
jué cè ɡuī zé
  • decision rule
  1. 个性化决策规则的发现:一种基于RoughSet的方法

    Discovery of personalized decision rule : A rough-set-based approach

  2. 基于SVM的决策规则分类器的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Decision Rule Classifier Based on SVM

  3. RoughSet理论提取决策规则的信息度量研究

    Research on Information Measurement of Drawing Rules by Rough Set Theory

  4. 带Rough算子的决策规则及数据挖掘中的软计算

    Decision rules with rough operator and soft computing of data mining

  5. 基于概率信息系统决策规则的R0三I决策推理

    R_0-type triple - I decision inference based on decision rules of probability information systems

  6. 论WTO的决策规则与我国行政决策的改善

    On the Decision-making Rules of WTO and the Improving of Administrative Decision-making in Our Country

  7. 该方法集中了Petri网和面向对象技术的优点,并融系统决策规则子模型中。

    The method has the advantages of Petri net and object oriented technology , and includes the decision rules in modelling .

  8. 随后从信息理论机理上分析了感知决策规则生成方法。结合RoughSet理论所提出的局域属性重要性用以完成在获取部分信息之后的感知决策生成。

    This paper analyses the method which can produce perception Decision-Making Rule combining the Local Attribute Importance proposed by Rough Set to produce perceptive Decision-Making Rule after getting some information .

  9. 针对基于粗糙集理论提取完全的决策规则是NP难问题,提出一种获取统计意义下的完全的简化规则的算法。

    It is a NP difficult problem to generate complete decision rules based on rough set theory .

  10. 提出了基于知识发现和决策规则基础的盐碱地GIS和遥感分类的方法。

    This paper presents the classification of saline soil method , based on knowledge discovery and decision supporting rule base systems using remotely sensed data and GIS .

  11. IMF的加权投票制、多数表决制和协商一致等决策规则都存在着财大气粗、以富压贫等霸权现象。

    IMF 's weighted voting system , majority voting system and negotiation voting system are all having the problems of money hegemony .

  12. 论文扩展了概念格理论,提出了趋势概念格的概念,并给出了高效的趋势概念格建格算法(CreateDecisionLattice算法)、与趋势有关的决策规则挖掘算法(FindRulesDecisionLattice算法)。

    We extend the concept lattice theory , propose the concept of trend concept lattice , and give effective concept lattice construction algorithm ( CreateDecisionLattice ) . We also gives decision rules mining algorithm ( FindRules_DecisionLattice ) .

  13. 但是属性约简是一个NP问题,对属性的约简和决策规则的约简只能通过启发式算法实现。

    But the attribute reduction is a NP problem , the attribution reduction and decision rule reduction will be solved by method of elicitation .

  14. 基于VPRS的信息系统近似决策规则优化

    Approximate Decision Rules Optimization Based on VPRS Model in Information Systems

  15. WTO争端解决机制决策规则,是在GATT争端解决机制协商一致规则的基础上发展出的一种新的协商一致规则,即反向协商一致规则。

    The " reverse consensus " decision-making rule of WTO dispute settlement mechanism is developing on the basis of the " consensus " decision-making rule of GATT dispute settlement mechanism .

  16. 最后,在分析了WTO争端解决机制采用现行决策规则存在的问题的基础上,对完善WTO争端解决机制决策规则提出看法。

    At last , the author gives some views on perfection of the decision-making rule in dispute settlement mechanism of WTO on the basis of analyzing some problems with using such rule in WTO dispute settlement procedure .

  17. 利用面向对象Petri网技术建立虚拟流水线生产系统模型,并将系统决策规则融于模型中,为系统仿真和调度研究创造了条件。

    Object Oriented Petri Nets is used for modeling for VFL and rule of decision-making is added to the model . It prepares conditions for the research of system simulation and scheduling .

  18. Rough集(RS)理论中如何补偿或拓展RS约简的局部决策规则使之更加接近全局规则是一个重要的议题。

    How to compensate , expand the local decision rules reduced by Rough Set , and make them much more close to the global rules is an important issue in Rough Set theory .

  19. 在网络故障诊断系统中,对反映网络信息的MIB变量,利用粗集(RoughSet)理论约简出最有利于分类的变量集合,并获得分类的决策规则。

    How to apply the rough set theory to reduce the MIB variables , which report the network information , and how to get the decision rules of classification in a network errors diagnosis system were discussed .

  20. 分离之后,业务规则被公开为三种服务:决策规则(DecisionRules)服务、动作规则(ActionRules)服务和任务规则(TaskRules)服务。

    After separation , Business rules have been open for three services : decision-making rules ( Decision Rules ) service , rules of action ( Action Rules ) and the task rules ( Task Rules ) services .

  21. 介绍了RST的基本理论,包括等价关系,上、下近似,决策规则以及属性约简。

    The basic concept of rough set theory is presented , including equivalent relationship , upper / lower approximation , decision rules and attribute reduction .

  22. 根据Neyman-Pearson决策规则导出了最优检索规则,并据此提出了BI概率模型和相应的最优查询。

    An optimal retrieval rule is derived by using the Neyman-Pearson decision rule . A BI probabilistic model and the optimal query to be used in this model are presented .

  23. 最后,利用D-S证据理论将时间域融合结果进行了空间域信息融合,并根据决策规则进行了决策。

    Finally , using a D S evidence theory , result of the time domain fusion is fused from the space domain , and decision making is also done by a rule of decision making .

  24. 该方法在对象子网和门变迁中融入决策规则,建立了CTLS系统动态行为和调度控制模型,简洁明了地描述了系统状态和决策规则之间的关系。

    Using this method , a dynamic behavior model for scheduling and control are built , and it describes the relationships among states and decision-making rules of CTLS system .

  25. 这一明显的缺陷使得人们对理性群决策规则的追求,但到了本世纪50年代,Arrow在一组看似十分合理的条件下,提出的不可能性定理,得出理性群决策规则不存在的结论。

    This paradox makes people to pursue the rational group decision rule . But in the 50 ', in the set of seemingly rational conditions , Arrow proposed an impossibility theorem which imply that there are not rational group decision rule exist .

  26. 根据Arrow公理的基本原理,将群体决策规则作为社会选择准则进行研究,并基于群体偏好数的基本思路和方法,定义了偏好数群体决策规则,给出了合理选择规则的特征条件。

    Based on the principle of Arrow axiom , the group decision making rule is considered as social choice rule and the definition of group decision making rule based on preference number is proposed and several character conditions of Arrow rationality is discussed .

  27. 包括数据的分类,KRS的建立,数据的约简和决策规则的生成。

    It shows how to classify the data , build the KRS , reduce the data and get the final decision rules .

  28. 使用R0三I推理方法实现了基于扩展决策规则集的R0三I决策推理判断。

    Based on the idea of R_0-type triple-I inference , R_0-type triple-I decision inference can be implemented by the extension decision rules .

  29. 本文通过介绍GATT及WTO争端解决机制决策规则的产生、内容和发展,分析了两种决策规则的特点和差异以及产生这种决策规则演变的原因和必要性;

    Through introducing the emergence , content and development of decision-making rules of dispute settlement mechanism in both GATT and WTO , this article analyzes the characteristics of these decision-making rules and reasons and necessaries leading this evolution of the decision-making rule from GATT to WTO .

  30. 结果从胶合板缺陷检测数据中挖掘出对用户有价值的决策规则,并将其用IF-THEN语句表达出来,以便指导以后的决策过程。

    As a result , the method discovers valuable rule from the data of the defect inspection of wood veneer , which is expressed by the pattern " if-then " for users , so as to instruct the later decision process .