
  1. 论科学决策体制

    Talking about A Scientific Decision System Top 10 Unanswered Science Questions

  2. 科学决策体制是现代化管理体制的重要标志,它要求有科学合理的组织体系和严格规范的制度体系。

    A scientific decision system is an important mark in a modern management system .

  3. 论科学决策体制应当建立科技经济一体化的宏观决策体制、计划管理体制、组织结构体制和法律调整体制。

    A macro decision system , a plan management system , an organization and structure system and a law modification system related to the integration of science , technology and economy must be established .

  4. 科学的决策体制是制定正确决策的前提条件;

    The scientific decision system is the precondition of making correct decision ;