
  • 网络MALAYSIA;Malay;The Malay Archipelago
  1. 我们不能成为中国、印度、西方国家或者马来群岛的伸延部分。

    We cannot be an extension of China , India , the West , or the Malay Archipelago .

  2. 拥有最多陆地对跖区域的陆地为马来群岛,其对跖点是亚马逊流域及其附近的安第斯山脉。

    The largest antipodal land masses are the Malay Archipelago , which is opposite the Amazon Basin and adjoining Andean ranges .

  3. 所有DHL公司都运行Informix;日常核心应用程序都是基于Informix的,在从墨西哥到马来群岛上的6600万个检查点上都可以操作。

    All the DHL companies run Informix ; the daily core applications , which operate across the company's66 million checkpoints from Mexico to Malaysia , are based on Informix .

  4. Norstar行销部在印度尼西的呱啦马来群岛等都有办事处,为了更好的服务我们的客户,在中国深圳设有代理人随时为客户服务。

    Norstar Market has it office in Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia and with representative in Shenzhen China to better service our client 's need .

  5. 在马来群岛的五月里这是个小小的节日。

    In Malaysia , there is a similar festival in May .

  6. 其中500万在东马来群岛。

    Of which , 5 million are in East Malaysia .

  7. 材用的乔木小属;澳大利亚至马来群岛。

    Small genus of timber trees ; australia to malaysia .

  8. 一个艳丽的兰花属,产于喜马拉雅山脉直到马来群岛。

    Genus of showy epiphytic orchids of Himalaya to Malaysia .

  9. 一个热带亚洲和马来群岛棕榈植物的属。

    A genus of tropical Asian and Malaysian palm trees .

  10. 六十年代,皮埃尔-巴尔梅为新加坡航空公司设计了具有马来群岛风格的围裙式制服;

    In the 1960s , Pierre Balmain designed a sarong-style Singapore Airlines uniform .

  11. 亚洲东南的一个半岛,由部分马来群岛和泰国以及缅甸占据。

    A peninsula in southeastern Asia occupied by parts of Malaysia and Thailand and Burma .

  12. 我把杂志扔到垃圾篮中,决定融入马来群岛的生活。

    I threw my magazine into the waste basket and decided to join in Malaysian life .

  13. 到目前为止,马来群岛报道,今年有一千一百多起基孔肯雅病例。

    Malaysia reported more than one thousand one hundred cases of chikungunya so far this year .

  14. 中国非常感谢来自马来群岛和相关的国际组织的帮助,刘说。

    " China deeply appreciates the effective assistance from Malaysia and relevant international organizations ," Liu said .

  15. 一个居住在北马来西亚半岛、马来群岛和西马来西亚群岛的民族的人。

    A member of a people inhabiting the N Malay Peninsula and Malaysia and parts of the W Malay Archipelago .

  16. 婆罗洲位于马来群岛,太平洋西部的一座岛屿,在菲律宾的西南面,苏禄和爪哇海之间。

    An island of the western Pacific Ocean in the Malay Archipelago between the Sulu and Java seas southwest of the Philippines .

  17. 在二月大马亚洲航空,一个预算台车,将会发射到吉隆坡的马来群岛的首都一个一般的服务。

    In February Air Asia , a budget carrier , will launch a regular service to the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur .

  18. 阿根廷声称此岛叫马尔维纳斯岛,并对任何从其海域经过的马来群岛上与石油开采相关的船只禁行。

    Argentina , which claims the islands that it calls the Malvinas , has barred shipping related to oil development in the archipelago from its ports and waters .

  19. 来自马来群岛的朋友向我们提出了一个问题——实际上是两个问题:在美国,人参是如何生长和收获的?

    This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report . We have a question from Malaysia -- really , two questions . How is grown and harvested in the United States ?

  20. 此外,我国的多元种族的社会背景,小岛国以英语为通用语言,屹立在马来群岛的海洋之中。

    Moreover , our island has managed to survive amid the Malay Archipelagos , partly thanks to the use of English as the language in common use among its multiracial population .

  21. 褐色的树鼯,光光的尾巴在末稍三分之一处的两边有硬的长毛;产于马来群岛。用于外科防腐手术的带有稍微颜色的水晶状的粉末;硫柳汞是它的商标。

    Brown tree shrew having a naked tail bilaterally fringed with long stiff hairs on the distal third ; of Malaysia . a light-colored crystalline powder used as a surgical antiseptic ; Merthiolate is the trademark .

  22. 那一时期,马来群岛中的大多数岛屿都被一个名为Srivijayan的帝国所掌控。该帝国只要愿意,就完全有可能派出远征队穿越印度洋。

    At the time , much of the Malay Archipelago was in the hands of the Srivijayan empire , an entity that could certainly have sent expeditions across the Indian Ocean , had it so willed .

  23. 属于或关于马来西亚、马来人、马来语、马来半岛、部分马来群岛的,或有其特点的。

    Of or relating to or characteristic of the people or language of Malaysia and the N Malay Peninsula and parts of the W Malay Archipelago .