
Mǎ Ěr Dài Fū
  • Maldives
  1. 这种早餐在亚洲和太平洋地区特别受欢迎,尤其在泰国、斐济和马尔代夫等地气候温暖的私人度假村。

    These breakfasts are particularly popular in Asia and the Pacific , especially at warm-weather private villa resorts in places like Thailand , Fiji and the Maldives .

  2. 每次雪莉去度假,她脸书主页的更新就满满地全是地理位置炫耀,“在巴黎小睡······”、“人在马尔代夫,准备潜水啦”之类的。

    For example : Every time when Shelly goes on vacation , her Facebook page is filled with geobragging updates , such as " Taking a nap ... in Paris " and " ready to dive in the Maldives " .

  3. 由于北京等城市频繁出现的雾霾天气,一些旅行社推出了前往空气质量较好的城市的旅游线路,包括中国南方的桂林、丽江、三亚以及巴厘岛、马尔代夫以及普吉岛等海外目的地。

    Given the frequent smog in cities like Beijing , some travel agencies have promoted tours to places known for good air quality like the southern Chinese cities of Guilin , Lijiang and Sanya and overseas destinations of Bali , Maldives and Phuket .

  4. 马尔代夫卢菲亚的最常用符号是mrf和rf。

    The most commonly used symbols for the Rufiyaa are MRF and RF .

  5. 旅游业是马尔代夫最大的产业,它占了gdp的20%和马尔代夫外汇的60%多。

    Tourism , Maldives " largest industry , accounts for 20 % of GDP and more than 60 % of the Maldives " foreign exchange receipts .

  6. 马尔代夫卢菲亚(迪维西语,货币代码mvr)是马尔代夫的官方货币。

    The Maldivian Rufiyaa ( dhivehi , currency code MVR ) is the official currency of the Maldives .

  7. 马尔代夫的新总统已发誓要加强群岛的海洋保护,但他的政府迄今迟迟没有响应Stevens的想法。

    A new Maldives president has vowed to strengthen the archipelago 's marine protections , but his government has so far been slow to respond to Stevens 's idea .

  8. 马尔代夫总统穆罕默德纳希德(MohamedNasheed)今天辞去了总统职位。此前他下令逮捕该国一名高级法官的行为引发了争议,导致持续数周的公众抗议。

    Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed has resigned following weeks of public protests over his controversial order to arrest a senior judge .

  9. “高大的潮头过后我们能看到一些蝠鲼,”GuyStevens说道,他是一位研究马尔代夫蝠鲼三年之久的英国海洋生物学家。

    Cue Manta birostris . " Just after high tide you 'll see a few manta rays turn up ," says Guy Stevens , a British marine biologist who 's been researching the Maldives mantas for the past three years .

  10. McKechnie说,世行有可能在1月份确定为马尔代夫提供的补充援助的确切数额。

    McKechnie says the Bank will probably decide in January on the exact amount of additional support it will provide in the Maldives .

  11. 伦敦onealdwychhotel所有者戈登坎贝尔格雷(gordoncampbellgray)描述了一位前往马尔代夫的朋友收到的一封电子邮件,邮件来自他们即将入住的豪华酒店,信中问他们想在迷你酒吧得到什么服务。

    Gordon Campbell gray , the owner of the one Aldwych hotel in London , recounts how a friend heading for the Maldives received an e-mail from the luxury resort they were staying at , enquiring what they would like in the mini bar .

  12. McKechnie说,虽然马尔代夫的国内资金可以弥补大约一半的预算缺口,但另一半资金则需要国际组织和捐助国提供。

    McKechnie says while about half the amount needed can be financed domestically , the other half needs to come from international organizations and donor countries .

  13. Majeediyya学校是马尔代夫第一所西式学校,1927年重建。

    The first western-style school in the Maldives is the Majeediyya School , a secondary established in1927 .

  14. 今年3月份,集广公司(ZegrahmExpeditions)在2015年的所有航线中,免除了三条的单人附加费:黑海环海行,印度、斯里兰卡和马尔代夫行,还有南乔治亚岛环岛行。

    In March , Zegrahm Expeditions eliminated the single supplement on three of its 2015 trips : a circumnavigation of the Black Sea ; a visit to India , Sri Lanka and the Maldives ; and a circumnavigation of South Georgia Island .

  15. 在马尔代夫,马尔代夫护理理事会负责一般护理学的副主任AminathSaeed报告说,护理方面的职业发展机会有限。

    In the Maldives , Aminath Saeed , deputy director of general nursing at the Maldives Nursing Council , reports that opportunities for career progression in nursing are limited .

  16. 根据马尔代夫的传说,从前,一个名叫Koimalaa的僧伽罗王子和他的新娘-斯里兰卡国王的女儿-被搁浅在马尔代夫的一个礁湖,无奈他们只能留在那里,至此成为了那里的第一代君王。

    According to Maldivian legend , a Sinhalese prince named Koimalaa was stranded with his bride daughter of the king of Sri Lanka in a Maldivian lagoon and stayed on to rule as the first sultan .

  17. 援马尔代夫2t/h电渗析海水淡化工程的工艺设计与调试

    The design and debugging of the ED desalination project aiding Maldive

  18. 他写了马尔代夫攻略,关于潜水的部分;

    This guy wrote the diving part in Maldives travel guide .

  19. 马尔代夫群岛和舟山群岛旅游开发比较研究

    Comparison Study of Tourism Development between Maldives Archipelago and Zhoushan Archipelago

  20. 马尔代夫-地球上最绝美的地方。

    Maldives-absolutely gorgeous and the most beautiful place on earth .

  21. 就在马尔代夫这段时间,我签订了两项合同。

    While in the Maldives , I sealed two contracts .

  22. 这些花园别墅是传统的马尔代夫建筑风格。

    These Garden Villa 's are styled according to traditional Maldivian Architecture .

  23. 马尔代夫有宏伟的海洋、迷人的沙滩和豪华度假村。

    There is a magnificent ocean , with fascinating beaches and luxury resorts .

  24. 马尔代夫瓦宾法鲁岛&瓦宾法鲁岛以宁静和浪漫著称。

    Maldives'Vabbinfaru Island , the island is known for its tranquility and romance .

  25. 如今,马尔代夫的改革运动就是我的一切。

    Now , the reform movement in the Maldives is everything to me .

  26. 游览马尔代夫需要签证吗?

    Do I need a visa to visit maldives ?

  27. 那么马尔代夫怎么样?那里被称为人间天堂。

    What about Maldives ? It is known as a paradise on earth .

  28. skiing:滑雪dangerous:危险明年的假期,我们要去马尔代夫。

    Icy : Next year , we 're doing spring break in Maldives .

  29. 从马累国际机场(注:马尔代夫首都)到那里飞行大概一个小时。

    You fly there for about an hour from Mal é International Airport .

  30. 我很高兴地告诉你马尔代夫

    I am pleased to report that the Maldives ...