
  • 网络decision-making;decision
  1. 以此为背景,本文探讨实现秘书辅助决策职能的渠道及技巧。

    This paper discusses the channels and techniques to achieve decision-making functions .

  2. 新经济条件下会计的决策职能及其在投资决策中的应用

    The Decision-making Functions of Accountants and Their Application in Investment Decision-making in the New Economy

  3. 现代秘书的辅助决策职能

    On the Function of Modern Secretary to Assist Decision - making

  4. 秘书履行辅助决策职能的方式探讨

    On Secretary 's Function of " Auxiliary decision - making "

  5. 主要职能是:战略决策职能与监督评议职能;

    Main functions of independent director are strategy decision , supervision and assessment ;

  6. 论强化我国大中型国有企业董事会战略决策职能

    On Strengthening the Function of Strategic Decision of Board Committee in Medium and Large State-owned Enterprises in China

  7. 大部制将最终为深化改革奠定基础,以求分离决策职能与监管职能,并迫使政府机构与企业脱离。

    The super-ministries will eventually lay the ground for further reforms to separate policymaking and regulatory functions , and also force government agencies out of business .

  8. 会计信息具有定价和决策职能,在现代公司治理中发挥着重要作用,然而会计信息操纵行为在全世界范围内普遍存在。

    Accounting information plays an important role in corporate governance because of its pricing and decision-making . However , it is common that managers often manipulate the accounting information worldwide .

  9. 文章研究了在新经济条件下形成会计职能拓展的新理念及其决策职能在企业中的运作,分析了制约会计决策职能执行的因素,并提出了相应的对策。

    This paper discusses the expansion of accounts ' functions and their application in decision-making in the new economy , analyses the factors restricting the execution of accounts ' decision-making functions and puts forward corresponding strategies .

  10. 此外,从很多分析中可以看出,董事会的监督和决策职能并不是明显分离的,而是在董事会处理日常事务的过程中相互结合的,特别是在企业战略管理方面,这种融合更加明显。

    In addition , from a lot of analysis we can see that the board functions of supervision and decision-making is not clearly separated , but integrated in the process when the board deal with day-to-day affairs , especially in the management of corporate strategy .

  11. 企业要发展,管理要科学,需要大量的经济信息,企业统计是企业信息的主体,具有搜集信息、提供咨询、实施监督、进行科学预测与决策的职能作用。

    Abundant economical information and scientific management are necessary for the enterprises to develop . The statistics of the enterprises is the principal part of the enterprise information , playing the functional roles in collecting information , providing consulting service , performing supervision , making scientific predict and strategic decision .

  12. 村党支部通过村民会议实现决策和监督职能;

    The village Party branch makes decision and supervises through villager assembly ;

  13. 调整董事会下设的各专门委员会构成,增强了董事会的决策和监督职能。

    The specialist commissions under the board of directors had been adjusted , enhancing the decision-making and supervision function of the board .

  14. 最终,基于利用辅助决策系统协助职能部门整合解决经济适用住房分配和空间问题的思路,尝试提出了经济适用住房A-SDSS初步框架。

    The basic frameworks of affordable housing Allocation-Spatial Decision Support System was put forward to offer some helps to functional department to integrate solving the affordable housing allocation and spatial distribution problems .

  15. 计划:对个人、团体、工作单位或整个组织在将来追求的目标和行动进行系统决策的管理职能。

    Planning : the management function of systematically making decisions about the goals and activities that an individual , a group , a work unit , or the overall organization will pursue in the future .

  16. 构建均衡的利益格局,建立代表小股东利益的监督委托人机制,强化决策与监督职能,完善信息披露制度,提高中小投资者的话语权。

    And we should construct a balanced benefit distribution pattern , strengthen the role of decision and supervision , improve the system of information disclosure , and give more right to the medium and small investors to protect the interests of them in real earnest .

  17. 对供应链集成模型进行了分类,提出了供应链的决策层次维、职能维以及技术维三维集成模型。

    In this paper , a three-dimensional frame model is proposed of decision-making level , function and technique .

  18. 它一般可以根据决策层次、管理职能和信息处理方式,分成若干个相关的子系统。

    It can be divided into several relevant sub-systems according to management function and the methods of processing information .

  19. 对此政府决策机构、相关职能部门以及关注江西省经济社会发展的各界人士应予以高度重视。

    It should be paid seriously attention for decision-making organizations , government bureaus and all the other people who concerns economic and social development .

  20. 网络经济下的会计目标更倾向于决策有用,会计职能朝着管理现代化和实时控制的方向发展。

    Accounting objectives preferred Decision-making useful concept , and accounting functions innovated towards the direction of modernization and development of real-time control . 2 .

  21. 其根本原因在于城乡分割的“二元供给体制”、“自上而下”的供给决策体制、政府职能划分不清等。

    The fundamental reason lies in the urban and rural divide " dual supply system "," top-down " decision-making supply system , government functions are unclear .

  22. 这种先于决策的封驳职能,对于人事决策的监督和提高行政决策的正确性有一定的作用。

    Such first split in the decision-making functions of the closure , having a certain effect on supervision for personnel decisions and improve the accuracy of administrative decisions .

  23. 财务将从传统意义的会计核算、资金结算,发展到具备资源配置、预算管理、绩效管理、资本运作、决策支撑等高端职能。

    The traditional meaning of financial accounting , financial settlement , will develop to those with resource allocation , budget management , performance management , capital operation , decision support and other high-end functions .

  24. 行政决策体制是政府正确行使决策职能,进行科学决策的组织保证。

    Administrative decision system is that government exercises decision function correctly , carries out the organization guarantee of scientific decision .

  25. 在实行会计电算化以后,使财务会计工作确实参与到经济经营活动的管理决策中,真正实现把握现在,谋划将来的财务会计管理决策职能。

    After implementing accounting by EDP , it makes the financial accounting really participate in the administrative decision of the economic business activities too , really realize the function of administrative decision of financial accounting that " hold now , will plan in the future " .

  26. 决策与经营管理:派往投资企业的董事、财务总监对企业重大事项履行应有的决策管理职能。

    Policy decision and business management : the directors and CFO dispatched to the enterprises invested in will perform their proper policy decision management function on the great items of the enterprises .

  27. 市场营销是在起领导决策作用之下的一种选择市场的行为,这样的决策才是企业需要的,所以市场营销部门在公司中应提高到拥有决策职能的地位,实施战略营销。

    Marketing is seen as a kind of marketing competitive behavior through the leading of decision-maker . So marketing department should be put in a higher position where they would have the power to make the decision and implement strategic marketing .