
  • 网络nhk;nippon hoso kyokai
  1. 据日本广播协会(nhk)报道,一些日资工厂受到攻击,包括一家松下(panasonic)工厂和一家位于华东港口城市青岛的超市,其中一家被纵火。

    Japanese broadcaster NHK said some Japanese-run factories , including a panasonicfacility and a supermarket in the eastern port of Qingdao , were attacked and one was burnt .

  2. 日本广播协会记者:我想问您的是关于中日关系的问题。

    NHK : My question is related to China-Japan relations .

  3. 那时没有电视,广播电台也只有半官半民的日本广播协会一家,所以言论的最主要载体是报纸和出版物。

    There was no television , radio , only semi-official China NHK a speech the most important carrier of newspapers and publications .

  4. 小渊惠三的副内阁秘书铃木告诉日本广播协会电视台,他相信首相要79岁的宫泽留下。

    Suzuki , Deputy Secretary of Keizou Obuchi 's Cabinet , told the NHK television that he believed that the Prime Minister will ask the79-year-old Miyazawa to stay .

  5. 日本公共广播机构日本广播协会(nhk)播出了海上保安厅巡视船用高压水枪对付台湾渔船的画面,并称,台湾方面的巡逻船也对日方喷水回击。

    NHK , the Japanese state broadcaster , broadcast footage of Japanese coast guards using water cannon against Taiwanese fishing boats and said Taiwanese patrol boats had responded by spraying water toward the Japanese vessels .

  6. 日本将宣布应对气候变化计划日本广播协会报道说,日本首相安倍晋三计划最早在周四公布抗击全球变暖的计划。

    Japan 's Abe to announce climate change plan Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe plans to unveil a plan to fight global warming as early as thursday , public broadcaster NHK reported .