
  • 网络management of scientific research
  1. 文章提出,两弹一星工程在实践方面给予我们的启示之一是,如果管理者缺乏管理科学意识,就不能抽象出通用成熟的管理理论,也不可能发展科研管理学;

    Also , this dissertation points out that , the enlightenment on the practice is , firstly , if the manager of the scientific research institute has no consciousness of the management science , he could not develop the theory of management .

  2. 并针对吉林油田科研项目管理方面存在的几个比较突出的问题,运用科研项目管理学理论、行为学理论以及采用对下属二级单位实际调查分析的方法进行研究和探讨。

    This paper also discussed several obvious problems of scientific research project management in Jilin Oilfield using administration theory and behavior theory as well as practical investigation to subordinate units .