
  • 网络Group operation;group management;Grouping Management
  1. 教育集团化经营的新制度经济学分析

    Analysis of New-system Economics in Group Management of Education

  2. 从连锁和集团化经营的异同析现代餐饮企业发展战略的选择

    The Analysis of the Strategic Options from the Similarities and Differences of the Chain-like and the Group Management in Modern Dining Enterprise

  3. 实现券商集团化经营的途径选择

    The Route Choice for Realizing the Securities Dealers ' Grouping Operation

  4. 对国有饭店集团化经营的探讨

    Discussion on State-owned Hotel Grouping in China

  5. 铁路集团化经营的几个问题

    Problems on Management of Railway Groups

  6. 而实现集团化经营,必须进行有效途径选择。

    And the effective route choice must be done in order to realize the grouping operation .

  7. 构建我国证券公司核心竞争力的有效途径&集团化经营

    Group Operation ─ an Efficient Approach to Fostering the Core Competition for China 's Securities Business

  8. 困扰餐饮集团化经营的六大难题

    Six Problems Bothering Catering Group Operation

  9. 保险业集团化经营问题研究

    Insurance in Financial Conglomeration

  10. 第四部分是集团化经营模式探讨。

    Famous brand in tobacco industry , In the fourth part , discusses the management model of grouping .

  11. 城市群空间演化动力机制初探&以珠江三角洲城市群为例保险业集团化经营问题研究

    Spatial evolution mechanism of urban conglomeration : a case study of the Pearl River Delta insurance in financial conglomeration

  12. 国有企业集团的发展必须按照市场规律实施集团化经营,而完善财务治理结构是集团化经营的重要手段。

    Its development must depend on grouping management , it is an important means to perfect the structure of finance governance .

  13. 一流的人才,一流的服务,一流的信誉,一流的质量,公司向集团化经营迈进的有利保证。

    We keep developing towards to collectivize way because of surpassing talent , top class service , good prestige and high quality .

  14. 最后提出推动山东省烟草酒店集团化经营的竞争战略、调控战略、风险战略和保障战略,为促进山东省烟草企业和其他国有企业集团化发展提供理论基础和实践指导。

    Provide a theoretical basis and practical guidance to promote the development of tobacco enterprises in Shandong Province and other state-owned enterprise groups .

  15. 进行集团化经营与扩张是中国企业持续成长并走向成熟的必然进程,然而这一进程中充满风险和陷阱。这些风险包括:多样化经营中的风险;

    The group-operation and expansion process , which is full of risks and traps , is inevitable to Chinese enterprises'sustained growth and mature .

  16. 激烈的竞争压力和信息技术的快速发展催生出新的金融机构、组织制度和交易工具,分业经营体制被逐渐打破,金融创新和集团化经营成为国际金融发展的重要特征。

    Keen competitive pressure and information technology speed up the innovation of the new financial institution , organizations , markets and the dealing instruments .

  17. 现代市场经济条件下投资主体的多元化,跨地区、跨行业和集团化经营的企业越来越多,公司之间的关联关系错综复杂。

    As there are more investors in modern market-oriented economy and more cross-district , cross-industry and group enterprises , the relationship between corporations becomes complicated .

  18. 指出要进行企业内部结构调整,建立法人治理结构,加强资本集中度,规模化和集团化经营。

    And in terms of the organizational model of security companies , they need to adjust their inner-structure to build up corporate person management structure .

  19. 高校期刊集团化经营发展思路网络环境下高校期刊数据库建设的思考

    A consideration of the development of publishing collectivization of the college and university periodicals On the Construction of a University Periodicals Database in a Computer Network Environment

  20. 面对中国证券市场激烈的竞争,券商应引入国际通行的控股公司制度实现集团化经营;

    Facing the intense competition in China 's securities market , the securities dealers should introduce the internationally conventional practice of holding corporation system to realize grouping operation .

  21. 从证券公司如何培育核心竞争能力的角度出发,提出了通过集团化经营提高核心竞争力的对策

    Starting from the point of view of fostering stockjobber 's core competition , this paper puts forward some countermeasures for fostering core competition by way of group operation

  22. 在培植品牌企业方面,将积极引导现有娱乐企业之间连锁经营、兼并重组、优化组合,走集团化经营的路子。

    Cultivate brand enterprises , entertainment companies will actively guide existing between the chain , mergers and acquisitions , portfolio optimization , and take the path of group operations .

  23. 为了寻求中国旅游饭店的快速发展,必须采用集团化经营、集成化管理、网络化营销、信息化决策等措施。

    For the rapid development of Chinese tourism hotels , effective measures should be taken to practise group-operation , group-management , net marketing , information deciding , and so on .

  24. 教育集团化经营是教育制度诱致性变迁的产物,其蕴含的经济学意义揭示了教育集团化经营的优势。

    Educational group management is an outcome which results from the reform and change of educational system , which reveals the superiority of educational group management with the significance of its economics .

  25. 随着国外煤炭企业的大型集团化经营和国内石油产业、电力行业体制改革的进行,煤炭产业组织结构调整被摆上日程。

    With grouping management of the foreign coal enterprise and the structural reform of the domestic petroleum and power industry , the coal industry 's organizational framework adjustment is laid out the schedule .

  26. 经过二十多年的发展,饭店集团化经营的优势逐渐显露并被人们所认知,饭店集团化成为我国饭店业发展和行业整合的重要形式和推动力。

    After more than twenty years development , the advantage of Hotel Grouping Management is well known , Hotel Grouping development became an important form of industry consolidation and the driving force in our country .

  27. 主要研究结果如下:公立医院集团化经营中主要问题的经济分析探讨了传统计划经济下公立医院宏观管理体制和微观经营机制的特征、问题与改革。

    Main findings are listed as follows : Analysis on the main problems of public hospital groups discussed the characters , questions and reform of macro management system and microcosmic management mechanism of public hospital group .

  28. 由于人才外流,他们很难保住一班齐备的人马了。一流的人才,一流的服务,一流的信誉,一流的质量,公司向集团化经营迈进的有利保证。

    They find it difficult to keep good staff because of the brain drain . We keep developing towards to collectivize way because of surpassing talent , top class service , good prestige and high quality .

  29. 本文从实际出发,分析了整体开发的可行性,并提出了创新体制、机制,实行集团化经营,打造旅游品牌,实施可持续发展等对策措施。

    This essay analyzes the feasibility of unified development based on the practicality of tourism in Chongqing region , and proposes countermeasure including innovation systems , grouping operation , building-up tourism brand and implementing sustainable development strategies .

  30. 多数企业通过多元化、集团化经营构建内部资本市场,企业总部利用权威与价格双重机制重新配置内部资本,以满足赢利性项目的资金需求,创造出更多的价值。

    The majority of enterprises through diversified group management building internal capital market , headquarters have the advantage of the price and dual to re-configure the internal capital , to meet the financial needs of the project profitable , create more value .