
  • 网络Compact star
  1. 致密星的边界层问题

    On the Boundary Layer of A Compact Star with Phase Transition

  2. 致密星的γ-模不稳定性与星体物质的粘滞性质密切相关,而粘滞性质的研究必须建立在一定的致密星物态方程的基础上。

    The r-mode instability of compact star is firmly related to the viscosity of the star , and to study the viscosity we have to study the equation of state of the star first .

  3. Ia型超新星是由像太阳一样重却像地球一样小的致密星爆炸而成,这样一颗超新星所发射出的光和整个银河系一样多。

    It is an explosion of an old compact star that is as heavy as the Sun but as small as the Earth . A single such supernova can emit as much light as a whole galaxy .

  4. 蓝致密星系谱的星族合成

    Stellar Population Synthesis for the Spectra of Blue Compact Galaxies star track

  5. 甚至由外壳相变加热还可能给出了一个理论的致密星极限温度曲线。

    Furthermore , a theoretical limit temperature line of compact stars is given by CSSs with deconfinement heating .

  6. 致密星是由于恒星塌缩而形成的一类致密天体,在它致密的核心中还可能发生强子物质到夸克物质的退禁闭相变。

    Compact stars are born in stellar gravitational collapse . The deconfinement phase transition is expected to occur at large densities in the cores of compact stars .

  7. 特别是最近几年,由于发现旋转致密星存在重要的r-模不稳定性,奇异夸克物质和中子物质体粘滞性的巨大差异受到了更大的重视。

    Especially in recent years , people pay more attention to the bulk viscosity of strange quark and neutron matter after the finding of important r-mode instability in rotating compact stars .

  8. 其次,我们采用小角速度展开的方法推导出转动致密星中γ-模式所满足的最低阶和二阶扰动方程组,进而解出了最低阶和二阶γ-模式。

    Secondly , we deduce the lowest and the second order perturbation equations of r-mode using the small angular-velocity expansion method , and give the lowest and the second order r-mode .

  9. 为了将不同的致密星区分开来,人们最容易想到的是物质状态方程的不同可能导致这些致密天体质量-半径关系的差异。

    In order to distinguish different compact objects , people easily bethink of the difference of mass-radius relations between them that may be caused by different equations of state ( EOS ) .

  10. 恒星的演化与核反应有关,演化到晚期的恒星一般要损失一部分质量,然后坍缩成致密星(白矮星、中子星或黑洞)。

    The evolution of fixed star having something to do with nuclear reaction , the star generally loses partial mass in its final period and finally collapses into compact star ( white dwarf , neutron star or black hole ) .

  11. 一般认为,脉冲星是由超密核物质构成的致密天体(中子星),但其内部物质成分到底如何至今仍在探索中。

    It is generally recognized that pulsar is the compact object ( neutron star ) composed of super dense matter , and its interior is still a mystery of astrophysics .

  12. 其中,致密天体如中子星或者黑洞的引力吸积可以将相当于大约10%的被吸积物质的静止质量转化为辐射,这是天体物理中最为有效的能源之一。

    About 10 % mass accreted by compact star , such as neutron star or black hole , can be transfered into radiation . It is known that accretion is one of the most efficient exoergic mechanisms in the universe .