
  1. 美国重视其经济领导地位以及随之产生的政治和军事实力。

    America values its economic leadership , and the political and military strength that goes with it

  2. 另外,这是中美开展非正式G2合作的理想议题。要发挥全球经济领导作用,在现有的多边机构中通过所需的改革,需要中美的这种合作。

    Moreover , this is an ideal issue for China and the US to develop the informal G2 partnership that is needed to provide global economic leadership to pass needed reforms at the existing multilateral institutions .

  3. 美国经济领导权的悖论

    The " Paradox " of American Economic Leadership

  4. 实力;影响力美国重视其经济领导地位以及随之产生的政治和军事实力。

    America values its economic leadership , and the political and military strength that goes with it .

  5. 此外,在目前条件下企业仍然没充分利用,经济领导工作者将不会实施电子商务。

    Moreover , the enterprise is still under-utilized and most business executives will not implement e-commerce under current conditions .

  6. 国际高级经济领导人称,对货币和贸易的持续争议逐步增强,这会影响脆弱的经济复苏。

    Top international economic leaders said continuing disputes over currencies and trade could escalate and hurt the fragile economic recovery .

  7. 真实的情况是,经济领导权从美国向中国、印度和其它新兴市场的现实转移。

    The real story is a secular shift of economic leadership from the us to China , India and other emerging markets .

  8. 因此,公众对于经济领导和胡佛政府的信任降低,而且在1932年夏季,几乎完全丧失。

    Consequently , public confidence in the economic leadership and the Hoover administration sagged and then nearly collapsed during the summer of 1932 .

  9. 在本次会议上,一些世界最具权势的政治经济领导将聚会于瑞士阿尔卑斯一滑雪小镇。

    The event gathers some of the world 's most powerful political and business leaders at a small ski village in the Swiss Alps .

  10. 问题在于,中国的这种政策组合与其全球经济领导地位是不协调的,中国目前几乎别无选择,只能成为全球领导者。

    The problem is that this policy mix is incompatible with global economic leadership at a time when China has little choice but to become a global leader .

  11. 白宫官员已经暗示,奥巴马可能对此类据称有助于帮助美国重建在亚洲地区的经济领导地位的举措持开放态度。

    White House officials have hinted that Mr Obama may be open to such a move which , they say , could help rekindle US economic leadership in Asia .

  12. 日本昨日宣布,将向受全球金融危机冲击的亚洲国家提供1000亿美元的金融援助。此举将加强日本在该地区的经济领导地位,尽管日本国内经济正遭受严重衰退。

    Japan yesterday offered $ 100bn in financial assistance to Asian countries hit by the global financial crisis in a move that shores up its economic leadership in the region in spite of its own severe recession .

  13. 省县域经济工作领导小组办公室今年进一步完善了县域经济发展考核指标体系,不再将GDP总量作为约束性的考核指标。

    This year , the Leading Group Office of Hunan 's County Economy further improved the assessment index system , in which GDP will not be a restrictive assessment indicator any longer .

  14. 知识经济时代领导管理思维的更新

    The Innovation of Management Thought of Leadership in Intellectual Economic Times

  15. 上世纪九十年代和本世纪头十年,银行业成为西方经济的领导力量之一。

    In the 1990s and 2000s , banks became a leading force in western economies .

  16. 知识经济与领导方法创新

    Knowledge economy and innovation of leading methods

  17. 有利于党对非公有制经济的领导。

    It benefits the leadership of the Party to the Economy of Non - Public Ownership .

  18. 转型时期沿海发达农村地区经济型领导:合法性地诞生,非正式地运作

    Economical Leader of Coastal Village Area during the Social Transfer : Elected in Validity and Administered in Informality

  19. 这次峰会日程广泛,八国集团国家以外的主要经济体领导也会出席,包括中国。

    This summit will have a broad agenda , and will include participation by leaders of major economies outside the formal G8 structure , such as China .

  20. 知识经济对领导方法提出了新的要求,也使传统的领导方法面临严峻挑战,知识经济时代所需要的领导方法具有开拓创新性。

    The time of knowledge economy puts forward new expectation for leading methods , and makes the traditional ways face a serious change to be creative and innovation .

  21. 新的全球规定预期得到总统巴拉克奥巴马以及其他20个经济大国领导的支持,当他们在韩国首尔11月11日到12日会见时。

    The new global rules are expected to be endorsed by President Barack Obama and other leaders of the Group of20 major economies when they meet in Nov.11-12 in Seoul , South Korea .

  22. 要实现思想政治教育与现代科学管理的融合,就必须加强融合理论研究,探索融合途径,就必须改革经济社会领导管理体制,就必须努力培养双能型人才。

    In order to combine them together , it is necessary to enhance the theoretical research , seek ways to reform the leadership system of management in economic society , and try to produce talented persons .

  23. 其中一个重要原因在于:希特勒政府的经济部门的领导权还一直掌握在右翼保守派理论家,如施密特(KurtSchmitt)、沙赫特(HjalmarSchacht)等人的手上的。

    One of the important reasons is that the leading power of economy department in the Hitler government is still in the hand of the right conservative theorists , like Kurt Schmitt and Hjalmar Schacht .

  24. 浅析市场经济条件下领导干部的义利观

    The Leaders ' Outlook on Righteousness and Interests in Marketing Economy

  25. 知识经济时代下领导干部素质刍议

    A Rustic Opinion on Performance of Leading Cadre at Era of Knowledge Economy

  26. 论党对社会主义经济建设的领导

    The Leadership of CPC to Socialist Economic Construction

  27. 经统计分析,治疗组优于对照组(P<0.01);从各方面加强对经济开发的领导。

    Reinforcing the leadership of economic develop-ment in poor mountainous areas in every aspect .

  28. 发展县域生态经济与县级领导干部的生态素质

    Ecological Quality of the County-level Officials : the Key to the Development of Intra-county Ecological Economy

  29. 《福布斯》还提到了罗塞夫对世界第八大经济体的领导才能和她国内的高支持率。

    Forbes cited Rousseff for her leadership of the world 's eighth-largest economy and approval ratings within her country .

  30. 我们已在这个基础上,并在经济局的领导下,与这些国家磋商。

    We have been negotiating with these countries on such basis , with the Economic Services Bureau taking the lead .