
jué cè zhě
  • decision maker;policy maker;mastermind
  1. 记得你是一位人类学家,而非一位法官或决策者。

    Remember that you are an anthropologist , not a judge or policy maker .

  2. 我不是决策者,只不过是决策执行者。

    I am not the policy maker , but simply carry out the policy .

  3. 一些调查员认为她是该团伙的决策者。

    Some investigators regarded her as the brains of the gang .

  4. 伯尔曼说:“把自己扮演成提建议者而不是做决策者能避免承受决策疲劳带来的不良后果。”

    By taking upon the role of adviser rather than decision maker , one does not suffer the consequences of decision Mtigue , he says .

  5. 如果你花很多时间和教育工作者和决策者在一起,你会听到很多这样的话:"标准"、"结果"、"技能"、"自我控制"、"责任感"等等。

    If you spend much time with educators and policy makers , you 'll hear a lot of the following words : " standards , " " results , " " skills , " " self-control , " " accountability , " and so on .

  6. 虽然到目前为止大部分争论都集中在无人驾驶汽车的安全性上(这是理所当然的),但决策者们也应该研究如何让自动驾驶汽车帮忙减少交通堵塞、减少排放并提供更方便、更实惠的出行选择。

    While much of the debate so far has been focused on the safety of driverless cars ( and rightfully so ) , policymakers also should be talking about how self-driving vehicles can help reduce traffic jams , cut emissions and offer more convenient , affordable mobility options .

  7. 你可能被资质更好的应聘者打败。不过,你也可能资历过高,导致决策者认为你很快会跳槽或要求加薪。

    On the other hand , you could be overqualified , causing decision-makers to assume that you will soon move on or demand a higher salary .

  8. 随着健康危机逐渐消退,政府决策者需要着手解决疫情的持久性影响,采取措施促进绿色、有韧性和包容性的增长,同时维护宏观经济稳定。

    As the health crisis eases , policymakers will need to address the pandemic 's lasting effects and take steps to spur green , resilient , and inclusive growth while safeguarding macroeconomic stability .

  9. GIS案例是决策者或研究人员使用地理信息系统辅助解决某类特定问题时所生成的特殊的案例。

    GIS case is the special case while researcher solving some special kinds of problems using GIS .

  10. “决策者决定话题,而会议被调整成适应他们的需求,”Flood说。

    " Policymakers define the topic and the event is tailored to their needs ," Flood said .

  11. 一种带有决策者偏好信息的AHP在投资决策中的应用

    The Application of AHP with Preference Information to Investment Decision-making

  12. 运用数据包络分析方法,建立和求解DEA模型,明确决策者偏好,并作出最终决策

    This article establishes and solves the model DEA by means of data envelopment analysis , and achieves final decision

  13. 不同于近年来的其它新生技术(Java、XML、普及计算),Web服务的发展并不只取决于IT决策者。

    Unlike other emerging technologies of recent years ( Java , XML , Pervasive Computing ), the promotion of Web services will not be focused solely on IT decision makers .

  14. SaaS可充当制造型工厂的决策者的经营业务智能工具。

    SaaS can be used as an operational business intelligence tool for decision makers in a manufacturing plant .

  15. 本文给出的交互式预测方法,将决策者的经验和DEA理论结合了起来,形成了一种新的预测方法。

    This paper presents a multi-objective and interchanged prediction method , it is a method combining DEA theory with the experience of decision maker .

  16. 并提出LNG气化站的安全防范措施,为站内管理者和决策者制定安全管理制度提供了科学的依据。

    Propose the safety precautions of LNG vaporizing station , provide scientific basis for development of a safety management system for station managers and decision makers .

  17. 决策者还应评估云计算提供商与供货商、企业数据中心、网络提供商和内容提供商之间具有的SLA。

    The decision makers should also evaluate the SLAs that a cloud computing provider has with vendors , enterprise data centers , network providers , and content providers .

  18. 文章拟对DSS在冶金行业的应用前景进行初步研讨,希望DSS能真正成为冶金行业各级决策者的支持系统。

    This paper , preliminarily discusses prospect of DSS applying to metallurgical industry , and hope DSS truly become support system for different levels of decisionmakers in metallurgical industry .

  19. 仿真实验表明了TOPSIS法对弹药物流路径的优化的可行性和有效性,为战时弹药物流决策者提供理论依据。

    Numerical experiment showed the feasibility and effectiveness of ammunition logistics route optimization with TOPSIS , in order to provide theory for the ammunition logistics decision-maker .

  20. 联合国(UN)的一份报告发现,女性移民在决定寄回发展中国家的汇款水平方面,发挥着超出其应有比例的重要作用,但国际决策者们在很大程度上忽视了她们的贡献。

    Women migrants play a disproportionate role in determining the level of remittances sent home to developing countries , a United Nations report has found , but international policy makers have largely ignored their contribution .

  21. 拉托日前是在出席由主要国家决策者参加的一次会议上发表上述言论的。会上私人部门金融家敦促美联储(Fed)和欧洲央行(ECB)采取更多行动,以恢复市场信心。

    Mr de Rato was attending a conference of leading policy makers at which private-sector financiers urged the Federal Reserve in the US and the European Central Bank to do more to reassure the markets .

  22. 英国和欧盟(eu)决策者现在应重新考察一下:ifrs准则是否为股东、公司以及经济增长带来正面影响。

    It is time policy makers in the UK and the European Union re-examined whether IFRS rules are delivering the right results for shareholders , for companies and for economic growth .

  23. 最后,用java语言进行了仿真实验,引入了评判函数来选择在总延误损失和延误损失分配的公平性上最佳满足决策者要求的分配结果。

    In the end , an experimental simulation was done in java language . By using a evaluation function , one can easily find out the best result which meet the decision maker ′ s request both in total delay cost and equity .

  24. 比如,通过SaaS提供的工具可以为决策者提供原料处理时间、生产周期时间和设备更换时间的理想指标。

    For example , tools provided through SaaS could equip decision makers with knowledge on what metric goals should be achieved for material handling time , cycle time , and changeover time .

  25. 本文讨论了具有双边私人信息的多先验期望效用决策者的打赌对策模型,给出了相应的反应函数和接受函数及它们的性质,与Morris(1995)的结论类似。

    This paper discusses a betting model in which players with two sided private information have multi prior expected utilities , and the results are similar to those of Morris ( 1995 ) .

  26. 将FTA技术应用到信息系统,通过建造系统故障树,从而使信息系统的管理人员(往往同时就是安全决策者)更加清楚系统故障的成因;

    By applying FTA to information system and developing a system fault tree , the administrators ( who normally are decision-makers themselves ) of information system may gain a clearer picture of the causes of system fault .

  27. 之后,通过适当改进Wong和Beasley的DEA乘子置信约束方法,给出了如何利用决策者价值判断信息对等距价值结构的价值位置权重施加控制的置信约束构造方法及CKS-DEA改进模型。

    Based on the new weight structure , a modified CKS - DEA model is presented by properly improving the approach of Wong and Beasley to construct AR restrictions .

  28. 而实验4支持了Shafir认为决策者为了消除不确定性而寻求无关信息的心理倾向的观点。

    , however , experiment IV supported the viewpoint of a tendency to seek useless information that reduces uncertainty .

  29. 鉴于此,本文在深入分析RD投资中风险项目影响因素的基础上,提出了不确定环境下的RD投资项目的风险管理框架,以期对RD投资管理以及决策者的投资决策提供有益的参考。

    In view of this , the dissertation proposes a R D investment project risk management framework based on analysis of uncertain factors in R D investment with aim to provide useful reference to R D investment management and decision makers in the investment decision-making .

  30. 结合自身的业务需求,物流企业可以在这个框架的基础上快速的设计并实施商业智能系统,对企业的业务数据进行OLAP或者数据挖掘,辅助决策者制定各种商业决策,从而提高综合竞争力。

    With their own business needs , logistics enterprises can design and implement BI system quickly based on this framework , and do OLAP or data mining to business data , which aids decision-makers to develop a variety of business decisions , thereby improving overall competitiveness .