
shān dì qì hòu
  • mountainous climate
  1. 山地气候难以预料是人所共知的。

    Mountain weather is notoriously difficult to predict .

  2. 我国山地气候研究的几个问题

    Some problems on the studies of mountain climate in China

  3. 开发山地气候资源,调整柑桔品种结构

    Exploiting Mountain Climatic Resources and Adjusting Structure of Orange Variety

  4. 关于山地气候资料的延长和推算问题

    Statistical data the reduction and calculation of climatic elements in Mountainous Areas

  5. 山地气候要素空间分布的模拟

    Simulation of the distribution of climatic elements in Mountainous Areas

  6. 山地气候评价的意义和内容

    On the significance and content of mountain Climatic Evaluation

  7. 论山地气候对公路交通的影响

    The Climate in Mountainous Area Influences on Highway Traffic

  8. 福建山地气候生态特征及其宜茶气候带的划分

    Hilly area 's climatic features and ecologically zoning for tea growing in Fujian Province

  9. 贵州省低纬山地气候变化趋势

    Trends of Climate Change over Low Latitude Upland

  10. 宁夏南部半干旱山区山地气候的观测分析

    Observation and Analysis on Mountain Climate in the Semi-arid Mountainous District in South of Ningxia

  11. 并论述了山地气候评价的具体内容。

    Industrial and urban evaluations are discussed .

  12. 四川盆东南山地气候与水稻生态的关系

    The relationship between the mountain climate and rice ecology in the southeast of the Sichuan Basin

  13. 滇东北山地气候特征

    Mountain climate features of Northeast Yunnan

  14. 多样的山地气候、生物、地形及成土母质,形成了众多的土壤类型以及土壤垂直分布差异。

    The various mountain climate , biology , landform and parent material lead to numerous soil types and different distribution of soils in verticality .

  15. 山区气温空间分布推算方法的研究是山地气候研究的重要组成部分,对于合理利用山区气候资源具有重要意义。

    Simulating spatial distribution of mountain temperature is important in the mountain climate studies . It has great significance for effectively using climate resource in mountain area .

  16. 高山永久冰雪带.进而提出了合理开发利用天山山地气候资源,以促进当地经济发展。

    High mountain permanent snow-ice zone . The aim of the thesis offeres scientific basis for research on mountainy climate in Tianshan Mountains and development of local economy .

  17. 贵州还可充分利用山地气候和森林小气候的优势,发展疗养旅游,把潜在的旅游气候资源转化为旅游优势资源。

    Guizhou can also make full use of climatic advantages in mountainous and forest areas and develop convalescence tourism to change the potential climate resources of tourism into resources .

  18. 农业生产结构不合理;提了充分利用山地气候资源、实现立体化农业布局和提高区域的植被覆盖率是山西省农业气候资源发展的方向。

    Putting forward fully use mountain climate resources , realize three-dimensional layout of agriculture and enhance regional vegetation cover are the direction of the development of agricultural climate resources in Shanxi .

  19. 海洋型冰川所在山地气候水热组合状况最佳,自然旅游资源类型多,生物多样性丰富,可进入性强,离客源市场较近,许多冰川资源现已被开发为特色旅游产品。

    The typical temperate-glacier is best in terms of hydro-thermal combination with a mountain climate and can offer various kinds of nature tourism because of its rich bio-diversity and easy access .

  20. 在分析六盘山山地气候特征的基础上,探讨了六盘山山地对宁夏固原地区气候的影响.指出六盘山山地促使固原地区形成3个不同的干湿气候区;

    Based on the climate feature of Mountain Liupan , its influence to the climate of Guyuan area in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region was studied . Then , three different climate area in Guyuan area resulting from Mountain Liupan is got .

  21. 不断延伸的沙漠、严酷的山地气候和地震在漫长的岁月中都起到了破坏作用,时间是指缝的流沙,流走岁月却也过滤出最珍贵、最美好、最深重的东西。

    Advancing deserts , severe mountain weather and tremors have all taken their toll . Time is a way slipping through one 's finger like quicksand , however , something dearest and finest and the most precious will be in existence forever .

  22. 山地小气候对葡萄与葡萄酒的影响

    The effect of microclimate of hilly vineyard on grape and wine quality

  23. 宜兴丘陵山地农业气候分析及决策规划

    Agroclimatic anaiysis and decision planning for the Yixing hilly area

  24. 鄂西南山地垂直气候生境地带

    The Vertical Climatic Habitat Zones in Mountainous Regions in South-western Hubei Province

  25. 山地农业气候与山地生态经济

    Mountain Agroclimate and Ecological Economy

  26. 山地小气候模拟研究进展

    Advances in Mountain Microclimate Simulation

  27. 山地的气候有一个特点,阳光在寒冬的景物上散发出一阵亲切的温暖。

    It was one of the peculiarities of that moutain climate that its rays diffused a kindly warmth over the wintry landscape .

  28. 浙江山地农业气候资源分布特征与农业生产长白山地泥炭分布、沉积速率与全新世气候变化

    Distribution of Agroclimatic Resources and Agricultural Production in the Hilly Land of Zhejiang Province Distribution , Accumulation Rate of Peat in the Changbaishan Mountains and Climate Change in Holocene

  29. 探讨了浙江山地农业气候资源分布的四个特征:垂直地带性、水平地段性、空间季相位移性和多层次立体网络性及其与农业生产的关系。

    The distribution of agroclimatic resources in the hilly land of Zhejiang Province is characterized by the vertical layer , different horizontal locations , the displacement with space and time , and a stereo network .

  30. 每个县级单位内,位于不同生态格局上的松林都有不同的风险值,这与松林离疫区、交通要道和居民区的距离有关,也与山地微气候等有关。

    In each county , the pine forest situated in different ecological pattern has different risk value . This is relative to the distance of the forest in disease zones , communication roads and inhabitant zones and also it is relative to microclimate around hills .