拮抗作用

    Antagonism of Se on the Human Micronucleus Introduced by Carcinogens in Various Water

  15. 氡是引起人类肺癌的主要因素,氡及其子体已成为仅次于吸烟的第二大肺癌相关致癌因子。

    Radon is the second largest risk factor that cause lung cancer besides smoking .

  16. WHO和国际抗癌联盟已将其列为1类致癌因子。石棉&建筑物及其周围环境中的致癌物质

    It was list as grade 1 carcinogen . asbestos & the carcinogen in the buildings and their surroundings

  17. 1994年WHO将其列为一类致癌因子,是胃癌的共同病因。

    Hp was considered the first class of carcinogenic factor and the common etiological factor by WHO in 1994 .

  18. 慢性刺激作为致癌因子,其意义是如此含糊以致不易加以讨论。

    The term of chronic irritation as a carcinogen is so vague that it is not easy to discuss .

  19. 这些规律性的变化,可用于定量地研究辐射或化学致癌因子体外诱发细胞转化的剂量效应关系,亦可望成为早期观察细胞转化程度的指标。

    This correlativity may be used in quantitatively studying the relationship between doses of radiation or chemicals and cell transfomation .

  20. 结果上述两种致癌因子的剂量效应相关模式都符合线性平方模型。

    Results The dose response relationships of above mentioned both carcinogenesis factors at all accord with the lineal square model .

  21. 方法用放射性超铀核素238钚作为物理致癌因子在大鼠体内诱发骨肉瘤;

    Methods As a physical factor , the radioactive transuranic nucleoid 238 Pu was used to induce the osteosarcoma in rats ;

  22. 致癌因子的各种不同组合,可能是两个地区人群中基因组的不稳定性所致。这种不稳定性在某种水平上决定了不同地区不同的发病率。

    Different combination of carcinogen , which resulted from genome instability in population , determined different incidence rate in the two areas .

  23. 石棉是一种致癌因子,但致癌机制尚不清楚。

    Asbestos is one of the factors of carcinomas , but the mechanisms of asbestos-induced carcinogenesis in humans is not well understood .

  24. 为了找出热点的致癌因子,科学家通常会比较癌症患者与一般人之间的基因与行为差异。

    Scientists typically try to identify the factors contributing to cancer in hot spots by comparing the genetics and behavior of people who become afflicted and those who do not .

  25. PGG可能通过抑制细胞内致癌转录因子NF-κB的活性,下调其凋亡抑制基因的表达,诱导细胞进入内源性Caspase凋亡途径,从而导致细胞死亡。

    PGG could have repressed the transcription activity of oncogenic transcription factor NF - κ B to down-regulate the expression of apoptosis-inhibitory genes , finally triggered endogenous caspase apoptosis pathway death in ovarian cancer cells .

  26. 许多研究提示食用较少肉类的人群在许多方面都更健康,而Sinha的团队提示肉类含有多种致癌化学因子,这也存在与最不健康形式的脂肪中。

    Many studies have shown that people who eat less meat are healthier in many ways , and Sinha 's team noted that meat contains several cancer-causing chemicals , as well as the unhealthiest forms of fat .

  27. 实验结果表明HSV&2(333)对小鼠无致癌作用,它是一种辅助致癌因子。

    These observations indicated that HSV-2 ( 333 ) was not a carcinogen itself , but a cocancerogen .

  28. 污染的水体是一个复杂的致癌物的混合体,其中存在着大量已知或未知的致癌因子,包括化学物质、病毒或物理性因子,癌症的发生往往是这些致癌因子协同作用的结果。

    A polluted water sample is a mixture that contains various types of potential carcinogens , such as chemicals and virus . These carcinogens often cooperate to cause cancer .