
  • 网络Gauge boson
  1. (物理学)基本粒子之间、基本粒子与场之间或场与场之间的能量交换;以规范玻色子作为媒介。

    ( physics ) the transfer of energy between elementary particles or between an elementary particle and a field or between fields ; mediated by gauge bosons .

  2. 目前及将来对撞机的一个最主要的任务之一就是研究弱电对称破缺机制以及规范玻色子和费米子的质量起源,来检测标准模型。

    One of the most important tasks of colliders is exploring the electroweak symmetry breaking mechanism and the mass generation mechanism of gauge bosons and fermions , which verifying the SM .

  3. 新的规范玻色子Z′对顶夸克对产生的自旋修正

    New Gauge Boson and the Spin Correction of Top Quark Pair Production

  4. 非普适规范玻色子Z′与轻子味破坏过程

    Non - universal Gauge Boson Z ′ and the Lepton Flavor Violation Processes

  5. 许多超出标准模型的新物理理论预言了非普适规范玻色子Z′的存在,这种新粒子可在高能对撞机实验中产生可观测的物理迹象。

    Many new physics theories beyond the standard model predict the existence of the non-universal gauge boson Z ′, which can produce characteristic signatures at the present or future collider experiments .

  6. 轻子与中性弱规范玻色子的弹性散射

    Elastic scattering of a neutral weak gauge boson by a lepton

  7. 水下电磁引信物理场特性的矩量法分析(物理学)基本粒子之间、基本粒子与场之间或场与场之间的能量交换;以规范玻色子作为媒介。

    Study on Physics Field of Underwater Electromagnetic Fuze Based on Method of Moment ( physics ) the transfer of energy between elementary particles or between an elementary particle and a field or between fields ; mediated by gauge bosons .