
  • 网络Shanxi Medical University;sxmu.edu.cn
  1. 实验研究采用山西医科大学动物中心的普通级雄性Wistar大鼠,随机分为实验组与对照组。

    The experiment uses the general male Wistar rats from the Animal Center of Shanxi Medical University , and the rats are divided into experimental group and contrastive group at random .

  2. 文章研究的目的在于:通过收集整理山西医科大学SCI论文评价和使用的本土化过程,深入分析SCI在我国高校中的利用现状。

    This article aims at analyzing the utilization status of the SCI in our universities through collecting the using of SCI evaluation in Shanxi Medical University and promoting us to treat this tool properly .

  3. 超声心动图心功能山西医科大学硕士学位论文测定(sv、eo、EF、el、Fs),并与TH水平进行相关分析。

    Criteria ( SV , CO , CI , EF , FS ) of cardiac function were measured by ultrasonic cardiography and were compared with the thyroid level so as to investigate the relationship between them .

  4. 方法:实验选取山西医科大学第二医院病理科2000~2005年间经手术切除的GCT石蜡包埋组织30例。

    Methods : We select 30 GCT paraffin samples which had been excised in surgery between 2000 and 2005 from the pathology department of the second hospital of Shanxi medical college .

  5. 方法:实验于2003-04/2005-04在山西医科大学外科实验室完成。选用清洁级健康成年SD大鼠48只,随机分为透明质酸治疗组和生理盐水对照组,各24只。

    METHODS : This experiment was conducted at the Laboratory of Surgical Department Shanxi Medical University between April 2003 and April 2005.Totally 48 SD healthy rats of clean degree were randomly divided into hyaluronic acid treatment group and normal saline control group with 24 rats in each one .

  6. 目的在PCPA倡导理论的指导下,培养山西医科大学公共卫生学生的控烟倡导行动能力;

    Objective : Under the guidance of the PCPA theory , so as to construct advocacy ability of the public health students in Shanxi Medical University about tobacco control ;

  7. 为搞好山西医科大学新校园塑胶运动场的规划布置,提出了运动场全面塑胶化的设计构想。

    The design idea of overall plastic sports ground is proposed ;

  8. 我妈妈是个老师,在山西医科大学。

    My mother is a teacher in Shanxi medical university .

  9. 山西医科大学硕士研究生生存质量现况及其影响因素研究

    Shanxi Medical University , Master of the Status of Graduate Quality of Life and Its Influencing Factors

  10. 山西医科大学第一附属医院住院楼工程项目施工技术与管理研究

    Inpatient Building of the First Affiliated Hospital of Shanxi Medical University Engineering Project Construction Technology and Management Research

  11. 目的探讨山西医科大学骨科住院患者术前抑郁症发生情况、影响因素及护理对策。

    Objective : To explore the orthopedic hospital of Shanxi Medical University , preoperative incidence of depression , factors and nursing .

  12. 根据山西医科大学新校区地处盐碱地的立地条件,对新校区进行了园林绿化规划;

    According to the new campus soil condition of ShanXi medicine university , this paper does a garden greening planning for it .

  13. 本系统的软件产品已在山西医科大学第一医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科使用。

    Software of the system has been in operation in the Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery , Shanxi Medical University Hospital .

  14. 第三部分从用户角度对山西医科大学重点用户需求满足率及文献保障率做了调查与分析。

    In the third section , an investigation and analysis on the demand ratio and document supporting ratio for the key user was studied .

  15. 方法:1.收集成年男性髂骨松质骨(由山西医科大学第二临床医学院骨科手术室在正常手术过程中提供)。

    Collection of adult males iliac cancellous bone ( Second Clinical Medical College of Shanxi Medical orthopedic operating room in normal surgical procedure ) .

  16. 本文开发了一个可用的HMISC,该系统已经在山西医科大学第二临床医院以及山西省太原市、大同市和忻州市的多家社区使用。

    The system has been used in the Secondary Clinical Hospital of Shanxi Medical College as well as many communities in Taiyuan , Datong and Xinzhou .

  17. 地方医药院校教师知识产权保护意识现状的调查与思考&以山西医科大学为例

    A Survey on the Teachers ' Consciousness of Intellectual Property Rights Protection in Local Medical and Pharmaceutical Universities & taking Shanxi Medical University as an example

  18. 在调查中,17.98%的育龄妇山西医科大学在职研究生硕士学位论文2002女在孕期接触农药、化肥可疑致畸因素;

    During the investigation , 17.89 percent of women at child-bearing age have contact with pesticide and fertilizer , which we doubt to be the factors of deformity .

  19. 从文化视角看中西大学物理课堂教学模式山西医科大学学报(基础医学教育版)

    Compare the University Physical Teaching Mode between China and the Western Country from Cultural Angle of View Journal of Shanxi Medical University ( Preclinical Medical Education Edition )

  20. 以山西医科大学为例,对大学生知识产权保护意识的现状进行详细的调查与分析。

    Taking Shanxi Medical University as an example , the paper investigates and analyzes the current situation of students ′ consciousness of intellectual property rights ( IPR ) protection .

  21. 方法回顾分析了山西医科大学第一临床医学院耳鼻喉科收治的193例小儿急性喉炎,其中25例单纯用抗生素治疗,另168例加用糖皮质激素治疗。

    Methods The clinical data of 193 children with acute laryngitis was analysed . The patients consisted of 25 treated with antibiotics only and 168 treated with glucocorticoids besides antibiotics .

  22. 辽西医巫闾山变质核杂岩中间流变层变形特征山西医科大学学报(基础医学教育版)

    Deformation Characteristics of Middle Ductile Rheological Bed of the Yiwul ü shan Metamorphic Core Complex in Western Liaoning Province Journal of Shanxi Medical University ( Preclinical Medical Education Edition )

  23. 采集2009年1月至2009年4月间于山西医科大学第二医院产科正常分娩的新生儿脐带血,分离单核细胞。

    Collected from January , 2009 to April , 2009 of collected umbilical cord blood from neonatus with Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University between the normal obstetric delivery . 3 .

  24. 结构化系统设计分为模块结构设计、数据存储设计、代码设计、输出设计、输入设计山西医科大学2002年硕士学位论文几个部分。

    There are five sections in the part of structured system design , which are module structure design , data access design , code design , input design and output design respectively .

  25. 西方国家和中国的红线不太一样,山西医科大学医学伦理学专家邓蕊接受电话采访时表示。

    The ' red line ' in the West and in China are not too similar , Deng Rui , a medical ethicist at Shanxi Medical University , said in a telephone interview .

  26. 于是他在丹佛技术学院学习两年,获得了建筑学设计的专科学位。山西医科大学第一附属医院住院楼工程项目施工技术与管理研究

    So he attended the Denver Institute of Technology for two years and earned an associate 's degree in architectural drafting . Inpatient Building of the First Affiliated Hospital of Shanxi Medical University Engineering Project Construction Technology and Management Research

  27. 结果表明,山西医科大学与国内两所重点院校在医学数字信息资源的数量与质量方面均有明显差距,显示山西省高校医学数字信息资源建设相对较为滞后,表现出滞后性;

    The results indicated that an obvious difference between Shanxi Medical University with the above two key university lying in both the quality and the quantity showing that the construction of the digitalized medical information resources in Shanxi Province lagged .

  28. 第二部分首次开展了国内两所重点高校医学图书馆(北京大学和复旦大学)所拥有的医学数字信息资源与山西医科大学作了比较研究。

    In the second section , a comparative study on the difference of the digitalized medical information resources in the library between the two famous key universities ( Beijing University and Fudan University ) and Shanxi Medical University was done .

  29. 再应用本研究开发的护患沟通情景素材对山西医科大学第一临床医院新招聘的2005年7月毕业的62名应届护士采用随机对照的方法进行为期十周的实验研究。

    Then by use of the developed nurse-patient communication situational materials to make ten weeks experimental research by means of random and comparison on 62 nurses graduated in July 2005 who were employed by the First Clinical Hospital of Shanxi Medical University .

  30. 从信息素养的内涵、医学人员的信息素养、提高信息素养的重要性以及具体的教育方法等几方面论述了山西医科大学近几年来在提高医学人员信息素养方面的实践和经验。

    This paper introduces the practice and experiences of improving the information literacy of medical personnel in Shanxi Medical University in the past few years in respect of the connotation and importance of the information literacy , and methods of the information literacy education .