
ɡāo dù zì zhì quán
  • high degree of autonomy
  1. 国家以严肃的法律形式,授予了香港举世无双的高度自治权。

    Through a solemn act of law , the Central People 's Government has granted Hong Kong a high degree of autonomy , unparalleled anywhere in the world .

  2. 香港特区享有基本法赋予的高度自治权,包括行政管理权、立法权、独立的司法和终审权

    The HKSAR enjoys a high degree of autonomy as provided for by the Basic law , which embodies the executive , legislative and independent judicial power , including that of final adjudication

  3. CEPA的法律基础主要涉及国内法、国际法有关香港高度自治权的规定与WTO区域经济一体化例外规则。

    The legal grounds for the CEPA involve relevant provisions in Chinese domestic laws and international laws and the WTO rules on regional economic integration exceptions .

  4. “两制”就是要保障香港特别行政区依法享有的高度自治权,支持行政长官和特别行政区政府依法施政。

    " Two systems " means that we should ensure the high degree of autonomy of the Hong Kong SAR and support the chief executive and the SAR government in exercising government power as mandated by law .

  5. 此外,这些城市拥有高度自治权,能按支出先后分配财政资源,同时自行筹集资源应付开支,无需依赖中央政府拨款。

    Furthermore , they have strong city autonomy too given their high capacity to allocate financial resources according to their spending priorities , as well as raising resources to fulfill the same priorities without depending on central government transfers .

  6. 乌克兰是俄罗斯的发源地,1654年乌克兰在拥有高度自治权的情况下并入俄罗斯,自此,两国开始了长达337年分分合合的恩怨情仇史。

    Ukraine is the birthplace of Russia , Ukraine incorporated into Russia in the situation that it had high autonomy in 1654 , since then , the history of dividing and jointing of the two countries have begun for more than 337 years .

  7. 根据香港旅游发展局(HongKongTourismBoard)的数据,今年3月,赴港内地游客人数同比减少10%。香港依照“一国两制”拥有高度的自治权。

    The number of mainlanders visiting Hong Kong , which is governed semi-independently under the " one country , two systems " arrangement , fell by 10 per cent year-on-year in March , according to the Hong Kong Tourism Board .

  8. 它不同于中国其他一般省区,享有高度的自治权。

    It will be distinguished from the other provinces or regions of China by its high degree of autonomy .

  9. 协议给予香港高度的自治权:香港人民将管理香港,特别行政区将制定自己的法律。

    It gives Hong Kong a high degree of autonomy : Hong Kong people will administer Hong Kong and the Special Administrative Region will pass its own legislation .

  10. 它有高度发展的资本主义经济,除了外交和国防,它有高度自治权。

    It has a highly developed capitalist economy , and has a " high degree of autonomy " in all areas except foreign affairs and defence .