
  • 网络decision cost;decision-making cost;cost of decision making
  1. 降低交易费用,节省决策成本;

    Lower the bargain expenses and save to the decision-making cost .

  2. 项目成本一般包括:项目决策成本、招(投)标费用、前期勘测设计成本以及项目实施成本。

    It includes decision-making cost , bidding fee , on-site survey and implement cost .

  3. 对客户服务监控信息进行灰色聚类分析,使得客户满意程度的灰色信息明确化,继而建立Bayes推断分析模型,在考虑决策成本的前提下,根据客户服务监控信息对配送作业作出决策。

    Grey congregation to monitoring information of customer service is analyzed , then the model of Bayes inference is established . Considering the cost of decision-making , one can make decision for delivery operation according to monitoring information of customer service .

  4. 对相关决策成本有关问题的探讨

    The Discussions about Problems of the Relevant Decision Cost

  5. 信息技术、决策成本与企业的决策权配置

    Information Technologies , Decision Costs and the Allocation of Decision-making Rights in the Firm

  6. 论领导决策成本的构成因素

    On the Constitutive Factors of Leadership Decision Costs

  7. 论政府决策成本的有效控制

    How to Control Government 's Decision Cost Effectively

  8. 它主要由行政组织成本、行政决策成本和行政执行成本构成。

    It mainly comprises administrative organizing cost , administrative decision cost and administrative implementing cost .

  9. 现金保持中的决策成本分析

    Decision and Cost Analysis in Holding Cash

  10. 社会保险存在的理由可能有逆向选择、决策成本、收入分配和家长主义。

    Social insurance may be justified on grounds of adverse selection , decision-making costs , income distribution , or paternalism .

  11. 即供给成本偏高,主要是组织成本偏高、运行成本偏高以及决策成本偏高。

    The supply of public services is high costs , including high organization costs , high operating costs and high decision-making costs .

  12. 比如经济工作中的决策成本,表现在资源配置、产品开发等方面;

    The decision cost of the for example economic work inside , express in the aspects of resources installing , product development waiting ;

  13. 财政约束实际上只不过是公众选择的结果,又和公共选择机制和公共决策成本等有关。

    This paper also points out that financial band is just the result of public select which is related to public select system and public policy cost .

  14. 本文从成本角度分析了公共政策议程,指出公共政策议程有决策成本和外部成本,依此分析了公共政策议程不同类型的成本原因。

    This article analysises public policy agenda from cost , points out public policy agenda having decision-making cost and exterior cost , analysises public policy agenda different type .

  15. 企业必须重视决策成本,完善治理结构,强化内部制度的执行力等以确保资金安全。

    To ensure the safety of fund , a firm must emphasize on the cost of decision , improvement of control mechanism and the execution of internal institution .

  16. 提出开发规划方案投资估算方法,同时建立了决策成本和期间费用预测模型。

    Predictable method of investment of development project have been put foreword , dead reckoning models of decision cost of development project and duration expensive have been built .

  17. 文章从企业经营决策成本、市场外部环境等方面,论述了在市场经济条件下规范计量数据管理的意义及必要性。

    From the management decision cost of enterprise and the marketing external atmosphere , the meaning and the necessity of normalizing measuring data management under the marketing economic condition are narrated .

  18. 只有依最低决策成本点对应的决策方式进行决策,才能达到理性决策与感性决策的完整结合,做出具有前瞻性的决策。

    Only make decision according to the corresponding point made by the minimum decision-making cost can reach the complete combination of rational decision-making and perceptual decision-making , make the excellent decision-making that has perspective .

  19. 网络环境下丰富的信息为消费者带来更多选择,但大量信息会令消费者疲于应付,产生较高的决策成本。

    The plentiful information in the network environment creats more choices for customers , but a large amount of information will lead customers to the exhausted state and cause higher costs of dec is ion-making .

  20. 基于有限自动机的重复博弈模型不但对重复博弈效用最大化问题进行了描述,而且可以采用有限自动机的状态个数对博弈行为及决策成本进行量化。

    The repeated games model based on bounded automata not only describes the maximization effectiveness of the repeated games , moreover , the decisive cost can be quantitated by the state number of the bounded automata .

  21. 本文的创新之处在于:(1)对代理成本与集体决策成本两个概念全面进行分析和比较,提出了增强效应和消长效应的新观点。

    This paper contains the following contributions : ( 1 ) Thoroughly analyzes and compares the two concepts agent cost and collective decision-making cost , and brings forward two new concepts Enhancement Effect and Ebb and Flow Effect .

  22. 委托书征集制度为那些考虑到决策成本大、投票影响力小而不愿出席股东大会的中小股东行使表决权提供了一种有效途径。

    The proxy solicitation system supplies a way for the minority shareholders who do not want to attend the general meeting because the cost of decision is too high and the influence of the voting act is too small .

  23. 重点介绍和分析企业物流管理会计中的两个核心概念:决策成本与物流成本,并澄清了一些混淆概念,提出一些思考和质疑。

    And the author paid attention to introduce and analyze two core concepts of logistics management accounting : decision costs and logistics costs . And the part cleared some confusion concepts , and then proposed some thinking and questions .

  24. 现金资产充分发挥有效的作用,主要取决于企业如何围绕现金运筹开展科学的决策成本分析,当现金富余时,企业管理者应调动富余资金开展成本分析。

    To make cash assets play an effective role mainly depends on how enterprises carry out scientific decision and cost analysis in terms of cash . When there is a surplus of cash , managers should use spare assets to carry out cost analysis .

  25. 讨论了评价生产有效性的非参数方法DEA在计算决策单元成本效率中的应用。

    The application DEA , a non-parameter method used to evaluate the validity of production , is discussed in this paper .

  26. 通过求解成本效率DEA模型,可直接分析输入输出因素对决策单元成本的影响,为企业降低成本、提高收益提供最优决策方案。

    The influence of input and output factors on costs can be analysed through calculating the DEA model of cost efficiency , which can help to provide a optimizing decision for the enterprise to reduce the cost and raise the income .

  27. 政治决策的成本和风险分析

    The Analysis of Cost and Risks for Political Decision - making

  28. 政府公共投资决策与成本效益分析

    An Analysis on Policy-making and Cost Efficiency of Governmental Public Investment

  29. 跨国公司离岸外包决策的成本收益分析

    Analysis of Costs and Revenues in the Offshore Outsourcing of International Corporation

  30. 在一定假设下,计算得到了公司投资决策的成本转折点。

    Based on some assumptions , the critical cost point of company investment is computed .