
  • 网络Decision type;Decision Style
  1. 您还需要确定流程中涉及的决策类型。

    You also need to determine the types of decisions that are involved in the process .

  2. 例如,表中包括的决策类型可以是全球流程设计相关的决策。

    The types of decisions that might be included in your matrix could be worldwide process design , for instance .

  3. 议价博弈作为博弈研究中重要的一种类型,又称讨价还价,是生活中随处可见的重要决策类型。

    Bargaining game as an important type of game experiments , known as " bargaining ", is a significant decision making types can be seen everywhere in lives .

  4. 人们面临的是一个复杂多变的、不确定的世界,并且随着决策类型的增加,不确定性就会越多,信息也会变得更加不完全。

    People are faced with a complex , uncertain world , and with the increase of decision-making type , uncertainty will be more information will become more incomplete .

  5. 本文通过对“理想玩具”各项特征的进一步讨论,发现特殊幼儿家长的玩具购买行为可以被界定为四种不同的决策类型。

    However , by a further discussion about the characteristics of " ideal toys " this paper concludes that four different decision types can be defined in such purchase behaviors .

  6. 基于运作战略中两种结构化的决策类型也就是设施和纵向集成来研究制造网络和供应链,提出了网络系统的分析模型,它含有4种基本的网络结构。

    In this paper we research manufacturing network and supply chain based on two structural decision categories in operations strategy : facilities and vertical integration . We present the model for the network system and it include four basic network configurations .

  7. 根据货运营销工作决策类型,将模型分为客户管理模型,营销组合分析模型,营销绩效考核模型,运量预测模型,经济影响分析模型,竞争对手分析模型等12个大类模型。

    The Basis of the types of freight Marketing , we partition the model to The client management model , The Marketing combination analysis Model , The Marketing merit system model , The transport forecast model , The economy influence analysis model , The competitor analysis .

  8. 给出了移动Agent对象池的形式化定义,研究了决策任务类型与移动Agent对象之间的关系,设计了对象池中的对象,并提出了基于对象池技术的移动Agent对象管理方法。

    The definition of mobile agent object pool is put forward , and the relationship between types of the decision-making and objects is researched .

  9. 我们的治理机制确定了决策的类型,以及谁可能做出决策。

    Our governance mechanism identifies types of decisions and who may make them .

  10. 决策子类型根据数学等式从现有数据创建新信息。

    Decisions are a subtype in which new information is created from existing data based on mathematical equations .

  11. 并分析了农户参与后生产特征及效益的变化和农户决策模式类型。

    The changes of production characteristics and the benefits of the farming systems after the farm households adopted the model and the model types of farm households ' decision making are analyzed .

  12. 该模型设计的重点是科学评估系统面临的危险和正确决策响应的类型。

    Key points of the model are scientific evaluation of danger faced by a system and decision of the response type .

  13. 该系统实现了维修方式决策、维修类型决策、维修计划的编制、维修数据库管理等重要功能。

    This system implements the main functions such as maintenance model decision , maintenance type decision , maintenance plan arrangement and database management .

  14. 本文中,我以基于服务架构、它的层和架构决策的相关类型的基础知识来开始。

    In this article , I started with the fundamentals of a service-oriented architecture , its layers , and the associated types of architectural decisions .

  15. 回归分析结果进一步表明:纵向分权或横向分权分别对顾客响应速度不仅有正效应,而且存在负效应,取决于横向整合的强弱和决策权的类型。

    The results of regression analysis revealed as follows : vertical or horizontal decentralization has not only positive effect but also negative effect , which rests with the degree of horizontal integration and the type of decision-making power .

  16. 设备诊断与设备维修决策复杂设备维修类型决策策略探讨

    Policy decision in equipment diagnosis and maintenance Inquisition on Maintenance Type Decision for Complicated Equipment

  17. 其次,研究了系统知识表达的不确定性问题,以及安全风险决策者的决策类型对度量不确定性的需求;

    Second , the uncertainty of knowledge representation as well as the requirement for uncertainty quantifications by the safety risk decision-maker is discussed .

  18. 介绍教育装备开发研制的决策过程、决策类型,并通过教育装备研制方案决策实例来说明如何运用决策树进行决策分析,为解决类似的问题提供方法和思路。

    This paper introduces decision process and decision making types , and explains how to use decision tree by an example in the course of educational equipment research , it provides a series of method and thought to the similar questions .

  19. 随着国民的经济发展,旅游上市公司已经成为上市公司的重要组成部分,旅游上市公司本身具有的特殊性质决定了其融资方式、治理结构和财务决策不同于其他类型上市公司。

    With the fast development of our national economy , the listed tourism companies have become an important part of listed companies in China . With its own nature , listed tourism companies are special in financing , management structure and financial decision-making .

  20. 为了进一步研究参展决策行为的特征,本研究探讨了企业特征、展会类型和参展动机对参展决策行为的影响,并尝试对不同参展商的参展决策类型进行分类。

    To further study the characteristics of decision-making behavior , this study explores the influences of enterprise characteristics , type of trade show and exhibitors ' participation motive on the decision-making , and tries to group exhibitors by the behavior characteristics .

  21. 那么哪种理论更能有效地去解释模糊厌恶呢?模糊决策是特殊的、复杂的风险决策还是一种独立的决策类型,也是最近神经经济学里面争议的一个问题。

    Which is more effective to explain the ambiguity aversion ? Ambiguity decision-making is a special , complex risk decision-making or an independent decision-making type , which is a controversial issue in recent neuroeconomics , a series of fMRI studies reached a different opinion , respectively .

  22. 本文对决策支持系统和群决策支持系统进行了阐述,并对群决策支持系统的类型、功能、结构、相关技术、评价研究及群决策支持系统的主要的研究工作作了详尽的论述。

    This paper narrates Decision Support System ( DSS ) and Group Decision Support System ( GDSS ) and summarizes type , function , structure , relation , evaluation and major research of GDSS .