
zhì ái yīn sù
  • Carcinogenic factors;carcinogenic agent
  1. 结论在致癌因素的存在下,PCNA首先表达于卵圆细胞;PCNA表达的动态演变对肝癌的发生有一定的预警作用。

    Conclusion Under the experimental circumstance when liver cancer is caused by the carcinogenic agent , PCNA may be firstly expressed in the oval cells , and the dynamic expression of PCNA may be an indicator for the early diagnosis of hepatocarcinogenesis .

  2. 英国癌症研究院(CancerResearchUK)称,在英国,肥胖是仅次于吸烟的最大的、可预防性的致癌因素。在英国,肥胖是仅次于吸烟的可预防的最大致癌因素。

    Obesity1 is the biggest preventable cause of cancer in the UK after smoking .

  3. 在中国,乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染是最重要的致癌因素。

    Hepatitis B virus infection is the most important carcinogenic factors in China .

  4. 由于受到食入黄曲霉毒素B含量较高的食物及乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原携带率较高等致癌因素的影响,广西原发性肝癌的发病率居高不下。

    Because of eating aflatoxin B and carrying HBV surface antigen , there is a high incidence of primary hepatocellular carcinoma in Guangxi .

  5. 肺癌中p53基因突变类型和可能致癌因素分析

    Analysis of Mutation Types of p53 Gene and Possible Carcinogenic Factors in Lung Cancer

  6. 世界卫生组织也已将HBV划为自然存在的人类最重要的致癌因素之一。

    HBV has also been classified as one of the most important human carcinogens by World Health Organization ( WHO ) .

  7. 肿瘤通常是指机体在各种致癌因素作用下,由于某些特定染色体上的DNA损伤引起体细胞发生突变而导致其克隆性异常增生形成的新生物。

    The body always is affected by all kinds of carcinogenic factors that lead to tumor development . Tumor is a neoplasm which forms under some DNA impairment in definite chromosome that causes somatic cell mutation and clonally abnormality hyperplasia .

  8. 当这三个碱基发生突变,其表达的p21蛋白也发生改变,从而影响了细胞正常的信号传递,并在其他致癌因素作用下,使细胞发生癌变。

    When there is a mutation at this codon , changes occurs in the expressed p21 protein so that signal transduction is impacted . Accompanied with other factors , this process leads to carcinogenesis .

  9. 结论HPV感染可能是一部分肺鳞状细胞癌的致癌因素之一,这部分癌中P53的表达显著低于HPV阴性和存在游离状态HPV的病例。

    Conclusion HPV infection may be a particular agent in the patients with lung squamous cell carcinomas . The expression of P53 was significantly lower in HPV positive patients than that in those with negative HPV or episomal form HPV in lung squamous cell carcinomas .

  10. 我国石棉资源丰富、品种齐全,但个体作坊或不规范的生产车间石棉粉尘含量常超过国标(2mg/m~3),因此石棉仍然威胁我国接触工人健康的一种潜在性致癌因素。

    In China , asbestos resource is rich and all kind of asbestos can be seen , however asbestos fibers exceed over Chinese National Standard ( 2mg / m3 ) commonly in the private enterprises and abnormity workshops .

  11. 提示肿瘤微环境中的DJ-1蛋白可以作为化学预防治疗癌症的靶点,化学预防可以在早期对致癌因素进行控制,通过对微环境中多种细胞及细胞因子的干预而影响肿瘤表型。

    Tumor microenvironment suggest DJ-1 protein can serve as a target for cancer chemoprevention , Chemoprevention against cancer-causing factors in the early control , micro-environment through a variety of cells and cytokines affect tumor phenotype intervention .

  12. 膀胱癌最主要的致癌因素是抽烟。

    The most significant risk factor associated with Bladder cancer is smoking .

  13. 吸烟已被公认为引起肺癌的最重要的致癌因素之一。

    Tobacco intake is the main risk factor associated with lung cancer .

  14. 吸烟被认为是一个危险的致癌因素。

    Smoking has been implicated as a cancer risk factor .

  15. 化学因素、生物因素和物理因素是目前已知与恶性肿瘤发生密切相关的环境致癌因素。

    The environmental etiology of cancer includes chemical , physical and pathogenic factors .

  16. 恶性转化试验及其相关试验体系在环境致癌因素检测中的应用

    Application of malignant transformation test and relative test system in detection of environmental carcinogens

  17. 肿瘤生长的微环境是促进肿瘤进展和活化休眠的癌细胞的潜在致癌因素。

    The microenvironment of the tumor plays an important role in facilitating cancer progression and activating dormant cancer cells .

  18. 外部环境致癌因素是指环境中的污染物等导致罹患癌症的危险升高的因素。

    External environmental causes of cancer are factors in the environment such as pollutants that increase risk for cancer .

  19. 云南富源县阿依村肺癌的流行病学特征及环境致癌因素研究

    A study on epidemiological characteristics and environmental carcinogenic factors of lung cancer in Ayi village Fuyuan county , Yunnan

  20. 辐射作为一种致癌因素,在癌症形成中的作用已被充分证实。

    The importance of irradiation as an etiologic factor in the develpment of the cancer has been well documented .

  21. 目的:目前认为烟草、氡及其子体分别是人类肺癌第一位和第二位的致癌因素。

    Objective : Tabacco smoke and residential radon are the first and second leading cause of lung cancer in the world .

  22. 人体在如此短的时间内暴露于微量汞,不太可能作为充分的致癌因素而引起儿童白血病。

    Such brief exposure to minute amounts of mercury is unlikely to be a sufficient carcinogenic stimulus to trigger childhood leukaemia .

  23. 结论:乳腺癌并非孤立的局部病变,而是在乳腺致癌因素作用下逐渐发展而成。

    CONCLUSIONS : Breast cancer is not solitary local pathological changes , but it is gradually developing with the effect of cancer factor .

  24. 但每秒也有数百万个这样的错误纯粹是偶然发生&这种随机自发的突变可能是最普遍的一种致癌因素。

    But millions every second occur purely by chance & random , spontaneous glitches that may be the most pervasive carcinogen of all .

  25. 乙肝是排在烟草后面的第二大致癌因素,它比艾滋病更容易传播。

    Hepatitis B is , after tobacco , the second leading cause of cancer and it is more contagious than the HIV virus .

  26. 因此,我们认为,有关物理的致癌因素如放射性同位素,像生物、化学的致癌因素一样,亦能引起其转化细胞对外源性生长调节因子敏感性的改变。

    Our results showed that the sensitivity of transformed cells caused by radioactivity or biological and chemical agents to growth factors could also be altered .

  27. 上消化呼吸道多原发癌的病因欠明,外源性环境因素是重要的致癌因素,如烟酒嗜好,经过合理的治疗均可取得好的疗效。

    Pathogeny of multiple primary carcinoma was not clear , exogenous environmental factor was an important cancer-causing factor , such as tobacco and alcohol addiction .

  28. 他认为中医学病因内容与现代致癌因素有相近之处,也有特殊之类。两者既不能混为一谈,也不能对号入座。

    He believed that TCM etiology and modern carcinogenic factors have similarities , but also different in many ways , so the two cannot be confused .

  29. 本文着重讨论了环境中的三个致癌因素&多环芳烃、亚硝胺、黄曲霉素的来源、危害及其致癌机理研究的进展情况。

    In this review the sources , endangerment and carcinogensis mechanism of three carcinogenic factors-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAH ), Nitrosamines and Aflatoxin in Environment are mainly discussed .

  30. 其它一些可疑致癌因素如酒、茶、纳斯、酸奶、马奶、家族史等,未显示它与食管癌的发生有联系。

    No apparent relation to carcinoma formation was found among other doubtful factors , such as wine , tea , " Nas " , sour milk and horse milk etc.