
shān dōnɡ shěnɡ
  • Shandong Province
  1. 山东省的长岛和辽宁省的老铁山遥遥相对。

    Changdao of Shandong Province and Laotieshan of Liaoning Province face each other across a great distance .

  2. 山东省以其丰富的农业资源而闻名遐迩。

    Shandong province is famous for its abundant agricultural resources .

  3. 山东省HIV抗体诊断试剂检测评价

    Testing evaluation of HIV antibody diagnostic reagents in Shandong Province

  4. 基于ANN的山东省可持续发展水平的区域差异

    Study on Regional Differentiations of Sustainable in Shandong Based on Artificial Neural NetWork

  5. 基于RS和GIS的土地利用动态变化与机制分析&以山东省蓬莱市为例

    Analysis of Land-use Dynamic Change in Penglai City Based on RS and GIS and its Mechanism

  6. 新世纪WTO与外向型经济下的区际资源优化&以山东省为例

    Changing for Agriculture Resources on Area Borders under the Outside Type Agriculture Economy of New Century Taking Shangdong Province as An Example

  7. 城乡交错带土地资源优化配置研究&以山东省H县为例

    Study on the Land - Use Optimization of the Rural - urban fringe - A Case Study of H County of Shandong Province

  8. 以山东省工业废水排放量为例,建立了GM(1,1)高阶残差预测模型。

    As an example , such a model for predicting the discharge quantity of industrial wastewaters in Shandong province is developed .

  9. 山东省临沂地区710例EB病毒VCA&IgA抗体检测结果的分析

    Analysis of results of 710 cases of epstein barr virus vca iga antibody in Linyi Prefecture

  10. 目的:搞清山东省费县地区秋冬型恙虫病疫源地宿主动物种类及其携带恙虫病立克次体(Rt)情况。

    In order to find out the hosts of Rt in natural focus of autumn-winter type scrub typhus in Fei county , Shandong province .

  11. 山东省农村已婚育龄妇女RTI干预与病原体筛查方法研究

    A Study on the Intervention for RTI of Rural Fertile Married Women in Shandong Province and a Method of Multiplex-PCR Test for RTI Pathogens

  12. 以公平性和效益性指标为基础,同时将层次分析法和LOGIT模型应用在该领域,建立客运模式选择模型。最后,以山东省为例,进行客运交通模式选择分析。

    To fairness and efficiency of the indicators , while the level of analysis and LOGIT models are applied in the field , the establishment of passenger mode choice model . Finally , in Shandong province , carry on passenger transport mode selection analysis .

  13. 首先利用主成分分析法,通过DPS数据处理系统,对15个指标因子进行降维处理,确定出主成分,然后运用系统聚类方法中的离差平方和标准对山东省进行灌溉农业分区。

    Make use of the Principal Component Analysis Method to make sure of the principal component , through dealing with 15 indexes by the DPS data processing system , and then make use of the Clustering Analysis to carry on the dividing zone for the agriculture irrigation .

  14. 通过测定山东省三种土壤类型‘红星’苹果园耕层上和叶片的养分含量,运用DRIS、M&DRIS和DOP法对山东省红星苹果的营养状况进行了诊断。

    The mineral element content of top soil and leaves sampled from three soil types ' starking Delicious ' apple orchards in Shandong were analysed . The nutrient diagnosis of apple leaf in different soil types orchard were investigated by DRIS . M-DRIS and DOP .

  15. 山东省曲阜市旅游资源分类与评价

    Classification and Evaluation of Tourism Resources in QuFu , Shandong Province

  16. 山东省羊产业发展的技术经济分析

    A technical analysis for the sheep raising industry in Shandong province

  17. 山东省花卉蚜虫和螨类名录

    A list of aphids and mites of flowers of Shandong Province

  18. 山东省艾滋病流行特征及流行趋势分析

    Analysis on the characteristic and trend of AIDS epidemics in Shandong

  19. 山东省泰安市土地利用可持续评价方法研究

    Evaluation of sustainable land use of Tai'an city in Shandong Province

  20. 山东省恙虫病流行状况分析

    Analysis of the Epidemic Status of Tsutsugamushi Disease in Shandong Province

  21. 山东省黑热病防治效果的免疫学评价与有关问题的探讨

    Immunological evaluation of kala & azar control measures in Shandong Province

  22. 山东省鼠类地理分布与鼠害防治研究

    The distribution of rodents and rodent pest control in Shandong Province

  23. 山东省发展高效棉业的对策

    The Countermeasure of Developing High Effective Cotton Farming in Shandong Province

  24. 山东省强对流天气雷达回波气候特征

    The Radar Echo Climatic Features of Severe Convective Weather in Shandong

  25. 知识经济对山东省产业发展与结构调整的启示

    Enlightened on the industrial structure of Shandong Province by knowledge economy

  26. 山东省发展高效生态林业的设想

    The Principles Behind the Highly-Effective Development of Eco-forestry in Shandong Province

  27. 山东省沿海软骨鱼的种类与分布

    The species and distribution of cartilaginous fish in Shandong province coast

  28. 山东省土壤系统分类试拟

    An attempt to establish a soil classification system in Shandong Provence

  29. 山东省金刚石矿中的绿色钻石及其特征

    The green diamond in Shandong green diamond ore and its characteristics

  30. 技术进步对山东省就业总量影响实证分析

    The Statistical Analysis of Advanced Technology on Employment for Shandong Province