
  1. 克里斯.莱曼是宾夕法尼亚州费城科学领导学院的校长。

    Chris Lehmann is principal of the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania .

  2. 我在科学领导学院教书,

    I teach at the Science Leadership Academy ,

  3. 科学领导就是领导者的主观指导要符合客观实际,按照客观规律办事,以取得最佳领导效能。

    Scientific leadership means that the subjective leadership of leaders is to accord with the objective facts and laws so as to achieve the best result .

  4. 要提高领导工作效率,必须扩大学校办学自主权,领导者必须由经验领导上升为科学领导。

    However , to enhance the art of leadership and enlarge the scale of initiative school - running , the leadership must be scientific mangement instead of management by experience .

  5. 采取科学的领导制度和领导方式的能力;

    The competence of adopting scientific system and pattern of leadership ;

  6. 树立科学的领导干部执政能力观

    Establishing the Scientific Outlook of Governing Capacity of Leading Cadres

  7. 关于科学评价领导干部政绩的思考

    Thoughts on the correct evaluation of cadres ' administrative and political achievements

  8. 建立健全党内科学的领导体制和工作机制;

    Establishing and perfecting the leading system and work mechanism of the internal Party ;

  9. 对海关系统而言,建立一个科学的领导干部考核评价体系是一个重大的实践和理论课题。

    For the customs , establish a scientific system in the leading cadre evaluation is an important practice and theory subject .

  10. 为了反对主观主义的和官僚主义的领导方法,必须广泛地深入地提倡马克思主义的科学的领导方法。

    To combat subjectivist and bureaucratic methods of leadership , we must promote scientific , Marxist methods of leadership both extensively and intensively .

  11. 只有女性担任科学的领导职位才能对从事科学研究工作的女性产生影响。

    Only women taking up leadership positions in science will have an impact on women who go through it [ pursue a career in research ] .

  12. 管理、领导是管理科学、领导科学的核心范畴,两者既有联系又有区别。

    Abstract As management and leadership are the core categories of managing and leading science , there are not only relations but also distinctions between them .

  13. 科学的领导离不开督查,督查是决策落实的第一推动力,是整个领导行为中的一个关键环节。

    Supervising and Handling are the indispensable factor for scientific leadership , the " first impetus " for carrying out decisions and the critical point for leading practice .

  14. 认识到决策能力的重要性并不能代表着校长就能自然地提高决策能力,因为,决策是一门科学的领导艺术,决策能力包含着丰富的内涵和要求。

    Recognizing the importance of decision-making can not represent that the school principals decision-making capacity can be increased naturally . Because decision-making is a science of leadership , decision-making capabilities include rich content and requirements .

  15. 而科学的领导方法、良好的心理品质、对部属真诚的期待是管理者创设良好工作环境时必须认真对待的三个方面。

    So the scientific style of leadership , good psychological quality and sincere expectation of the subordinates are the three aspects that the administrators must seriously deal with when they put up a good working environment .

  16. 他一生主要致力于教育改革和新文化运动,并长期担任教育和科学的领导工作,是我国近代倡导并组织实施美育的先驱者。

    He held the post of the leader of education and science during a long period and was one of the pioneers of advocating , organizing and practicing " esthetic education " in Chinese modern times .

  17. 建立健全科学的领导人才素质评价标准及其执行机制,是我国领导人才研究与管理体系中亟待解决的问题之一。

    Establishing and improving a scientific leaders quality evaluation criteria and the related carrying mechanism , and normalizing the implementation during the course of leaders ' selecting and cultivating , is a problem of the talented researching and managing system that should be solved quickly in China .

  18. 科学的领导群体的知识结构应当是软知识与硬知识的结合,以软知识为主,专业知识与一般知识结合,以专业知识为主;

    The knowledge structure of a scientific leader group should be a combination of " soft " knowledge and " hard " knowledge , but based primarily on " soft " knowledge . It is a combination of professional knowledge and general knowledge , but based primarily on professional knowledge .

  19. 尽管MichaelGennert教授作为计算机科学系的领导一直都很忙,但是他仍旧在医学图形处理领域保持着积极的研究计划。

    Although Professor Michael Gennert 's duties as head of the computer science department keep him very busy , he also maintains an active research schedule in the area of medical image processing .

  20. 重视学习哲学社会科学知识提高领导干部的执政素质

    Deepening the Study of Philosophical Science and Improving the Administrative Quality of the Leading Officers

  21. 领导者应当以对领导规律的科学把握和领导权力的恰当运用统御部属;

    Leading cadres should control their subordinates by scientifically grasping the law of leading and properly using the leading power .

  22. 领导的理论基础包括科学管理的领导理论、人群关系的领导理论、组织行为的领导理论和权变的领导理论。

    The theoretic bases for leadership include leadership theories of scientific management , personal relationship , organizational behavior and power .

  23. 现代领导科学是以领导活动为研究对象,探索领导行为的一般规律,用以指导现实世界中的领导活动的学科。

    Modern Leadership Science is based on the activities and explores its general principle so as to direct the real activities in our daily life .

  24. 摘要科学的考核领导干部政绩是合理选拔、任用干部的重要依据,因此,党和政府一直对干部考核十分重视。

    Scientific assessment of the official 's achievement is important basis of eaaonab1y choosing and appointing the therefore , the government is always attaching importance to the assessment of official .

  25. 健全和完善促进科学发展的领导班子和领导干部政绩考核体系是当前深化干部人事制度改革的重点和难点。

    The completing and perfecting the leaders group scientifically and leading cadre political achievements check system is priority and difficult point in deepening the reform of cadre and personnel system currently .

  26. 这与社会主义市场经济所要求的经济调控方式间接化、决策方式科学化、领导方式人本化存在一定的差距。

    There is a great discrepancy between this model and the one demanded by the socialist market economy which requires an indirect government administration of economy , scientific decision making , and a man-first leadership style .

  27. 与之相适应,构建科学完善的领导干部政绩考核评价体系,对公共部门的业绩、成就和实际工作做出尽可能准确的评价考核,是我们面临的新课题。

    In conformity with it , we face the new task to build a sophisticated and scientific assessment and appraisal system for cadre and leader 's achievement , and to most accurately assess and appraise the work , accomplishment and achievement of a public department .

  28. 在我国党政部门中开展绩效考评,必须建立强有力的制度保障或法律保障,培养多元化的评估机构及建立完善科学的党政领导干部素质标准体系等。

    Carry out performance evaluation in Party and government departments in China , we must establish a strong system of protection or legal protection , cultivate a wide range of assessment agencies and establish and improve scientific quality standard system of cadres of the party and government leaders .

  29. 由浙江大学生命科学教授沈炳辉领导的研究小组发现,一种含有戊烷脒的药能够减短艾滋病病毒的生命周期并且能够阻止这种病毒的繁殖,有助于帮助免疫系统对抗艾滋病。

    A research team led by Shen Binghui , a life science professor at Zhejiang University , found that a drug containing pentamidine can cut the life cycle of HIV and prevent the reproduction of the virus , helping the body 's immune system and fight off AIDS .

  30. 落实科学发展观,领导干部是关键。

    To fulfill scientific development concept the leader cadre is crux .