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Experimental results show : ( 1 ) during partial melting , Mg # and Cr # of spinel increase with increasing degrees of melting ;
Low REE group and high REE group lamprophyres are 10 % and 4 % partial melting of the metasomatic enriched mantle .
The enclaves are remnants of rocks which partially melted to form granitoid magma .
The C-type adakite is formed by the partially melting of basaltic lower crust under the continental accretion setting or the delamination of lower crust .
High Vp / Vs values in the Jizhong depression might be exhibited by partially molten magma bodies .
- 2 production in rice during chemical plant pathogen interaction . The preliminary concentrations of U and Th occur in low degree partial melts .
The mantle source of late Jurassic mafic volcanic rocks were contributed by dominant EMI and insignificant subducted Metasomatic components ;
Early Cretaceous mafic volcanic rocks were derived from decompression melting of an ancient continental lithospheric mantle ( EMI ) .
The results indicate that the phenomenon of double melting peaks during DSC analysis is due to the partial melting and recrystallization of the crystallite at the moment of thermal scanning .
This kind of melt-rock interaction makes the uppermost mantle enriched in Si , which might be the key to know the compositional characteristics of continental crust .
A partial melting process used to prepare YBa_2Cu_3O_ ( 7 - δ) superconducting ceramics is reported .
Mantle fluids are apparently abundant in CO 2 , sulfides , LILE and REE , and they cause mantle metasomatism and partial melt .
Auriferous M I granite was resulted from the late stage fractional melting of the lower crust source rock which pocessed high degree of partial melting and oxidation environment .
When partial melting happened at high temperatures , H_2O and K will participate into melt and form K-rich magma .
The carbonatite may be produced by mechanisms as follows : the carbonatite magma is directly formed by very low degree ( F < 1 % ) partial melting of enriched lithospheric mantle , leaving residual minerals characterized by abundant garnet ;
During the evolution of these granitoids which resulted from rejuvenation and anatexis of the old basement ( 1200-2000Ma ), the main ways for REE differentiations were : ( 1 ) partial melting ;
They are formed from alkali basaltic magma that slightly melted out of continental mantle by AFC mixing in depth , especially by the fractional crystallization in shallow horizon .
The K-rich melt that resulted from partial melting of UHP clinopyroxene could account for the genesis of post-collisional K-rich magmatism .
Connecting with the study of isotopic geochemistry of Nd and Sr , it is concluded that the magmatic rocks of this region originated from partial melting within upper mantle and lower crust . The magmatism took place in the geological setting from extrusion to spread .
The REE of calc-alkali basalt and tholeiite are characterized by lower amounts of REE and LREE-depleted distribution pattern and which reflect that the basalts were formed by the partial melting of LREE-depleted and slightly HREE-rich mantle .
Dehydration Partial Melting Experiment on Solid Eclogite at 0.1 GPa : The Influence of Localized Melting System and Temperature
Shortly afterwards , at about 451 ± 18 Ma , the high-grade metamorphism and / or partial melting took place .
The formation environments of TTG together with the results of previous studies imply that Neoproterozoic granites were formed by melted basaltic ocean crust under the condition of plate subduction along the western margin of Yangtze block .
High-Mg volcanic rocks approach the primitive mantle compositions , and their magmatic source is close to the composition of BSE , derives from the lower mantle and formed by this type - mantle rocks ' fractional melting highly ( > 25 % ) .
At the temperature of 680 ℃, biotite and plagioclase became dehydrated-melted and partially melted , transformed into muscovite , epidote , hercynite , quartz , etc. ;
Modeling shows that a 7 % partial melt of primitive mantle containing 0.01 % of sulfides can account for the observed Os , Ir and Ru concentrations in the most primitive picrite if the melt is contaminated by 10 % of black shale en route to the surface .
The tomographic result shows that there is a P wave low velocity zone ( LVZ ) in the upper crust beneath the Tengchong volcanic area . The LVZ is in the depth of 7 ~ 8 km and may be a small magma chamber or a partial melting body .
The third group of volcanic rocks ( VTG-III ) consists of highly depleted MORB-type lavas , and is believed to have been generated by partial melting of the depleted mantle wedge in an inter-arc basin .
The predominantly HT alkaline lavas were generated by low degrees of partial melting in the garnet stability field of the mantle source . The chemical variation of the HT lavas is controlled by a clinopyroxene ( Cpx ) [ ± olivine ( Ol ) ] fractionation .
SHRIMP U-Pb concordia ages of the cores of rounded zircons are 620 and 219 Ma , suggesting that the parental magma for the quartz diorite porphyry may have been derived from partial melting of basement materials of the South China block that had been modified by ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism .