
  • 网络Decision Making;decision-making model;decision-making approach;decision making approach
  1. 通过分析VMI和RMI在概念原理上的本质差异,讨论了VMI在管理思想、决策方式、预测体系、补货模式、延迟策略方面的优越性和先进性。

    This paper finds the essential difference between vendor managed inventory ( VMI ) and retailer managed inventory ( RMI ) . VMI has many advantages in management idea , decision making , forecasting system , replenishment mode and postponing strategy .

  2. 信息技术影响医院经济管理的决策方式;

    Information technology influencing the pattern of decision making in hospital financial management ;

  3. 就实际而言,高校以及BOT其他利益相关者在运作BOT项目时,对于项目定价一直没有比较合理以及科学的决策方式。

    In practical terms , there is no reasonable and scientific way of making decision when universities with other stakeholders are in the operation of BOT projects .

  4. 提出了混合式集成化CAPP系统的核心思想,并建立了融合实例推理技术、采用多种工艺决策方式的集微观工艺设计与宏观工艺过程管理为一体的混合式集成化CAPP系统的体系结构。

    Bring forward the core idea of hybrid integrated CAPP system , established the systematic structure of hybrid integrated CAPP system which comprised of instance reasoning technique and multiple process decision-making mode and macro process management .

  5. 在传统的高层管理信息系统(EIS)的设计中,其信息的组织、存储、检索均采用结构化的方式,这与高层管理者的非结构化的工作、决策方式是不一致的。

    EIS information was structured , storaged , and retrieved with structured way in traditional executive information system . This can ′ t meet executive ′ s need of unstructured decision way .

  6. 我们相信NARBO将通过改变我们的工作、规划和决策方式并加以实施,来为亚太地区的水治理前景作出贡献。

    We believe that NARBO can contribute to a better future for water management in the Asia-Pacific region by changing the way we work , plan , make decisions , and implement them .

  7. 基于决策方式的决策成本关系浅析

    The Shallow Analysis of Decision-making Cost Relation Based on Decision-making Way

  8. 跨流域调水系统调度决策方式及管理模式研究

    Research on Operation Decision-Making and Management Pattern in Inter-Basin Water Transfer System

  9. 决策方式与决策成本之间有着极为密切的关系。

    There is the close relation between decision-making way and decision-making cost .

  10. 决策方式比较科学,能够比较好的代表着成员的意愿。

    Decision-making more scientific way , to better represent the wishes of members .

  11. 一个合理的解释是经济衰退影响人们的决策方式。

    One plausible explanation is that recessions affect the way people take decisions .

  12. 合理选择战略决策方式;

    Choosing the decision - making mode ;

  13. 在各个尺度的检测中采用了软决策方式,使决策形式更加合理。

    Soft decision is adopted on every scale , which makes the decision more reasonable .

  14. 决策方式选择的合适与否,在很大程度上决定决策绩效。

    Whether the decision manner is suitable decides the decision performance to a large extent .

  15. 常见的内隐决策方式包括自我反省、孵化酝酿、强化和心象四种方式。

    Average tactics of implicit decision-making involve self-reflection , incubation , reinforcement and mental imagery .

  16. 该模型主要包括职位信息的获取、离职路径和离职决策方式等几部分。

    The model was composed of source of job opportunities , turnover path and turnover decision patterns .

  17. 第三,全球化,尤其是信息全球化,改变了行政机构的决策方式;

    Third , globalization , in particular of information , altered the methodology of decision making dramatically .

  18. 此部分提出的各种加权决策方式适合于任何一种局部学习方法中。

    A variety of weighted decision-making within this section presents suitable for any of the local learning method .

  19. 本文的第三章将就各种决策方式进行总结,并说明决策表的形成原理和程序要求。

    Chapter 3 of this thesis summarizes the form of decision-making and explains the principle and demand of program .

  20. 日本私立大学管理机构及决策方式是以法律法规为基础而形成的。

    The management mechanism and policy making of private universities in Japan is established on the base of law .

  21. 其研究结果可能对投资决策方式产生深远影响。目前的投资决策通常均基于投资者的本能和直觉。

    The results could have ramifications for the way investment decisions , typically driven by gut instinct and intuition , are made .

  22. 雷诺和戴姆勒鼓励日产和扶桑更加明确责任界限,采取更基于事实和更严格的决策方式。

    Renault and Daimler have instigated clearer lines of responsibility and a more fact-based and rigorous approach to decision-making at Nissan and Fuso .

  23. 他表示:我们不仅想要传播知识,而且还想影响一个人的思维方式和决策方式。

    Not only do we want to transmit knowledge , we also want to influence a person 's way of thinking and making decisions .

  24. 无论是决策方式、组织结构体系还是运作规程,企业无疑是当今最为成熟的社会组织形式。

    Whether the decision-making mode , the structure of the organization system or operation mode , the enterprise is undoubtedly the most mature social organization .

  25. 这种非系统的选择决策方式存在严重的缺陷,将影响企业运作水平,难以实现企业的更好发展。

    The non-system selection has serious flaws , it will affect the operation and it is difficult to achieve the better development of the enterprises .

  26. 交通运输系统内部五种运输方式之间的运作相对独立,没能形成有效的协调与联合,也缺乏整体的合理决策方式。

    In the transportation system , five transportation modes are operating relatively independent without effective coordination and joint , lacking a comprehensive rational decision-making method .

  27. 品牌组合分子图涵盖了所有影响消费者购买决策方式的品牌,而不管公司是否拥有这些品牌。

    The brand portfolio molecule includes all the brands that factor into a consumer 's decision to buy , whether or not the company owns them .

  28. 经济学家开始探索更有效的货币政策决策方式,并且日益重视对货币政策规则的研究。

    The economists begin to try to find more effective decision-making style of monetary policy and pay more attention to the study of monetary policy rules .

  29. 将虚拟产品开发过程中的决策方式分为非合作决策、顺序决策和合作决策三种;

    The decision manners in the virtual product development process are classified into three cases , i.e. , non-cooperative decision , sequential decision and cooperative decision .

  30. 这项任务的冷静版本需要测试对象运用镇定、理性的决策方式立即决定他们想要翻过多少张卡片。

    A ' cold version ' of the task invites calm , rational decision-making by having participants decide all at once how many cards to turn over .