
jìn cháo
  • Jin dynasty
  1. 晋朝时,义兴地方有个人,名叫周处。

    In the Jin Dynasty , there lived a man named Zhou Chu in Yixing .

  2. 晋朝有个叫乐(yuè)广的人,爱喝酒。

    In Jin Dynasty there was a man named Yue Guang who was fond of drinking alcohol .

  3. 因此,晋朝皇室的能力被削弱了。

    Thus the power of the Jin imperial government was seriously impaired .

  4. 晋朝的陶渊明唯独喜欢菊花。

    Tao Yuanming in Jin Dynasty loved chrysanthemum only .

  5. 总的说来,晋朝出现的军事文书较为成熟,渐成固定的体例。

    In general , the Jin Dynasty military instruments appear more mature , become fixed .

  6. 战争使中国北方的人口减少并削弱了晋朝的实力。

    The struggle depopulated northern China and greatly weakened the strength of the Jin Dynasty .

  7. 前凉的六位统治者在晋朝政府的控制下处于名存实亡的状态。

    Six Chinese rulers of the Former Liang remained titularly under the government of the Jin Dynasty .

  8. 晋朝时候,有一个叫王衍的人,他年轻的时候,口才就很好。

    During the Ch'in dynasty , there lived a man named Wang Yan , who was very eloquent .

  9. 晋朝时,有一位名叫毛宝的小男孩,家境十分贫困。

    During the Jin dynasty , a boy , called Mao Bao , was born into an impoverished family .

  10. 司马炎在265年正式登基并建立晋朝(265——420)。

    Sima Yan formally seized the throne in 265 and established the Jin Dynasty ( 265 - 420 ) .

  11. 佛教在晋朝时传入黄山,轩辕峰下曾建有轩­辕古刹。

    Huangshan in the Jin dynasty , when Buddhism introduced , under the peak Regulus Regulus temple was built .

  12. 晋朝的时候,有一个叫乐广的人很喜欢请朋友喝酒。

    In Jin Dynasty , there was a person named Yue Guang , who always entertained his guests with wine .

  13. 晋朝(265-420)有个人叫乐广,他非常喜欢喝酒。

    In the Jin Dynasty ( 265-420 ) there was a man , called Yue Guang , who loved drinking .

  14. 对于孝文帝来说不幸的是,他的汉化政策也存在副作用,换句话说,他采用了晋朝的社会分层法,

    Unfortunate for Emperor Xiaowen , his sinicization policies had their downsides ---- namely , he adopted the Jin Dynasty social stratification methods ,

  15. 虽然晋朝短暂而充满冲突,在长期的接触与互相影像中,民族融合加快了进程。

    Although Jin Dynasty was short and full of conflicts , the mix between nationalities was accelerated through the long-term contacts and mutual influences .

  16. 晋朝(公元265-420年)时,有一个叫乐广的人,请他的朋友到家里喝酒。

    In the Jin Dynasty ( 265-420 ), a man called Yue Guang once invited a friend to have a drink at his home .

  17. 晋朝建立后,司马懿被追尊为晋宣帝,庙号高祖。

    After the founding of the Jin Dynasty , Sima Yi was posthumously honored as Emperor Xuan of Jin with the temple name of Gaozu .

  18. 晋朝大军在杜预率领下,直冲向吴都建业,不久就攻占建业灭了吴国。

    Under Du Yu 's command , the Jin army charged at the capital city Jianye , occupied it , and thus destroyed the Kingdom of wu .

  19. 南北朝(420——589)上乘晋朝下启宋朝,是一个充满内战与分裂割据的年代。

    Southern and Northern Dynasties ( 420 - 589 ) followed Jin Dynasty and preceded Sui Dynasty in China and was an age of civil wars and disunity .

  20. 一开始,它只在平民中受到欢迎,晋朝(265——420)时它在上层社会得到广泛流行,

    At first , it only gain the popularity among civilians and during the Jin Dynasty ( 265 - 420 ) it became a prevalence in the upper society

  21. 晋朝(公元265-420)在早期暂时恢复了统一。但是,晋朝并不能长期抵制游牧民族的入侵。

    Unity was restored briefly in the early years of the Jin dynasty ( a.D. 265-420 ), but the Jin could not long contain the invasions of the nomadic peoples .

  22. 由于晋朝建立在世袭制之上,政策都倾向于保护贵族的利益,这引得了一些大家族的不满。

    Since the Jin was based on the power of hereditary aristocrats , measures were taken to protect the interests of the privileged , which often upset the big family .

  23. 探讨使役动词许的虚化,说明除了隐喻和类推的虚化机制,句法环境也起了重要的影响,许虚化为副词的最早用例大约见于晋朝。

    The grammaticalization of the permissive verb xu having been dated from Jin Dynasty . It has played an important role for the mechanism of metaphor and inference as well as syntax environment .

  24. 司马懿的成功和后来地位的上升为他的孙子司马炎建晋朝铺平了道路。晋朝最后结束了三国鼎立的局面,统一了中国。

    His success and subsequent rise in prominence paved the way for his grandson Sima Yan 's foundation of the Jin Dynasty , which would eventually bring an end to the Three Kingdoms period .

  25. 我们通常所说的长城其实是在西汉、隋朝、晋朝和明朝时期重建和扩展的四座长城而不是一座单一的持续了很长时间的长城。

    What is commonly referred to as the Great Wall is actually four great walls rebuilt or extended during the Western Han , Sui , Jin , and Ming periods , rather than a single , continuous wall .