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  • high-energy physics
  1. 文章分析了当代美国科学社会学家安德鲁.皮克林(AndrewPickering)对二十世纪六、七十年代高能物理学史所作的社会学研究。

    The article analyses contemporary America sociologist Andrew Pickering 's work of social study on the history of High-Energy Physics ( HEP ) during 1960-1970 's.

  2. 我国第一台高能加速器北京正负电子对撞机一次对撞成功的消息,在我国科技界引起强烈反响,并在国际高能物理学界引起轰动。

    The success of China 's first high-energy accelerator Beijing electron-positron collider evoked strong repercussion in domestic science and technology circles and also created a stir in the international high-energy physics .

  3. 剑桥大学(UniversityofCambridge)高能物理学教授、参与了CERN实验的帕克(AndyParker)说,当时的看法就像是在浓雾中看到了一个人,你知道有个人在那里,但不确定他是谁。

    The view back then ' was like seeing a person in a fog ─ you knew there was a person there but you weren 't sure who it was , ' said Andy Parker , a professor of high energy physics at the University of Cambridge who is involved in the CERN experiments .

  4. 他们认为同位素对研究高能物理学有很大价值。

    They consider isotopes of great value for the study of high energy physics .

  5. (高能物理学)夸克的分类。根据心理学来给诗分类。

    ( high energy physics ) the kinds of quarks . classify poetry psychologically .

  6. 高能物理学是以实验为基础的学科。

    Based on experimental high-energy physics-based disciplines .

  7. 对于经常阅读《新英格兰高能物理学》杂志的人来说,我不需要介绍自己了。

    For regular readers of the New England Journal of High Energy Physics , I need no introduction .

  8. 高能物理学的发展是理论和实验之间相互渗透、相互影响的结晶。

    The development of the high energy physics is the result of pervasion and effect between theory and experiment each other .

  9. 这种资本主义虚拟化的矛盾与基础高能物理学中的电子极为相似。

    The paradox of this virtualization of capitalism is ultimately the same as that of the electron in elementary particle physics .

  10. 高能物理学参谋团向美国能源部提出了陈述,而且它在美国是对于未来的粒子物理学项目提出建议的最高集体。

    Hepap reports to the US Department of Energy and is the highest panel in the US making recommendations on future particle physics projects .

  11. 析皮克林的新旧高能物理学不可通约论以高能天体物理和核分析两个典型的高能物理研究方向为例,研究高能物理学科数据库的建设。

    As the examples , two typical research fields , high-energy Astrophysics physics and nuclear analysis , are discussed to research the database construction for high-energy physics .

  12. 尽管凝聚态物理、核物理和高能物理学的研究对象各不相同,它们的基本概念都是相通的。

    Although the systems studied in condensed matter physics , nuclear physics and high energy physics are quite different , many of the underlying basic concepts have much in common .

  13. 强度干涉学是分析高能重离子碰撞物理学的一种成熟手段,是研究粒子发射源性质的重要工具。

    Intensity interferometry technique is not only a kind of mature mean that analyses the high energy heavy ion collisions physics , but also an important tool to study the space-time feature for particle-emitting source .

  14. 甚高能和超高能γ射线天文观测现状等离子体和高能物理学

    The Status of Very High Energy and Ultra High Energy Gamma Ray Astronomy Observation