
  • 网络Promotion Mechanism
  1. 行政执法类国家公务员选拔晋升机制研究

    The Research on the Selection and Promotion Mechanism of National Civil Servants of Administrative Law Enforcement

  2. 正文的第三部分,主要介绍了在晋升机制,薪酬机制和绩效评估三方面对国外公务员激励机制的借鉴。

    The third part of the body , mainly in the promotion mechanism introduced , compensation and performance evaluation of foreign civil servants face three incentives for reference .

  3. 职务晋升机制对公务员行为具有重要的激励作用,但从我国公务员激励机制的实际情况来看,职务晋升机制的激励作用却没有得到充分的发挥。

    Promotion system has the important encourage function to the behavior of public servants .

  4. 拥有一位更年轻的首席执行官将扰乱精心构建的培训和晋升机制。

    Having a younger chief executive would have disturbed the carefully constructed system of training and advancement .

  5. 这种二元化对我国公务员制度的众多方面,如公务员素质、公务员薪酬、晋升机制等方面具有重大影响。

    This duality has great influence on the servant system , such as the servant diathesis and the reward and the promotion system .

  6. 据了解,百度、腾讯这些以技术为主导的互联网公司此前曾采取过类似的技术晋升机制,但在网游业并不多见。

    Companies like Baidu , Tencent also used this kind of Channel before , but in game industry this is not commonly seen .

  7. 第四部分通过从考核机制、薪酬机制、晋升机制三个方面对公务员制度实践较为成功的几个典型国家进行比较,总结提炼出各自成功的经验以及不足之处,引以为我国国家公务员激励机制借鉴;

    The fourth part compares the civil incentive mechanism of different countries according to the examination mechanism , salary mechanism and promotion mechanism , and summarizes their successful experience and shortages ;

  8. 这些问题很难通过机制内的修补予以解决,只能通过建立一种新的职务晋升机制加以解决。

    These difficult problems cannot expect to be solved by some remedial means within the frame of the systems . They can be solved only by establishing a new mechanism for career advancement .

  9. 学术和人才评价机制与人才聘用和晋升机制的不完善,社会不良风气的侵袭以及缺乏强有力的监管力量,是导致目前高校师生信用失范的主要原因。

    The non-perfection of mechanism of academy and talents evaluation and talents appointment and promotion , the erosion of unhealthy social atmosphere and lack of effective supervision are the main reasons leading to credit defect .

  10. 但是,计划经济体制下形成的人才管理模式、分配方式、职务晋升机制都严重阻碍着人力资源的开发利用。

    Under the planned economy period , the management system management of talented persons , the distribution system and the promotion system have seriously blocked the development and improvement of personal resources in universities and colleges .

  11. 尽管越来越多的日本公司正在采纳绩效型薪资和晋升机制,而且在职业发展中引入了一定程度的选择性,但日本的银行仍然几乎完全雇用终身在那里工作的本国人。

    Although more Japanese companies are adopting performance-based compensation and promotion , as well as a degree of choice in career development , Japanese banks are still almost entirely staffed by Japanese nationals who have worked there throughout their careers .

  12. 在此基础上提出了中学教师激励机制的构建思考,提出要建立完善的中学教师薪酬机制、培训晋升机制、教师评价机制等重要研究成果。

    Proposed in this foundation the middle school teacher drove the mechanism constructs the ponder , proposed must establish the perfect middle school teacher salary mechanism , the training promotion mechanism , the teacher appraises the mechanism and so on the important research results .

  13. 鉴于此,我们提出立体滚动式录用机制的构思,促使录用晋升机制与教育培训机制有机结合,期望借此能够有助于问题的解决,完善依法录警程序。

    Based on this , we put forward the idea of stereo and rolling enrollment mechanism so as to combine enrollment promotion with education training mechanism , hoping that the problem can be solved and the procedure of legal police enrollment can be improved .

  14. 通过培训使他们认识到自己工作中应改善的方面,工作得到发展和提高,同时还要在精神方面上激发员工的斗志,良好的岗位配置机制与晋升机制是对核心员工进行精神激励的重要方式。

    Through training to sensitize them to their work areas to be improved , work to develop and improve , while also stimulating the spiritual aspects of employee morale , good job allocation mechanism and the core staff promotion mechanisms are an important way to encourage the spirit of .

  15. 最后,从培训机制、薪酬管理和晋升机制三个方面,完善多元化的学习激励机制,不断创造条件和满足80后公务员的各方面的需求,为维护80后公务员心理契约动态性发展提供激励制度。

    Finally , from the perspective of training mechanism , salary management and promotion mechanism , a multi-encouraging mechanism should be completed , in order to meet the needs of post-80s civil servants and to provide a mechanism for maintaining the dynamic development of post-80s civil servants ' psychological contract .

  16. 完善绩效考评体系,健全晋升退出机制。

    Perfecting performance appraisal system and promotion and degradation mechanism .

  17. 第二,优化官员晋升考核机制,缓解多任务特征带来的弊端。

    Second , optimizes the official promotion evaluation mechanism and alleviate the evils of multi-tasking features .

  18. 结合第二部分,这两部分阐述了我国企业完善晋升激励机制的必要性和迫切性,确立了晋升激励在激励过程中不可动摇的地位。

    The second part and the third part show the necessity and urgency of setting promotion mechanisms in Chinese enterprises .

  19. 关于法官的激励机制,我国无论是法官保障、法官地位还是法官晋升等机制都无法对法官形成有效的激励,因此应从上述三个方面进行完善。

    Our judge safeguards , status and promotion all can not inspirit judges effectively , so we should perfect it from the three aspects .

  20. 在绩效&晋升的激励机制之下,县级政府的效用目标已经围绕其特殊的利益需求展开,即财政收入最大化,领导晋升机会最大化。

    At the mercy of the " performance-promotion " incentive mechanism , the utility target of county government has been around its special interests & that is fiscal revenue maximization and leaderships promotion opportunities maximization .

  21. 第三章对中国公共部门激励机制在晋升制度、薪酬管理制度和考核制度中激励功能所存在的障碍因素进行了系统的分析;中国公务员晋升制度激励机制的问题及对策

    The third part studies the obstacles exist in the motivation functions in the promotion system , the salary system and evaluating system ; Problems and Countermeasures on the Exciting Mechanism for China 's Public Official 's Promoting to a Higher Office