
  • 网络Some members;partial membership
  1. 而部分成员国的年储蓄率达到了GDP的1/3。

    and some OECD countries saving over a third of their GDP per year .

  2. 方法完成家系调查和神经科体检,部分成员行头部MRI和视觉、听觉诱发电位;

    Methods Pedigree analysis and clinical examinations were performed in one family , of which brain MRI , visual and auditory evoked potential were available in part of numbers .

  3. 八国集团(g8)部分成员正试图加大国际社会在气候变化方面采取行动的力度,但这一努力遭到美国政府的强烈反对。

    Attempts to step up international action on climate change among the group of eight industrialised nations are being strongly contested by the US government .

  4. 星期天,美国南卡来罗纳州议会外平静无事。之前主张白人至上的组织三K党的部分成员星期六在州议会外集会,抗议南卡取下内战纪念碑悬挂的邦联旗帜,他们与在附近示威的非洲裔美国人发生对峙。

    All is calm outside the southern U.S. South Carolina statehouse Sunday , a day after scuffles broke out when the white supremacy group Ku Klux Klan protesting the removal of the Confederate flag came face-to-face with African-American activists demonstrating nearby .

  5. 从V9.7开始,您可以将角色限制为只访问一个维度的部分成员。

    Starting with V9.7 , you can limit the members that a role can access to a subset of the members of the dimension .

  6. 今年6月以来油价下跌了30%,为石油输出国组织(OPEC,简称欧佩克)的几个成员国带来了财政上的压力,并促使部分成员国在本周的维也纳部长级会议上呼吁削减产能。

    Oil prices have fallen 30 per cent since June , putting financial strain on several members of Opec , the oil producers ' cartel , and leading some to call for cuts in production at its ministerial meeting in Vienna this week .

  7. 他在6月12日出版的英国《金融时报》上撰文称,IASB并非全体人员都具备制定真正实用的会计准则所必需的经验和智慧。他呼吁部分成员应该换人。

    In a letter on the 12 June 's Financial Times , he says the IASB does not collectively have the necessary experience and wisdom to produce truly useful accounting rules and he calls for some members to be replaced .

  8. 国际反假联盟(IACC)部分成员与电商巨头阿里巴巴(Alibaba)上月的冲突,是一个传奇人物之间慷慨激昂的故事,展现了品牌所有人与全球最大在线平台之间不断深化的敌意。

    A collision last month between members of the International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition ( IACC ) and ecommerce giant , Alibaba , is a tale of high emotions , larger-than-life characters and festering animosity between brand owners and the world 's largest online platform .

  9. 随后,考察团部分成员表示将考虑在珠海投资置业。

    Some delegation members later said they would consider investment in Zhuhai .

  10. 因此,欧洲央行部分成员认为这可能不是一个好现象。

    So it may not bode well with some members .

  11. 这些仅是我们小组的部分成员。

    So these are only some of the team .

  12. 每支团队都安排一部分成员负责系统测试。

    Every team sets up some subset of their members to do system testing .

  13. 他们是我的管理小组的部分成员。

    They are part of my management team .

  14. 以上是部分成员名单,如需全部名单请与我们联系。

    This is part of delegate list , for complete list , please contact us .

  15. 美国情报专家说部分成员在欧洲,非洲和美洲活动。

    American intelligence experts say some members are active in europe , Africa and the americas .

  16. 成员资格仅对部分成员的有关机构开放的机构或体系。

    Body or system whose membership is open to the relevant bodies of only some of the Members .

  17. 结论:该家族部分成员染色体不稳定性增加,对鼻咽癌的易感性有其内在的遗传背景。

    Conclusion : Some members in the family have an increasing chromosome instability , possibly predisposing to NPC .

  18. 他的儿子、孙子、邻居和高中摔跤队的部分成员一起上阵帮忙。

    His son , grandson , neighbors and part of the high school wrestling team rode up to help .

  19. 费尔班克斯被判定是胜者,这一决定激怒了拳击团体中很大一部分成员。

    Fairbanks was adjudged the winner , a decision which has outraged a good few members of the boxing fraternity .

  20. 当时,来自惠普创始人家族部分成员的反对意见曾差一点令该公司股东拒绝这一收购计划。

    Dissent from some members of the HP founders ' families almost led to a rejection of the deal by shareholders .

  21. 董事会的一部分成员担心,吉莱特有意改变计划而只是与默西塞德郡同城死敌埃佛顿共用一个球场。

    There were fears among some board members that Gillett intended to revive plans for a ground share with Merseyside rivals Everton .

  22. 这表示对某个团队非常有效的东西,对另一个团队或其部分成员可能没那么有帮助。

    This means that what worked wonders for one team may not be helpful to the next , or not for every member .

  23. 一种文化或社会的部分成员未能跟上这种文化的其他部分的发展。

    The failure of one sector of a culture or society to keep up with the development of other sectors of the culture .

  24. 少数人群体凝聚着社会部分成员的群体利益和政治力量,对社会的安定和谐有着不可忽视的影响。

    A minority group embodies the interests of members of social groups and political power , has a influence on social stability and harmony .

  25. 其他人,包括美联储的部分成员,可能会反驳说,发生这一转变,是由于某些规则已变得非常不可靠。

    Others , including some at the Fed , might retort that the shift occurred because some of those rules were becoming very discredited .

  26. 部分成员于春节期间返回南昌。俱乐部成员用英语分享自己新年的计划,分享职业发展中的体验感受,逸闻趣事。

    The English party will be held for the sharing of the members on the topics of the new year plan and career development .

  27. 这21位科学家为对讲机国际研究小组的部分成员,该小组研究资金部分由移动电话公司赞助。

    The21 scientists were part of a group known as the Interphone International Study Group which was funded in part by money from mobile phone companies .

  28. 关键的是,这一部分成员中还有人表示,在逐渐缩减资产购买之前,他们需要看到的不仅是就业增加,还有经济增速的提升。

    Crucially , some of those members said they would need to see an acceleration in the economy as well as more jobs growth before tapering .

  29. 然而这些保护措施的滥用,影响了世贸组织框架中的贸易保护机制的正常运行,而且导致相当一部分成员尤其是发展中成员的贸易条件趋于恶化。

    As a result , trade protection mechanism of WTO isn 't able to function normally , but trade terms of the developing members tend to worsen .

  30. 培训过后,参加培训的部分成员还组织了茶话聚会,探讨和交流了志愿工作的感受和经验。

    Some of the participants also went on with a get-together after the training to have more discussion and communication on the experience and feeling of voluntary work .