
Mǎ Dé Lǐ
  • Madrid
马德里 [mǎ dé lǐ]
  • [Madrid] 西班牙首都。为欧洲地势最高的都城,人口315万

  1. 如果我在马德里上一学期的课,我的学分能转过来吗?

    If I spend a semester in Madrid , will my credits transfer ?

  2. 我们在马德里玩得很开心。

    We had a great time in Madrid .

  3. 我们途中在马德里作了短暂的停留。

    We broke our journey in Madrid .

  4. 马德里议会大厦被国民警卫队接管了。

    The parliament in Madrid was taken over by civil guards .

  5. 皇家马德里队获胜,与领先的巴塞罗那队仍然保持着5分的差距。

    Real 's victory keeps them five points behind the pacesetters , Barcelona

  6. 马德里加尔夫人将更多的胡萝卜堆到了迈克尔的盘子里。

    Mrs. Madrigal heaped more carrots onto Michael 's plate .

  7. 这家餐馆垄断了马德里的特色肉菜饭市场。

    This restaurant has cornered the Madrid market for specialist paellas

  8. 波尔多位于巴黎到马德里的铁路主干线上,来往列车频繁。

    Bordeaux is on the main Paris-Madrid line so there are frequent trains

  9. 马德里古埃拉斯车站到处都是士兵。

    Madrigueras station was a seething mass of soldiers .

  10. 最终露面时,玛丽向马德里加尔夫人表示了歉意。

    When Mary finally appeared , she made her apologies to Mrs Madrigal .

  11. 马德里加尔夫人给另一片烤面包涂上了黄油。

    Mrs. Madrigal buttered another piece of toast

  12. 马德里加尔夫人开始擦干碟子。

    Mrs. Madrigal began drying dishes .

  13. 这辆旧巴士发动了引擎,准备启程返回马德里。

    The old bus was revving its engine , ready to start the journey back towards Madrid .

  14. 今晚皇家马德里队和阿森纳队之间的对决被称为本赛季最重要的比赛。

    Tonight 's clash between Real Madrid and Arsenal is being heralded as the match of the season .

  15. 切尼当时在马德里。

    Cheney was in Madrid

  16. 主要作品是与西班牙马德里的索菲亚王后国家艺术中心博物馆密切合作挑选的,还有一些作品来自佛罗里达州圣彼德斯堡的萨尔瓦多达利博物馆等机构。

    The fine selection of the major works was done in close collaboration with the Museo Nacional Reina Sofia in Madrid , Spain , and with contributions from other institutions like the Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg , Florida .

  17. 新马德里队对中国龙队

    New Madrid Team vs Chinese Dragon Team

  18. 加雷斯·贝尔和皇家马德里都不算什么,今年足球界最引人瞩目的事件是贝克汉姆存在主义,这是小贝移居巴黎启发出来的一门新哲学。

    Forget Gareth Bale and Real Madrid , the biggest unveiling in football this year is Becksistentialism , a new philosophy inspired by David Beckham 's move to Paris .

  19. 西班牙国家队主教练洛佩特吉将在未来的三个赛季担任皇家马德里队主教练。

    Spanish national team coach , Julen Lopetegui , will be Real Madrid 's coach for the three following seasons , Real Madrid announced on Tuesday on its official website .

  20. 随着西班牙取消部分封锁措施,本周马德里地区估计有30万非必需岗位的职员复工。西班牙从3月15日开始实行封锁措施。

    This week , an estimated 300000 non-essential employees went back to work in the Madrid region , as Spain lifted some of its lockdown measures which have been in place since March 15 .

  21. 在马德里举行的欧洲皮肤病与性病学会年会上发表的这项新研究发现,污染空气中的颗粒物会影响头发生长,引起脱发。

    New research presented at the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology ( EADV ) Congress in Madrid found particulate2 matter ( PM ) – that is present in polluted air – could impact both hair growth and retention3 .

  22. 对于一个令人难以置信的赛季来说这实在是锦上添花。要知道我是从皇家马德里C队开始,而在卡斯蒂亚结束。

    It was the icing on an incredible season which I started with Real Madrid C and ended with Castilla .

  23. 他们所在的c组包括西甲豪门皇家马德里队,德国不莱梅,以及希腊冠军奥林匹亚科斯队。

    Their group C line-up comprises of Spanish giants Real madrid , German outfit Werder bremen , as well as Greek Champions olympiakos .

  24. 我敢肯定卡佩罗会很出色&他曾经是AC米兰和皇家马德里的教练。

    I 'm sure that Capello will be fine-he has been manager of AC Milan and Real Madrid .

  25. 巴尔的摩的一家科技理事会去年组织了一场类似的会议,2011年在马德里召开的另一场类似的会议名为“失败的优势”(TheAdvantagesofFailure)。

    A Technology Council in Baltimore produced one such imitation last year , and another called the advantages of failure was held in Madrid in 2011 .

  26. 现在,有四个欧洲冠军,只有利物浦,AC米兰和巴塞罗那的强劲的对手皇家马德里赢得更多。

    Now , with four European titles , only Liverpool , AC Milan and Barcelona 's fierce rival Real Madrid have won more .

  27. 流动的温暖,伊比利亚的激情&西班牙马德里新巴拉哈斯机场航站楼T4建筑及室内设计

    The Architecture and Interior Design of Madrid Airport in Spain

  28. 以位于马德里的西班牙企业商学院(IEBusinessSchool)为例,633名全日制MBA学生将从老师们推荐的150门选修课中选出80门让学校开课。

    At IE Business School in Madrid , for example , the 633 full-time MBA students now choose which 80 elective courses will run from the 150 proposed by faculty .

  29. 知情人士表示,西班牙的皇家马德里(RealMadrid)曾和曼联争抢这位法国中场球员。

    According to people familiar with the process , the French midfielder was the subject of a bidding war between Spain 's Real Madrid and the English club .

  30. 丈夫升职调任马德里从事新的工作以前,阿根廷本地人玛丽安娜•萨内蒂一直在布宜诺斯艾利斯担任壳牌公司(Shell)的产品经理。

    Mariana Zanetti had been working as a product manager for shell ( RDSA ) in Buenos Aires when her husband got a promotion to a new job in Madrid .