
pái jù
  • haiku;a Japanese form of light poetry consisting of 17 words;a kind of short Japanese poem consisting of seventeen characters
俳句 [pái jù]
  • [a kind of short Japanese poem consisting of seventeen characters] 以十七个音为一首的一种日本短诗

俳句[pái jù]
  1. 论禅宗思想对日本俳句的影响

    A Discussion on the Influence of Zen Thoughts on Japanese Haiku

  2. 一首俳句仅仅描绘一个场景。

    A haiku is just a description of a scene .

  3. 第一行俳句有五个音节。

    The first line of a haiku has five syllables .

  4. 黑发在和歌与俳句中的象征意义

    The Symbolic Meaning of Black Hair in Waka and Haiku

  5. 那是什么鬼,某种波兰俳句吗

    What is that , some kind of Polish haiku ?

  6. 谈日本俳句特殊的语法现象

    On the Unique Grammatical Features of Haiku in Japanese

  7. 在春假期间,我写了三俳句诗歌。

    I wrote three haiku poems during spring holidays .

  8. 其中,日本和歌、俳句及自我小说等对他产生深深的影响。

    Japanese songs , haikus and autobiographies exerted a subtle influence on him .

  9. 管窥芭蕉俳句之中国文化因子

    A Restrictive View on the Chinese Cultural Elements in Matsuo Basho 's Haiku

  10. ,现在我们正在学习诗歌,它提到了日本的艺术和音乐,这启发我把俳句作为诗歌单元的重点。

    It inspired me to use Haiku as the focus of poetry unit .

  11. 从中日诗歌的形式联系看俳句汉译

    On the Translation of Haiku from the Form Connections between Chinese and Japanese Poetry

  12. 杜甫的诗歌对日本著名俳句诗人松尾芭蕉的创作产生过重要影响。

    The poems by Dufu exerted a significant impact on the Basyous poetic creation .

  13. 俳句与五行诗有什么不同?

    What are some of the differences between a haiku and a five-line poem ?

  14. 还有很多俳句竞赛,有的是由上面这些会社举办的。

    There are numerous contests for haiku , some sponsored by the about societies .

  15. 芭蕉的校长注意到他情绪低落,就鼓励他写俳句。

    His schoolmaster noticed that he was unhappy and encouraged Issa to write haiku .

  16. 日本俳句里的中国词曲印记

    The Imprint of Chinese Poetry on Japanese Haiku

  17. 第一个以俳句作为网址的,应该给它颁个奖。

    A prize should go to the first to offer a haiku as a web address .

  18. 花上45秒的时间来品味一首俳句,或者细细品读你最喜欢的十四行诗。

    Take 45 seconds to savor a single haiku , or read over your favorite sonnet .

  19. 浅析日本俳句中的意象

    Haiku Image Analysis Japan is Ill

  20. 本文将从山头火俳句的社会性和艺术性以及与禅的关系等方面来作些探讨。

    The article is to discuss this question from the perspectives of their social and artistic features .

  21. 论禅学思想对唐诗和日本俳句的影响

    On the Buddhist Influence on the Poems in Tang Dynasty and the Pai Poems in Ancient Japan

  22. 一天晚上,在学生们为他举行的聚会上,芭蕉创作了一百首俳句!

    One night , during a party his students gave him , Issa composed a hundred haiku !

  23. 正是这一表现(而非他对俳句的热爱),给其他欧盟领导人留下了深刻印象。

    It was this performance , not his penchant for haiku poetry , that impressed other EU leaders .

  24. 《美国俳句》这个小杂志于1963年创刊,那是第一份专门研究俳句的英语刊物。

    The small magazine American Haiku began publication in 1963 , the first magazine dedicated to haiku in English .

  25. 例如,独立看,仅有17音节的俳句很难让人理解。

    The haiku , a poem of just 17 syllables , for example , makes scant sense as standalone verse .

  26. 俳句是日本的一种诗歌形式,它倍受日本人民喜爱且长盛不衰。

    Haiku , a Japanese form of light poetry , is extensively liked by the Japanese people and remains ever-thriving .

  27. 由于语言的隔阂,人们对俳句及其它文学形式的了解,比对日本艺术的了解较为缓慢。

    An awareness of haiku and other literary forms was slower to develop than knowledge of Japanese art because of language difficulties .

  28. 在文学方面,江户时代见证了松尾芭蕉手中俳句的发展,还有匠心独具的喜剧式连环诗作及井原西鹤的幽默小说。

    In literature , Basho developed poetic forms later called haiku , and Ihara Saikaku composed virtuoso comic linked-verse and humorous novels .

  29. 中国古典诗歌;日本俳句;意象主义诗歌;白话诗;翻译;革新;文化交流;

    Chinese classical poetry ; Japanese Haiku ; the Imagist Poetry Movement ; Chinese New Poetry Movement ; Translation ; Reformation ; Cultural Communication ;

  30. 哦,我以前喜欢俳句,但是因为再也想不出什么好句子也就放弃了。

    Well , I used to do haiku , but I had to give it up because I couldn 't think of any good lines .
