
xíng tou
  • Row header;actor's costumes and paraphernalia;title;actors costumes and peripherals;accoutrement
行头 [xíng tou]
  • (1) [actors costumes and parapheralis]

  • (2) 演员在演出时所用的道具及所穿的服装

  • (3) 也戏称一般服装

  • (4) [title]∶头衔

  • 考了一个知府行头,在京守候。--《平山冷燕》

行头[xíng tou]
  1. 她能在两分钟内换上一套不同的行头。

    She could change into a different outfit in two minutes

  2. 哟,卡尔,这身行头很不错嘛!

    Yo , Carl , great outfit man !

  3. 黑皮夹克与纹身是重金属乐手的标准行头。

    Black-leather jackets and tattoos are the standard tools of the trade for heavy-metal musicians .

  4. 马克一身年轻男性旅行者的典型行头——绿军裤、T恤外加衬衫。

    Mark 's is the uniform of the young male traveller — green Army trousers , T-shirt and shirt .

  5. 衣橱诊断师的工作就是帮客户满足他们的着装需求,不论是打造新的职业形象,让衣橱焕发活力,置办海外度假的行头,还是对完美的红毯礼服给出意见。

    The job of a wardrobe therapist is to help his or her clients with whatever their styling needs are : from updating their work look , to reinvigorating their closet , getting her clients wardrobes ready for exotic vacations , or consulting on the perfect red carpet look .

  6. 哦,Chris,你的行头我给你做好了

    Oh , and , Chris , I got your costume .

  7. 她的行头包括Target的小洋装、香奈尔(Chanel)的平底芭蕾鞋,还有一大堆高档牛仔裤。

    This includes mini dresses from Target , Chanel ballerina flats , and a lot of luxury denim .

  8. 当晚,LadyGaga穿着这身“牛肉片”行头横扫八项大奖。

    She collected eight awards while wearing the outfit which appeared to be made of cuts of beef .

  9. 方法收集临床拟诊为后循环缺血的患者94例,行头颈部CTA,观察椎基底动脉和颈内动脉系统的形态,有无异常分支,有无狭窄。

    Methods Ninety-four patients clinically diagnosed as posterior circulation ischemia underwent head and neck CTA .

  10. 但是据《Interview》杂志的时尚总监安娜贝尔托乐曼(音译)称,小明星们通常从设计师和珠宝商那里租借行头。

    But less famous stars more typically get their pieces on loan from designers and jewelers , according to Annabel Tollman , fashion director at Interview Magazine .

  11. 本人的美容行头以前由以下产品组成:洗澡时,嘴里一边愉快哼着小曲,一边用海飞丝(Head&Shoulders)挠洗头发及搓洗双肩。

    My grooming regime used to consist of the following . Get into shower . Rub head and shoulders with Head & Shoulders , yodelling happily the while .

  12. 它由玛莎百货(MarksandSpencer)与英足总(FootballAssociation)联袂打造,这套标价199英镑的行头可能不是20多岁的高收入年轻人所青睐的时尚精品。

    Created by Marks and Spencer in conjunction with the Football Association , the £ 199 ensemble is not the designerwear extremely well-paid twentysomethings might choose .

  13. 4.Peter的妹妹Sarah也疯狂地迷SarahJessicaParker,她希望自己有足够的钱能够买像他们那样的行头。

    Peter : My sister , Sarah , loves her too . She just wishes she had the money to buy their outfits .

  14. 但阿里巴巴预计明年将完成首次公开募股(IPO),届时投资者肯定会问,在雅虎失去了阿里巴巴股份这一眩目的行头之后,它是否仍然值得拥有。

    But when Alibaba completes its initial public offering , expected next year , investors must ask whether Yahoo still is worth owning without its glitzy wardrobe .

  15. 收集颅内肿瘤或其它原因引起的颅内压增高患者8例,行头颈CTA检查。

    The cerebral CTA images of eight patients with high intracranial pressure due to cerebral tumors or other causes were collected .

  16. 要想知道最新的时尚,萨格勒布人最著名的搭配,就到陡峭的拉迪赛瓦街(RadicevaStreet)来添置新行头吧,这条街始于捷拉斯加广场的西北角。

    Taking mental note of the up-to-the-minute fashions the famously put-together Zagrebians wear , head to steep Radiceva Street , which begins in the northwest corner of Jelacic Square , to assemble your new look .

  17. 该微型飞行头将聚焦透镜和SIL集成于一个承载微飞行头,克服了光盘高速旋转过程中,二者距离改变而导致离焦的影响;

    The lens and SIL were integrated on the flying head to overcome the defocusing effect during disk rotation .

  18. 于是我换上了这身行头,一双赫尔穆特•朗的高级皮鞋,一条起皱的Lee牌牛仔裤,一件迪奥的风衣。

    I put on a pair of nice Helmut Lang shoes , I put on a crisp pair of Lee jeans , I put on my Christian Dior storm coat .

  19. 特罗特借助大号鞋提升自己跨季服装的档次,而伊格尔为使全身行头不那么压抑,力推AliceCicolini设计的超大款彩色耳环。

    Trotter relies on great shoes to lift her wardrobe go-tos , while Eagle recommends Alice Cicolini 's enamel gobstopper rings to prevent an outfit from becoming subdued .

  20. 她出现在Edun、王大仁(AlexanderWang)、奥图扎拉(Altuzarra)和亚当·塞尔曼(AdamSelman)等品牌的秀场,意味着她要换很多行头,而且垄断了街拍报道。

    Her appearances at shows like Edun , Alexander Wang , Altuzarra and Adam Selman meant for multiple outfit changes , which monopolized street style coverage .

  21. 尽管如此,我仍接受如此观点:本人几年前在纽约东村(EastVillage)某时髦商场购买的那个背包,对于那些在伦敦金融城(City)上班或是参加某重要面试、希望遭人高看者来说,也许并非最佳行头。

    Still , I accepted the point that perhaps my particular rucksack , purchased from a hip East Village emporium a few years ago , was not the best for someone who wants to be taken seriously in the City or during an important interview .

  22. 在HTML表中,单元格可能跨越多个行和列,头可能包含行头和列头,这种结构比传统的关系数据库的结构要复杂。

    In HTML tables , since cells may span multiple rows and columns , headings may include row heading and column heading , and may has nested structure , they are more complex than the tables in traditional relation databases .

  23. 方法对CEMP行头颈血管造影,分析其影像并与人的影像相比较。

    Method Angiographies were performed in theCEMPs and their angiograms were evaluated in comparison with those of human beings .

  24. 俱乐部里,一群20多岁、疯狂舞动的年轻人,穿着欧洲设计师设计的行头,在挂满了巨大镜球的电气化天花板下方舞动,大牌的俄罗斯DJ们则在霓虹灯照耀下的舞台上,打着混音后的流行和嘻哈劲曲。

    There , high-rolling 20-somethings in European designer outfits dance under an electrified ceiling covered in enormous mirror balls while big-name Russian D.J.s spin remixed pop and hip-hop hits on a stage lit up with neon LED .

  25. 当唐娜泰拉·范思哲(DonatellaVersace)在T型台上鞠躬致谢时,穿的行头往往选自自己刚刚展示的时装系列————她身穿细条纹喇叭款套装参加了2015年秋冬季时装展(AW15)。

    When Donatella Versace takes her bow , she often wears a look from the collection she 's just shown - for AW15 , it was a pinstriped , flared pantsuit .

  26. 来自洛杉矶的设计师罗塞塔盖蒂(RosettaGetty)推出由纯棉衬衣式长款连衣裙、无袖羊绒衫以及宽腿七分裤构成的休闲款奢侈装后,拥趸趋之若鹜——随着气温不断转凉,它们是随箱携带的理想行头。

    LA-based Rosetta Getty is attracting fans with a version of laid-back luxury delivered in the shape of long cotton shirt-dresses , sleeveless cashmere cardigans and wide-leg cropped trousers - all ideal for layering as temperatures fall .

  27. 在延安新开的阿迪达斯(Adidas)门店中,他挑选了一件浅绿色条纹T恤、一条灰色运动裤和一双蓝色运动鞋。这套行头得花掉他1250元人民币(约合200美元),比一个月的房租还多。

    He has paired a lime green striped T-shirt with grey sweatpants and blue sneakers at the town 's newly opened Adidas store - an ensemble that would set him back Rmb1250 ( about $ 200 ) , more than a month 's rent .

  28. 训练前、后进行头低位(HDT-30°/30min)耐力检查和立位耐力检查,以评价训练效果。

    Their head-down tilt ( HDT - 30 ° / 30 min ) tolerance and orthostatic tolerance were determined before and after training to verify training effects .

  29. 如今感觉男装终于“回归正道”,服务自己的正常群体(米兰时装周上杰尼亚(Zegna)的效果超赞,一目了然),让上了年岁者也有了自己心仪的潮装,而不是那些让他们自感是失败者的行头。

    Now it feels like menswear is finally comfortable talking to its natural audience ( as seen so excellently at Zegna in Milan ) , giving their older customers relevant clothes , rather than looks that make them feel like also-rans .

  30. 如今,他的影响力已经如日中天,从好莱坞(凯特•布兰切特(CateBlanchett)、鲁妮•玛拉(RooneyMara)到蕾哈娜(Rihanna))的红地毯到寻常阡陌:印有流行文化标识的纪梵希运动衫已成为离经叛道奢侈一族的周末必备行头。

    Today , his influence reaches from the Holly ­ wood red carpet - Cate Blanchett , Rooney Mara and Rihanna are all devotees of his darkly sensuous gowns - to the street : Givenchy printed sweats featuring totems of popular culture have become mandatory uniform among the louche-luxe weekend set .