
  • 网络tribal;Clan;the tribe
部族 [bù zú]
  • [tribe] 居住的部落氏族

  1. 美国政府将这块土地永久性划拨给该部族。

    The US Government gave the land to the tribe in perpetuity .

  2. 部族不得不改变它的沙文主义姿态。

    The tribe has been forced to modify its chauvinistic attitudes .

  3. 这4个省被严重的家族和部族纷争弄得四分五裂。

    The four provinces are riven by deep family and tribal conflicts

  4. 他们会回到自己部族的地盘上。

    They would go back to their tribal lands .

  5. 该部族的人认为举行这种仪式是大神的意志。

    The people believe that the performance of this ritual is the will of the Great Spirit .

  6. 这两个部族长期不和。

    The two tribes were long at feud with each other .

  7. 然而,在我们这个MOD的开始,居鲁士仅仅只是一个部族的领袖,独自一人对抗着超级大国。

    However , at the beginning of our mod he is just a tribal leader , alone against the super powers .

  8. 2002年访问昆士兰土著文化公园时,对土著部族领导人WilliamBrin说:你们现在还会互相扔长矛不?

    Do you still throw spears at each other ? To Aboriginal leader William Brin during a visit to the Aboriginal Cultural Park in Queensland , 2002 .

  9. 阿巴迪面对的最紧迫挑战是,争取让逊尼派部族反对ISIS,同时阻止库尔德人的独立努力。

    The most immediate challenge for Mr Abadi is to turn Sunni tribes against Isis and stall the Kurds ' drive towards independence .

  10. 也有人认为《圣经》中之所以着重描写了左撇子本杰明是因为他们的名字“Benjamin”寓意着“右手之子(sonofmyrighthand)”,所以那些惯用左手的本杰明部族就令人啼笑皆非的变成了“惯用左手的右手之子”。

    It 's also possible that the Bible took special note of specifically left-handed Benjamites because of the humor in their name : " Benjamin " translates as " son of my right hand , " so the left-handed Benjamites were , ironically , " left-handed right-handers . "

  11. 大部分属于Anga种族的部族都能根据需要时设置以上三种不同的陷阱。

    Most groups of Anga can set any of the three varieties of traps as needed .

  12. 杜克大学的宋Ticheng了部族,以纪念戴公爵戴宋。

    Duke Ticheng of Song took the clan Dai in memory of Duke Dai of Song .

  13. 在不同的岛内还有很多不同的族群,如在婆罗岛上的婆罗洲土著部族和Punan部落就拥有不同的生活方式。

    There are also quite different groups within many islands , such as Borneo , with its Dayak and Punan , who have different lifestyles and skintones .

  14. 走路两个小时,Langimar部族的人就能到达Kapau部族。Kapau部族使用砸落死陷阱,然而Langimar部族却选择不使用。

    Two hours walk away , the Kapau tribe uses the dead-fall , yet the Langimar choose not to .

  15. 他给出的证据是受害人脖子上精确的切口和鲜血流尽的躯体—一种被谴责为juju(某些西非部族所用的物神)的“神圣”礼物,或者可称为西非的巫术。

    His evidence was the precise slit in the victim 's neck and a body drained of blood - a divine tribute that is condemned as juju , or black magic , in West Africa .

  16. 就在河对面,他们能看见他们的邻居Menye部族的房子。Menye部族使用砸落死陷阱的技术十分高超。

    Right across the river the houses of the neighboring Menye tribe can be seen ; they use this type of trap – which is a very good technology .

  17. 有很多原生美国词汇形容这种鸟,包括黑脚部族把它叫做“omahksipi'kssii”,意思是“大鸟”。这么叫是有点含糊,没错,但是确实好过“珍珠鸡-公鸡-孔雀(guinea-fowl-rooster-peacock)”。

    There are numerous Native American words for the bird , including the Blackfoot term omahksipi'kssii , which literally means " big bird . " It 's a bit vague , sure , but it certainly beats guinea-fowl-rooster-peacock .

  18. 部族民兵不会接受和平协定。

    That the lnterhamwe militia will not heed the peace agreement .

  19. 我不是来这里看部族血战的。

    I didn 't come here to watch a tribal bloodbath .

  20. 该病的传播是由于部族人过度地按宗教仪式嗜食人肉。

    It was spread because the tribespeople indulged in ritual cannibalism .

  21. 你经营这个部族就像经营一个公司。

    You 're running this tribe like it was a corporation .

  22. 部族的传统由长者承袭相传。

    Tradition is pass on by the elders of the tribe .

  23. 其中的一个是那维何部族的一员。

    One of them was a member of the Navajo nation .

  24. 一个骄傲的部族,比大多数部落都诚实些。

    Wendigo : A proud tribe , more honest than most .

  25. 找工作的过程中,仍然是家庭和部族关系说了算。

    Family and tribal ties are what count in getting jobs .

  26. 那部族崛起,成为城邦。

    The tribe rose to power and became a nation state .

  27. 要么,狼人一个人追寻选中的部族。

    First , a werewolf may approach her chosen tribe alone .

  28. 问:这个部族的不孕症比率为何如此高?

    Q : Why is infertility so high in this community ?

  29. 艾伦斯教授对部族文化进行了广泛的研究。

    Professor Arens has surveyed a wide range of tribal cultures .

  30. 寻访最后的游牧部族秦汉北方游牧民族冠帽谈薮

    About Hats of Northern Nomadic Tribes during Qin and Han Times