
  • To Youth;So Young;May
  1. 大陆近年也推出不少青春电影,如《致青春》和《小时代》等。

    In recent years , the mainland also produced some youth films , like " So Young " and " Tiny Times " .

  2. 低成本的接地气喜剧《泰囧》被认为是一种现象,正如《致青春》是低成本的关于青春的怀旧电影。

    The small-budget , tacky comedy Lost in Thailand was considered a phenomenon , as was So Young , a small-budget nostalgic film about youth .

  3. 除非苹果对这种厚颜无耻的行径做点什么,否则魅族这款致青春大礼有望在1月下半月进军西方市场。

    Unless Apple does something about this cheekiness , Meizu 's gift to the next generation is expected to head to the Western market in the second half of January .

  4. 随着赵薇的导演处女作《致青春》票房告捷,人们再次怀念起青春&那个载满激情与痛苦,希望与心碎交织的年代。

    With the box office success of So Young , directed by Zhao Wei , people are once again turning their nostalgic eyes to youth ― an era of passion and pain , of hope and heartbreak .

  5. 但是我们在另外一些热门青春片中已经看过许多类似的故事了,比如去年上映的《致青春》以及2011年的《那些年我们一起追过的女孩》,所以《同桌的你》似乎有些老生常谈。

    But after seeing similar stories several times in other popular youth films , such as last year 's So Young , and 2011 " s You 're the Apple of My Eye , it feels a bit cliched .

  6. 自她所导演的处女作《致青春》于2013年上映后,赵薇的事业走向了巅峰,几乎包揽了中国的各大奖项。同时她还购买了葡萄酒庄,投资了多家电影制作公司。

    After making her directorial debut with So Young in 2013 , Zhao has been riding on high tides , taking home prizes from many prestigious awards in China , whilst showing her entrepreneurship through purchasing wine chateaus and investing in film production companies .

  7. 开学季新生装备进入万元时代、月生活费千元起步、谈不起的校园恋爱、毕业季豪华消费致青春已成为人们热议的话题。

    The consumption of college students has become a hot topic , such as entrance equipment entering one million yuan times , monthly living expenses more than one thousand yuan , not affording the high cost of campus love , luxury consumption for youth in graduation season .