
xínɡ zhènɡ qū huá
  • administrative division;administrative area
  1. 保护与社会调控相结合,统一行政区划和管理机构。

    Combined protection and society regulate together , unified administrative area delimits and management institution .

  2. 首都圈内部行政区划分割导致的矛盾日益尖锐;

    The contradiction caused by the division of the inside administrative area in capital-circle is becoming sharper and sharper ;

  3. 在自己家用手机也要被扣“边界漫游”费,这种情况每天都发生在行政区划交界处的居民身上。

    Imagine using your mobile phone and then being hammered for border roaming charges without leaving your home . That 's what happens daily for residents near regional borders .

  4. 基于GIS空间分析的乡镇行政区划调整方法研究

    Study on the Method of Adjustment of Town 's Administrative Zone Based on GIS Spatial Analysis

  5. 设计了有效的基于本体的geo/non-geo和geo/geo歧义消除算法,以消除Web文本中广泛存在的中国行政区划地名歧义。

    Two effective algorithms are designed in order to eliminate widespread ambiguities in the names of Chinese administrative division in web texts .

  6. 长江经济带:行政区划VS流域一体

    The Yangtze River Economic Belt : Administrative System vs Regional Integrity

  7. 我国加入WTO和温州市的行政区划调整,给鹿城带来了前所未有的机遇。

    Wenzhou , China 's accession to WTO and the adjustment of administrative divisions , giving Lucheng unprecedented opportunities .

  8. n.地区;范围纽约是美国的行政区划之一。

    region New York is one of the regions of the United States .

  9. 运用文本工程通用框架GATE,利用基于本体的信息抽取方法,设计并实现了一个基于本体的中国行政区划地名识别与抽取原型系统。

    The names of Chinese administrative division extraction prototype system is designed and implemented using the method of ontology-based information extraction under GATE environment .

  10. 根据实际采样诊断土壤类型并在GIS界面修正原始土壤分布图,完善了当地的土壤图,并且在制图过程中将研究区行政区划图根据最新情况做了修订。

    The original soil map was amended and perfected in GIS interface based on actual soil type diagnosis . The administrative map was revised according to the latest version and related information .

  11. 介绍了榆林市地理位置、行政区划、历史沿革以及进行研究榆林市PRED协调发展的意义;

    Geographical location , district history and the significance of coordinate PRED development in YuLin is introduced ;

  12. 该报告将称,纽约市四分之三的Airbnb出租屋都是非法的,违反了行政区划法规或其他法律。

    The report will say nearly three-quarters of all Airbnb rentals in the city are illegal , violating zoning or other laws .

  13. 方法用中国联合型瑞文测验(CRT-C2)按省份、年龄、性别、行政区划单位、经济收入分组测定儿童智商(IQ)。

    Methods Samples were , divided into groups according to the province , age , sex , administrative division unit , and economic income . Intelligence quotient ( IQ ) values were measured by the combined Raven 's Test in China ( CRT-C2 ) .

  14. 我国行政区划体制改革的生态分析

    A Ecological Analysis of Reform of Administrative Division System in China

  15. 行政区划是指国家行政管理的区域组织系统。

    Administrative partition denotes the regional organization system of national administration .

  16. 调整全国行政区划的新思路

    The New Thinking To The Readjustment Of The National Administrative Divisions

  17. 行政区划体制改革:一种现实主义的分析

    Innovation of Administrative Regionalism System : A Sort of Realistic Analysis

  18. 近二十年我国行政区划变更分析研究

    On the Changes of the Administrative Divisions in Recent 20 Years

  19. 现代化视野下的行政区划层级、幅度改革

    Reform of level and range of administrative divisions against modernization background

  20. 行政区划改革:视角、路径及评价

    Reform of Administrative District : Perspectives , Paths and Opinions

  21. 都市密集地区区域管治中行政区划的影响

    The administrative division and regional governance in urban agglomeration areas

  22. GB/T2260-1999中华人民共和国行政区划代码

    Codes for the administrative divisions of the People 's Republic of China

  23. 利用行政区划更新基础地理信息的境界要素

    Updating boundary element of fundamental geo-information with administrative divisions readjustment

  24. 中国行政区划改革的新探索

    New Consideration on the Reformation of Administrative Regionalization in China

  25. 控制&服务:当代中国行政区划改革的应然导向

    Control-Service : The Rational Orientation of Chinese Administrative Division Reform

  26. 佛山行政区划调整与整合发展研究

    A research on Foshan administrative division adjustment and integrated development

  27. 行政区划:全国分为1个联邦区和31个州。

    Administrative Districts : 1 Federal District and 31 States .

  28. 都区过去是拜占庭帝国行政区划的一级。

    An eparchy was a civil administrative district in the Byzantine Empire .

  29. 行政区划调整与城市空间的跨越发展

    Adjustment of Administrative Demarcation and the Development of City Space

  30. 现阶段乡镇行政区划调整及其机构改革的思考

    On the Reform of the Present Administration Regions and Organizations of Towns