
rì nèi wǎ
  • Geneva
日内瓦[rì nèi wǎ]
  1. 飞机在日内瓦降落。

    The plane landed at Geneva .

  2. 很多国家想退出在日内瓦举行的多边贸易会谈。

    Many want to abandon the multilateral trade talks in Geneva .

  3. 石油市场因当天来自日内瓦的报道出现了起伏。

    Oil markets oscillated on the day 's reports from Geneva .

  4. 那些马赛克被送到慕尼黑,从那里又送到日内瓦。

    The mosaics were sent to Munich , and thence to Geneva .

  5. 来自100多个国家的政府首脑明日将齐聚日内瓦。

    Heads of government from more than 100 countries gather in Geneva tomorrow .

  6. 从日内瓦开车要3小时,但坐私人直升机只要20分钟就到了。

    It is a three-hour drive from Geneva but can be reached by a 20-minute hop in a private helicopter .

  7. 我和德雷克决定乘火车去日内瓦。

    Drake and I decided to board a train for Geneva .

  8. 世界和平大会将在日内瓦举行。

    The International Peace Conference will be held in Geneva .

  9. 你预计日内瓦会议将在何时召开?

    When do you expect the Geneva conference will convene ?

  10. 文章抒写了他在日内瓦工作时的感受。

    The article describes his impressions while working in geneva .

  11. 肯尼迪同赫鲁晓夫在维也纳会晤时,日内瓦会议已经休会

    The Geneva meeting recessed while Kennety and Khrushchev met in Vienna .

  12. (七)依照日内瓦公约及其附加议定书的有关规定开展工作。

    and ( 7 ) to conduct its work in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols .

  13. wto总部设在瑞士日内瓦。

    The WTO is based in Geneva , Switzerland .

  14. 通过采取该强制行动,美国可要求与中国在世贸组织(WTO)举行正式磋商。世贸组织总部位于日内瓦。

    The enforcement action allows the US to demand formal consultations with China at the World Trade Organisation in Geneva .

  15. 这家酒店的开发得到了日内瓦的凯宾斯基酒店集团(KempinskiHotels)和首旅集团(BeijingTourismGroup)的协助。

    The hotel was developed with the help of the Geneva-based Kempinski Hotels and the Beijing Tourism Group .

  16. 假如您还想要一个有更多关于日内瓦(Geneva)照片的图库。

    Say you want a second gallery with more photos of Geneva .

  17. 去年9月末,在世界各地普遍经济低迷之际,参加世贸组织(WTO)日内瓦会议的经济学家们调低了预测。

    In late September , economic weakness around the world caused economists at the World Trade Organisation in Geneva to scale back their forecasts .

  18. 日内瓦会议将首先考虑在禽鸟类中遏制H5N1病毒。

    The Geneva meeting will first consider how to contain the H5N1 virus in birds .

  19. 各国贸易部长下周将在瑞士日内瓦出席世界贸易组织(WTO)部长级会议,届时他们都将肩负着各自老板下达的一系列指令。

    When trade ministers meet in the World Trade Organisation in Geneva next week , they will arrive with a set of marching orders from their bosses .

  20. 总部位于日内瓦的代表机构海外美国公民(AmericanCitizensAbroad)表示,它担心,美国公民可能会变成贱民,因为外国银行可能关闭他们的账户,以避免成本高昂的要求。

    A Geneva-based representative body called American Citizens Abroad said it feared that US citizens would become pariahs , with foreign banks closing their accounts to avoid costly requirements .

  21. NPR新闻,莉莎·斯奇利姆日内瓦报道。

    For NPR News , I am Lisa Schlim in Geneva .

  22. 日内瓦插孔可以让你玩随着外部光盘,MD或MP3音频来源。

    AUX IN jack lets you play along with external CD , MD , or MP3 audio sources .

  23. “Geneva(日内瓦)”是微软基于请求访问(claims-basedaccess,CBA)平台战略的代码名。

    " Geneva " is the code-name for Microsofts ' claims-based access ( CBA ) platform strategy .

  24. ISO的最高权力机构是每年一次的“全体大会”,其日常办事机构是中央秘书处,设在瑞士的日内瓦。

    ISO supreme authority is the annual " General Assembly ", the daily office is the Central Secretariat , based in Geneva Switzerland .

  25. NPR新闻丽萨·施莱因日内瓦报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Lisa Schlein , in Geneva .

  26. 批评人士对宾利在2012年日内瓦车展上推出的较早款SUV毫不客气地狠批了一顿。

    Critics panned an earlier version of a Bentley SUV shown at the 2012 Geneva auto show .

  27. 《日内瓦倡议》及其与路线图计划的比较基于Voronoi图的突防航线动态规划

    The Geneva Initiate and the comparison with the Quartet Road-Map Dynamic Layout of Penetration Path Based on Voronoi Diagram

  28. 这个总部设在日内瓦(Geneva)的机构还将建立疾病监控系统,改善已有的初级医疗保健服务。

    The Geneva-based health agency will also be setting up disease surveillance systems and improving primary health care services already in place .

  29. Watson博士是日内瓦世界卫生组织“人道主义救援行动”疾病控制项目的流行病学专家。

    Dr Watson is a medical epidemiologist with the Disease Control in Humanitarian Emergencies Program at the World Health Organization in Geneva .

  30. 相同的理念也被引用到了在今年的日内瓦国际汽车展览会上亮相的新款GS型轿车。

    This same thinking has been carried through to the New Generation GS , which appeared at this year ′ s Geneva International Motor Show .