
  1. 论科学发展观与地方政府决策理念创新

    Scientific Development Concept and Innovation of Local Government Decision-Making Concept

  2. 增强政府绿色决策理念,推进决策的科学化。

    1st , enhancement government green decision-making idea , advancement decision-making scientific style .

  3. 问:社会价值观和信念对以证据为基础的决策理念的接受程度如何?

    Q : Where do a society 's values and beliefs fit into evidence-based decision-making ?

  4. 第三章主要分析了国际营销过程中营销决策理念、全球市场细分的决策模式来分析和界定全球化和本土化的条件;

    Chapter 3 Analyzes the conditions of international marketing decision-making notion and global market segmentation mode of globalization and localization of marketing process .

  5. 教师可以根据不断趋于理性的教学决策理念,为明确限定的教学决策情境选择最适合的决策组合和决策序列。

    And the teachers will be empowered to choose the proper integration and sequence of strategies for the clear and specific context according to the rationality of teaching decision-making .

  6. 私人品营销理念和公共支出决策理念遵循着由生产导向向消费导向的演进逻辑,都是经济效率的要求。

    The marketing philosophy of private goods and the philosophy of public payment decision - making follow the logic of evolving from " production orientation " to " consumption orientation ", which is required by economic efficiency .

  7. 本文通过对综合生态系统管理、参与性决策理念和适应性/学习性决策过程的论述,提出了荒漠化防治决策支持系统的主要工作内容和综合生态系统管理的评价原则和指标。

    This paper puts forward the work contents of DSS in relation to prevention of desertification and the rules and indicators of evaluation of IME through overall discussion on IME , participatory and adapt / learning decision making .

  8. 从提升产品市场竞争力的角度,提出了面向产品竞争力设计和经营决策的理念,建立了有关的结构模型和框架模型。

    From how to enhance competitive advantage of product in the market the new concept of design and management decision for competitive quality , cost and time are put forward .

  9. 第五部分提出解决办法,主要从三个方面进行论述:树立县级政府决策新理念、完善县级政府决策的制度建设、强化监督体系的建设。

    Part five is the solution , mainly from three aspects : establishing a new concept of county-level government decision-making , perfecting the system construction of the county government decision-making , strengthening the supervision system .

  10. 目前,我国公共危机管理中的政策制定还比较落后,政策制定模式、技术以及决策者理念不能满足应对危机的客观要求。

    Currently , public policy in crisis management of our society is still relatively backward . Policy model , technology , and concept of policy makers cannot meet the objective requirements to deal with public crisis .

  11. 对交叉口公交信号优先技术进行了实践性和适应性分析,对各种指导快速公交决策的理念进行比较分析。

    At last , the technology of transit signal priority in the intersection has been discussed by the method of practicality and adaptability analysis , different concepts conducted the construction of Bus Rapid Transport has been compared .

  12. 这是一种在任何市场引导买进或卖出决策的交易理念。

    It 's a trading idea for making buy and sell decisions in any market .

  13. 接着,第二章对供应链中的群决策的管理理念和群决策理论进行了详细论述。

    In the second chapter , this dissertation expatiates on the group decision-making management conception base on Supply Chain and group decision-making correlative theories .

  14. 和合文化传统与政府决策的现代理念略论和合文化及其在构建和谐社会中的价值

    The Cultural Tradition of Harmony and the Modern Idea of Government 's Administrative Decision Demonstration on Hehe Culture and Its Value in Constructing Harmonious Society

  15. 作为与生俱来的文化品格,霍普金斯大学的学术决策、办学理念、公共关系政策以及校园文化等等都深深地打上了理性的烙印。

    As its inborn cultural character , " rational " has been deeply penetrated into its academic decision , educational ideas , public relations and campus culture .

  16. 最终使构建三维城市的概念更加逼真化,使规划城市的思想更加立体化,使决策管理的理念更加体系化。

    In the end , it makes the contents in modeling 3D city more distinctly , the ideas in planning city more dimensional and the theories in decision management more systemic .

  17. 企业决策的理性与理念当前企业决策存在的问题及对策

    Current problems in business decision and countermeasures

  18. 企业决策的理性与理念

    On the Business Decision

  19. 该系统就是有效发挥计算机技术的优势,结合众多教学人员的知识经验,为教学设计人员和教学系统开发人员提供辅助、指导、咨询或决策的技术和理念。

    The system is effectively the advantages of computer technology , combined with the knowledge and experience of a number of teaching staff , instructional designers and instructional systems development staff to provide assistance , guidance , advice or decision-making technologies and concepts .

  20. 第一,理论研究。研究了面向有效经营的决策支持理论,包括现代企业的产品经营要求、有效经营决策理念。

    The study work divides into three parts : First , this dissertation explains the study of the effective management oriented decision theory , including product management request and thought of effective management decision of modern enterprise ;

  21. 多角化业务决策不同于完全新创企业,可有许多既有优势依托,决策理念的形成具有很强的偶发性。

    Business diversification decision maybe based on existed advantages differed from that of pure start-up enterprise .