
zhì jī xìnɡ
  • teratogenicity
  1. 六价铬(Cr(Ⅵ))是常见的重金属污染物之一,具有强的致癌性和致畸性,且在自然环境中可以稳定存在。

    Hexavalent chromium ( Cr (ⅵ)), which has intensive carcinogenicity and teratogenicity , is a kind of common heavy metal pollutants with high stability in natural environment .

  2. 顶体酶抑制剂(EGB)对小鼠致畸性的研究

    Study on teratogenicity of EGB in mice

  3. 类风湿性关节炎(RA)是一种顽固性、致畸性自身免疫性疾病。

    Rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ) is a serious autoimmune disease .

  4. 结论:囊内RF治疗耳廓假性囊肿,疗效确切,操作简单,无致畸性,适合临床推广使用。

    Conclusion : Radio frequency thermocoagulation is effective in treating perichondritis of auricle and applicable for clinical popularization .

  5. 方法:通过有关资料对有关的药物进行FDA分类和有关药物致畸性的分析。

    Methods : The teratogenic medicines were classified according to FDA and analysed through related data .

  6. 目的进一步研究同型半胱氨酸(HCY)的致畸性及作用机制。

    Objective To determine potential mechanisms by which HCY may exerts its teratogenic effects .

  7. 黄曲霉毒素B1具有高毒性、高致畸性和高致突变性,是危害最大的真菌毒素之一。

    Aflatoxin B1 ( AFB1 ), one of the most hazardous mycotoxins , is extremely toxic , mutagenic and carcinogenic .

  8. 结论氟有潜在的致畸性和胚胎毒性,胚胎组织GSH活性和卵黄囊细胞膜脂流动性降低可能在氟致胚胎发育毒性中起重要作用。

    Conclusions Fluoride could result in embryonic growth retardation and potential teratogenic toxicity . These effects might be due in part to decrease in GSH activity and membrane lipid fluidity .

  9. 目的:地氯雷他定(TY-DSL)的致畸性研究。

    Objective : To study on teratogenicity of TY DSL in mice .

  10. 结论吡哆素L-2-吡咯烷酮-5-羧酸酯在本实验条件对SD大鼠无致畸性,无作用剂量为400mg/kg,发育毒性的无作用剂量小于400mg/kg。

    Conclusion Under the presented experimental conditions , metadoxine has no teratogentic effects on SD rats and the no effect dose is 400 mg / kg . And the no effect dose for the developmental toxicity is less than 400mg / kg .

  11. 地氯雷他定(TY-DSL)对小鼠致畸性的研究

    Study on teratogenicity of TY-DSL in mice

  12. 结论:地氯雷他定(TY-DSL)对小鼠无致畸性。

    Conclusion : The present study showed that the TY DSL does not have teratogenicity in the mice .

  13. 复方枸杞子口服液对孕鼠致畸性的研究

    Study of teratogenicity of compound medlar oral solution in pregnant rats

  14. 蝙蝠葛酚性碱对大鼠的行为致畸性

    Behavioral teratogenicity of phenolic alkaloid of Menispermum dauricum in rats

  15. 甲氨基阿维菌素的致突变性、致畸性及亚慢性毒性的研究

    Studies on the mutagenicity , teratogenicity and subchronic toxicity of methylamino Abamectin

  16. 氯化钡的致畸性和致突变性研究

    The Study on the Teratogenesis and Mutagenesis of Barium Chloride

  17. 用水螅再生试验预筛检饮水氯化消毒副产物的致畸性

    Prescreening Teratogenicity of Chlorinated Products in Drinking Water by Hydra Regeneration Assay

  18. 药师对早期妊娠用药致畸性的分析和建议

    Analysis and suggestion of pharmacists on medicines causing malformation during the early pregnancy

  19. 避孕药醋炔诺酮肟对果蝇的致畸性和致突变性的研究

    Teratogenicity and mutagenicity of contraceptive drug norethisterone acetate 3 oxime in Drosophila melanogaster

  20. 国产沙拉沙星的体内致突变性和致畸性研究

    In vivo Mutagenic and Teratogenic Studies of Domestic Sarafloxacin

  21. 用水螅再生试验评价香烟烟雾的致畸性

    Teratogenetic evaluation of cigarette smoke using Hydra regeneration assay

  22. 拓扑替康对大鼠的胚胎毒性及致畸性研究

    Embryotoxicity and Teratogenicity Study of Topotecan in Rats

  23. 遗传学化验所〔卫生署〕地氯雷他定遗传毒性及致畸性实验研究

    Cytogenetic Laboratory [ Department of Health ] Study of genotoxicity and teratogenicity of DSL

  24. 硒酵母对大鼠的致畸性研究

    The teratogenic effect of selenium yeast on rat

  25. 目的研究氟化钠、甲基汞对骨组织的作用,以探讨其致畸性。

    Objective In this paper the teratogenic potential of fluoride and methylmercury were studied .

  26. 砷具有致癌、致突变和致畸性,是一种对免疫系统有害的物质。

    Arsenic is a known carcinogen and mutagen and is detrimental to the immune system .

  27. 石菖蒲主要成分α-细辛醚致畸性研究

    Studies on the teratogenicity of α - asarone , the essential component of oleum calamus

  28. 双酚A对植入后大鼠、小鼠胚胎致畸性的体外实验研究

    Teratogenicity of bisphenol A on post-implanted rat and mouse embryos : an in vitro study

  29. 地氯雷他定遗传毒性及致畸性实验研究

    Study of genotoxicity and teratogenicity of DSL

  30. 丹参茶的致突变性及致畸性试验

    Mutagenicity and Teratogenicity Tests of Danshen Tea