
jí zhuānɡ xiānɡ chuán
  • container ship
  1. 5250TEU集装箱船主机的改进措施

    Improving measures for main engine on 5250 TEU Container Ship

  2. 国有的中国船舶工业集团公司(ChinaStateShipbuildingCorporation)本周交付了第一艘中国设计并建造的超大型集装箱船。迄今为止,这类船舶只在韩国、日本和丹麦生产。

    This week , state-owned China State Shipbuilding Corporation delivered the first very large container ship designed and built in China , a category until now only produced in South Korea , Japan and Denmark .

  3. 近年来,随着世界LNG需求量的增加,LNG贸易量急速增长,像集装箱船大型化一样LNG船也正趋于大型化。

    Recently , with the increasing requirement and trade magnitude , LNG is tending to maximization like container ships .

  4. GL前总裁:大型集装箱船令我自豪

    GL Ex-president : I am proud of large container-ships

  5. 如果像预期的那样,国际海事组织(internationalmaritimeorganisation)禁止集装箱船使用价格相对低廉价格相对低廉、不那么清洁的燃油,船运成本也许会进一步上升。

    Shipping costs may rise yet further if , as expected , the International Maritime Organisation bans the use of cheaper , dirtier fuel oils by container ships .

  6. 在此基础上提出了一种求取集装箱船最优初稳性高度GM的简便方法,该方法假定GM主要与船宽、航次所经航区的风浪和甲板上浪的容易程度有关。

    A simple method of getting an optimized value of initial stability is provided based on analysis on the demand of stability about container ships .

  7. 本文介绍了无舱盖集装箱船的发展及其特点,国际海事组织(IMO)有关无舱盖船入级的暂行规则。

    The development of the open top container ship and the IMO requirements are presented .

  8. 集装箱船的大小PK

    PK on containership sizes

  9. 90m多用途变吃水集装箱船研制

    The development on a 90m multi purpose , draft alterable container ship

  10. 一般集装箱船货物,从美国北部到南部,也就是理想X号的航线,比单独的卡车陆运要便宜多。

    Moving a shipload of containers from the north to the south of the United States , as happened in the voyage of the Ideal X , was itself cheaper than trucking the containers individually .

  11. 本文叙述了中海集团振奋系列货船改装成集装箱船的系统设计,包括货舱区域管系、新建二层舱室管系以及CO2系统的改装设计。

    System modification design for container ship is described in the article , including piping in cargo hold , piping in second tier of compartments and the modification design of CO 2 system .

  12. PLA海军对此印象深刻,在1980年中期,开始研究民用船只的军事使用,特别是集装箱船。

    Highly impressed by such a capability , the PLA Navy began to study the military use of civilian vessels , in particular container ships , in the mid-1980s .

  13. 第三章介绍了有限元分析软件&ANSYS及其参数化设计语言APDL的特点和基本内容,并以系统开发工具VISUALBASIC为平台,研究并阐明了集装箱船参数化模块的程序流程和功能。

    In chapter three , the author introduces traits of FEA software - ANSYS , ANSYS parametric design language ( APDL ), and defines the process and functions of parameterized template of container ships based on Visual Basic .

  14. 介绍90m多用途变吃水集装箱船在设计和制造过程中所采取的主要技术工艺措施。

    Main technologic measurements adopted during design and fabrication on a 90m multi purpose , draft alterable container ship are introduced .

  15. 长江地区水网密布,采用小型LNG集装箱船水路运输模式,可以满足多元化消费的需求,满足LNG安全、便捷、高效运输的需求。

    The Yangtze River area , water network clouds , using small-size LNG container ship transportation mode , can meet the diversification of consumer demand , to satisfy the LNG safety , convenient , efficient transport demand .

  16. 伴随着17.5万吨的散货船、8530TEU集装箱船和30万吨的VLCC成品油轮在中国制造,船舶的建造技术正朝大型化发展。

    With the17.5W DWT BULK Cargo and8530TEU Container ship and30WT VLCC Oil Tanker Building in china , the technology of shipbuilding will develop to Huge Tonnage .

  17. 长江内河小型LNG集装箱船航线的优化设置,对于我国LNG的推广应用与节能减排目标的实现具有重要意义,对于我国内河小型LNG集装箱船航线设置具有一定的实际指导意义。

    Optimization of Yangtze River small-size LNG container ship route , it has great significance for our LNG application and energy-saving emission reduction targets , for a certain practical significance of China small-size LNG container ship route set .

  18. 12000t多用途干货/集装箱船

    12 000 dwt multi-purpose cargo / container ship

  19. 基于CCS规范,以某集装箱船为例,介绍一种大开口船舶弯扭组合应力的计算方法,总结出大开口船舶扭转翘曲应力在船长方向及横剖面上的分布规律;

    Taking a container ship for example , a calculation method of bending and torsion integrated stresses is introduced based on CCS rules . The distribution of torsional stress of the ship with large openings is analyzed .

  20. 小型LNG集装箱船运输与班轮运输有明显不同,此时不仅要考虑挂靠港口、挂靠顺序等要素,更要关注LNG集装箱的特殊性对航线优化设置的影响。

    Small-size LNG container ship transportation and shipping are significantly different , not only to consider the port , linked to factors such as special order , more attention should be paid to the optimization of LNG container arranged influence on route .

  21. 分别按上述两个方案编制了计算程序,并对集装箱船和FPSO储油轮的非线性流体力、非线性运动和剖面载荷进行了计算分析,并探讨了各种非线性因素的影响。

    Two programs have been developed , and the nonlinear fluid forces , nonlinear motions and nonlinear wave loads of container ship and FPSO tankers are computed , and the contribution of each nonlinear factor is evaluated .

  22. 简要介绍了即将生效的IMO新的燃油舱保护规则,并以巴拿马型集装箱船为例介绍了燃油舱流出量有限元计算方法及一些需要注意的问题。

    The paper presents briefly the regulations about oil fuel tank protection which will probably go into force , and makes an example to introduce some notes in FEM calculation of fuel leakage of a Panamax container ship .

  23. 在分析双尾鳍船型尾部伴流场的基础上,采用补偿导流技术对西江3000t级江海直达集装箱船进行模型试验与研究。

    By analyzing the incidental flow of the twin tail fin ship , a model test on the compensating duct used on the 3 000 t river sea container ship on the Xijiang River is studied .

  24. 随着造船与航运业的发展,船舶向多样化、大型化和高速化的方向发展,出现了集装箱船、LPG、VLCC以及滚装船等,这些船舶的操纵性都有其各自的特点和难度。

    With the development of shipbuilding and shipping , ship tends to move to the direction of diversification , bigger displacement and higher speed . At the same time , the container ship , LPG , VLCC and roll-roll ship appear , which have their own maneuvering character and difficulty .

  25. 本文采用Paik基于ISUM开发的用于解决大型结构极限强度问题的计算程序ALPS/ISUM,对油船、散货船和集装箱船进行了一系列的极限强度分析。

    In this paper , ultimate strength analyses of many vessels among oil tankers , bulk carriers and container ships are carried out by using the program Nonlinear Analysis of Large Plated Structures using Idealized Structural Unit Method ( ALPS / ISUM ) which was developed by Paik .

  26. 过去,由于缺乏海运直航,从台湾基隆港驶往上海的集装箱船必须先向反方向航行250公里,抵达日本的石恒岛(ishigaki),向日本海关支付3000美元过关费。

    The lack of direct shipping links previously meant that container ships travelling from the Taiwanese port of Keelung to Shanghai had first to sail 250km in the opposite direction to the Japanese island of Ishigaki , where they paid $ 3000 to pass in and out of Japanese customs .

  27. 大型集装箱船整船有限元分析计算技术研究

    Research on numerical technique of whole large container ship by FEM

  28. 700TEU集装箱船的完工稳性计算

    The Final Calculation of Stability for a 700 TEU Container ship

  29. 850TEU集装箱船机舱布置简介

    Brief introduction of engine room arrangement for 850 TEU container ship

  30. 集装箱船在垂向弯矩和水平弯矩联合作用下的极限强度

    Ultimate Strength of Container Ships under Combined Vertical and Horizontal Bending