
pái yōu
  • comedian;artists in a pantomime
俳优 [pái yōu]
  • [artists in a pantomime] 古代演滑稽戏杂耍的艺人

  • 俳优侏儒,固人主之所与燕也。--《韩非子.难三》

俳优[pái yōu]
  1. 俳优小说为“谐谑文学”文体之一,其渊源与谐谑文学各种文体都相关;

    The clown story is one of the " humorous literature " from which the clown story originates .

  2. 俳优小说的品格有大俗大雅二重性,具有深刻的文学史和审丑的意蕴。

    It bears the refined and popular dual features and carries profound significance of literary history and judgement of the ugly .

  3. 苍鹘上承俳优、侏儒能言善辩的讽刺传统,下开丑角表演之先河,是丑角形成过程中重要的一环。

    Cang falcon Deck Comedians , dwarf eloquent satire tradition of the first of its kind under the open clowns , clown formation is an important part of the process .

  4. 第二节唐代散乐之乐队组合,主要探讨演奏百戏、歌舞戏、俳优戏等俗乐为主的教坊乐队组合形式。

    Section two The form of composition of the orchestra of the palace of Tang Dynasty , Probe into , play acrobatics , song and dance play with , Pai excellent folk music of playing with etc. for to teach workshop composition of the orchestra form main fact mainly .
