
  • 网络Scientometrics;scientometric
  1. 利用统计学和科学计量学的指标和方法,建立了《期刊引证报告》(JCR)收录期刊的评价模型和期刊的分类模型。

    Based on the indexes and methods of statistics and scientometrics , this paper set up a statistical model for the evaluation and classification of the journals cited by JCR ( abbrev . Journals Citation Reports ) .

  2. 从上世纪90年代开始,科学计量学进入了全面反思阶段。

    In 1990s , scientometrics entered into a stage of rethinking and reviewing .

  3. SCI收录论文与广东省科技发展的科学计量学研究

    Scientific Research State and Development Trends of Guangdong Province from the View of Bibliometrics Analysis on the Published Articles Collected by SCI

  4. 国际科技合作文献计量学研究综述&《科学计量学》(Scientometrics)期刊相关论文综述

    A Summary of Bibliometric Study on International Science and Technology Cooperation

  5. 科学计量学在科学基金管理中的应用

    Application of Scientometrics in the Management of Science Funds

  6. 据此,从科学计量学上我们可以确定和评价科技成果创新的程度。

    Accordingly , we can make certain the science innovation degree in scientometrics .

  7. 科学计量学应用于科研人员绩效评价的挑战

    Applying Scientometrics in the Performance Evaluation of Scientific Researchers

  8. 国际科学计量学研究力量分布现状之计量分析

    Quantitative analysis of distribution of the international scientometrics researchers

  9. 但文献计量学只是科学计量学的一个子领域。

    But Bibliometrics is only one subfield of scientometrics .

  10. 基于知识图谱的国际科学计量学研究前沿计量分析

    Quantitative analysis on the research front of international scientometrics based on mapping of knowledge

  11. 引文分析是传统文献计量学和科学计量学的一种独特研究方法。

    Citation analysis is a special and useful research method in Bibliometrics and Scientometrics .

  12. 科学计量学是对科学本身进行定量研究的学科,它是科学学的一门重要分支。

    Scientometrics is one of the important sub-disciplines of science studies based on quantitative measures .

  13. 在理解知识的累积增进时,科学计量学可以帮助很大。

    When it comes to understanding the march of knowledge , scientometrics can be very helpful .

  14. 普赖斯奖是科学计量学领域的国际奖项。

    The Derek de Solla price award is an international award in the field of scientometrics .

  15. 国内外科学计量学元研究始于上世纪70年代,经历了从定性综述,到借助定量分析方法,乃至科学知识图谱的可视化方法进行研究的演变。

    The methodologies of meta-scientometrics are evolved from empirical overview to quantitative analysis and mapping knowledge domain .

  16. 中、德、日一流大学科研产出趋势比较&基于科学计量学的案例研究

    Comparative Study on the Research Performances Between Chinese , German and Japanese Top Universities : A Scientometrics Approach

  17. 然而,科学计量学领域中关于大型引文网络的研究还非常少,关于引文网络中知识生产和传播过程的研究更是少有涉及。

    In scientometrics field , however , there are few scholar studies about it , especially about knowledge production and diffusion in citation network .

  18. 邱均平教授是著名情报学家和著名评价专家,我国文献计量学和科学计量学的主要奠基人之一。

    Professor QIU Jun-ping is a famous intelligence and evaluation expert , and he is also one of the founders of bibliometrics and scientometrics in China .

  19. 信息可视化技术是近年来在科学计量学、知识计量学领域兴起的一种重要的研究方法和手段,已经被广泛运用到各个领域。

    In recent years , Information visualization technique which is emerging is an important research method and mean in the area of scientific metrology and metrology knowledge , and has been widely applied to various fields .

  20. 本文运用科技哲学、管理学、科学计量学等基本原理,从成果管理的视角对社会科学研究成果评价指标体系进行深入研究。

    The paper goes deep into the evaluation system of index of social science research achievement from the visual angle of achievement management . by applying philosophy of science & technology , management and science measurement of quantities etc.

  21. 为了科技兴国,为了改变我国总是处在被评估、被解释、被冲击的三被地位,我们必须关注和建设起基于自己数据资料和分析的科学计量学指标体系与评价方法。

    To invigorate our nation with science and technology , and to change her status of always being assessed , defined and challenged , we must focus our attention to and build up the index system of scientific metrology and assessment methods based on collected data and analysis .

  22. 运用信息可视化技术等新兴科学计量学方法,对1995年至2004年国际科学学领域论文高被引频次前50名作者进行分析,绘制出科学学主流学术群体及其代表人物的知识图谱。

    Using mapping of science and information visualization to analyze top 50 most cited authors in the six international journals of science studies during 1995-2004.We got the author co-citation map to identify the main research groups and representative scientists to analyze the potential intellectual structure of science studies .

  23. 本文在撰写过程中,借助GIS软件、社会科学软件、计量学、数理统计学手段及生态城市理论、系统工程理论、环境科学等理论进行研究,从而得出呼和浩特生态城市建设现状及发展趋势。

    Furthermore , the author used the methods of GIS software , social scientific software , metrology , mathematical statistics and theory of ecotype city , systems engineering and environment scientific to conclude Hohhot 's developing situation and biological degree .

  24. 对二维形态结构进行定量测量,并利用二维测量信息推论三维结构的科学称为形态计量学(morphometry)。

    The quantitative measurements of the two dimensional structures and its inference to the three dimentional structures is called morphometry .

  25. 我国高校九五期间国家社会科学基金项目的计量学研究

    The Metrological Study of the Nationally-supported Social Science Projects in College and University

  26. 中美科学合作:文献计量学分析

    Sino-U.S.Science Collaboration : an Analysis in Bibliometrics

  27. 《巴比伦以来的科学》及其作者普赖斯对科学计量学等学科有巨大的影响。

    Derek j.de Solla price and his book Science Since Babylon have produced much influence on scientometrics and other disciplines .

  28. 这种对科学的定量分析被称之为科学计量学。

    Such quantitative analysis of science has become known as scientometrics .

  29. 文章同时指出,对于科学及其技术工程应用进行文化计量,已成为科学计量学的重要研究课题。

    The paper also illuminates that it has become an important research task to measure the degree that science and its application turns into culture .

  30. 研究表明,科学、技术和创新活动的研究是科学学与科学计量学的主题。

    The results show that science , technology and innovation are still the crucial topic in Science of Science and scientometrics .