
  • 网络eco;Economy;economode;Econ
  1. 实际上,从经济模式一路切换到正常模式再到运动模式,驾驶者就能立即获得强烈的推背感。

    By , in effect , downshifting from eco to normal to sport , you get an immediate and gratifying jump forward .

  2. 政府表示希望建立一种人人参与的经济模式,让社会全体成员觉得其繁荣将给每个人带来利益。

    The government has said it wants to create a stakeholder economy in which all members of society feel that they have an interest in its success .

  3. 随着美国在冷战中取得胜利,我们的经济模式似乎没有了真正的竞争对手。

    As America triumphed in the Cold War , there didn 't seem to be a real competitor to our economic model .

  4. 在这种经济模式下,拥有雇主或客户所重视的人力资本特征(例如,能力和抱负)的个人,预计在就业市场上供不应求。

    In such economies , individuals who possess the human capital characteristics that employers or clients value ( e.g. , competence and ambition ) are expected to be in high demand and short supply on the job market .

  5. 环境变迁对传统型生产方式的挑战,突显出绿色GDP指标体系与循环经济模式,是我国建设全面小康社会的必然选择。

    This article is to argue that the green GDP guideline system and the circulative economy model are necessary choices in constructing well - off society in China .

  6. 城市循环经济模式是发展生态城市、解决我国GDP高速增长与可持续性发展矛盾的必由之路。

    City circular economy mode is the necessary path to develop ecological city and solve the conflict between the highly increasing GDP of China and the sustainable development .

  7. PFI(PrivateFinanceInitiative)是在公共项目建设与运营中引入私有资金的一种新型项目融资经济模式,该模式诞生于英国,并被许多国家予以借鉴和应用,获得了巨大的经济和社会效益。

    PFT ( Private Finance Initiative ) is a new economic style of project finance of inducting private capital in public projects . This style origins from Britain and has been used for reference in many other countries , and has brought up huge economic and social benefits .

  8. 运用循环经济模式防治环境污染

    Utilize the Circulate Economy Model to Prevent the Environmental Pollution

  9. 我国制造业循环经济模式发展的探讨

    Analysis on Development of China 's Country Manufacturing Industry Circulation Economy Mode

  10. 青海省发展飞地经济模式研究

    The Analyses of the Enclave Economy Pattern of Qinghai Province

  11. 循环经济模式和实施层面的再分析

    Re-analysis the Operation Model and Practice Level of Circular Economy

  12. 福克斯上台后墨西哥政治经济模式的变化

    Transformation of mexico 's political and economic models under Fox

  13. 循环经济模式建立的促进机制研究

    Study on the Accelerating Mechanism of Building Circurlar Economy Mode

  14. 建立中国市场经济模式的理论思考

    Theoretical Thinking for the Establishment of Chinese Market Economy Pattern

  15. 大连发展国际性城市的环境经济模式

    Urban development of Dalian : city marketing towards international hub

  16. 新经济模式要求新物流模式和新技术。

    A new Economic Model requires the new logistics model and new technology .

  17. 该经济模式有以下主要特点。

    This economic model has the following key features .

  18. 小城镇循环经济模式研究

    The Study on Circular Economy Modes of Small Town

  19. 城市新区开发的经济模式研究

    The City Newly Developed Area Development Economic Type Research

  20. 中国的零售企业在告别了过去的计划经济模式后,转入了市场经济。

    Retail business of China enter market economy after leaving previous planned economy .

  21. 论劳动力市场需求约束条件下的东莞经济模式

    On the economic model of Dongguan restrained by market demands of labour force

  22. 再论综合市场经济模式

    Further comments on economic pattern of comprehensive market

  23. 基于系统分析的农产品加工循环经济模式的建立

    Study on the Recycling Economy Mode of Agricultural Product Waste Based on System Analysis

  24. 新形态的循环经济模式分析

    Analysis of the New Circular Economy Mode

  25. 在当前国情下,经济模式与社会体制是不可分割的。

    That under the current conditions , the economic model and social system is inseparable .

  26. 东亚经济模式的优势

    Advantages of Economic Modes in East Asia

  27. 庭院生态经济模式。

    Mode of courtyard ecological economy .

  28. 就在新自由主义大行其道的同时,一些西方经济学家也从理论和实践的角度对新自由主义经济模式进行了批判。

    It has incurred criticism from Western economists both in theory and in practice , though .

  29. 国民政府移植苏联经济模式,不是全盘照搬,而是有较大的变通。

    The national government of China in 1930s made some change when transplanting Soviet economic mode .

  30. 从治到化的规模化养殖场废物处理的循环经济模式

    From " disposal " to " convert " circular economy model of waste treatment in scale farming