
  • Economic layoffs;economic employee releasing
  1. 经济性裁员制度是市场经济体制的必然产物。

    Institution of economic layoffs is a necessity of market system .

  2. 此种经济性裁员必须符合法律规定的实质性条件和程序性条件。

    Such economic dismissal must conform to both substantive and procedural conditions .

  3. 经济性裁员体现了企业经营自主权与劳动者劳动权的直接冲突。

    Economic cuts reflect the direct collision between enterprises ' autonomy and right of labor .

  4. 论我国经济性裁员制度的完善

    On Perfection of Economic Dismissal System

  5. 严格控制下岗职工总数,制定经济性裁员实施办法。

    To strictly control the amount of laid-off workers and formulate measures to economic reducing the staff .

  6. 《劳动合同法》仅对经济性裁员做出了程序性的要求,但对于其他形式的裁员并为做出程序性要求。

    Labor Contract Law only has procedural requirements on economic dismissal but not for other forms of layoffs .

  7. 经济性裁员制度赋予用人单位以较宽泛的劳动关系解除权,它是用人单位用人自主权的体现。

    Economic dismissal system , endowing companies a fairly wide right of terminating labor relations , is an embodiment of independence .

  8. 经济性裁员不仅涉及企业内部人力资源管理,而且与法律制度密切相关。

    Economic layoff is not only closely related to internal business management of enterprises , but also has much to do with the legal system .

  9. 因此,从法律角度看,法律规定的经济性裁员只是实践中用人单位裁员的方式之一。

    Therefore , from the legal prospective , economic dismissal stipulated by law is just one of many ways for the employing unit to lay off employees .

  10. 但是,如果运用契约视角来构建和完善我国经济性裁员制度的话,则符合法律制度内在正当性和外在效益性的要求。

    However , if we use the perspective of contracts to build and improve the system , then there will be an inherent legitimacy and the effectiveness of external .

  11. 第一部分阐述了经济性裁员制度的基本理论,主要对经济性裁员的内涵作了界定,并论证了经济性裁员的合理性以及经济性裁员受法律规制的必要性。

    The first section illustrates the basic theory of economic cutting institution . It mainly defines the connotation of economic cuts . Also , it proves the rationality of economic cuts and the necessity to regulate economic cuts .

  12. 本文主要分为四个部分:本文第一部分主要研究报复性解雇的概念和特征,通过与违法解雇、经济性裁员相比较总结报复性解雇的基本特征。

    This paper is divided into four parts : The first part of this paper , mainly study the conception and the basic characteristics of retaliatory dismissal , by comparison with the illegal dismissal , and economic layoffs .

  13. 经济性裁员是指劳动合同订立时所依据的客观经济情况发生重大变化,致使劳动合同无法履行,或者在经营中遇到严重困难,用人单位需要裁减比例众多成员的情形。

    The institution of economic layoffs is such a circumstance that the labor contract can not be effected or is in trouble because the objective circumstance of the labor contract has changed so much , which leads to economic layoffs of large proportion .

  14. 为了快速降低经济成本,很多企业采用经济性裁员的管理模式。

    In order to lower costs , many companies adopted the method of economic layoff .