
  • 网络the collective memory
  1. 一个国家和民族的文明是一个国家和民族的集体记忆。

    A civilization is the collective memory of a country or a nation .

  2. 同时说明,这种集体记忆基本上是主观想像的结果。

    However , their collective memory is the product of the subjective imagination .

  3. 集体记忆长期与历史混为一体。

    Collective memory has long been mingled with history .

  4. 民间节日中的集体记忆与身份认同&以广西壮族族群为例

    An Analysis on Collective Security The Collective Memory in Folk Festivals and Ethnic Identities

  5. 作为一种集体记忆的浪漫主义&对浪漫主义的文学人类学解读

    Romanticism as a Collective Memory : Exploring Romanticism from the Perspective of Literary Anthropology

  6. 祠堂建筑赋予人的归属感更是人们集体记忆和精神家园。

    Give the ancestral halls of belonging is the spiritual home people collective memory .

  7. 社会记忆及其建构一项关于知青集体记忆的研究

    Social Memory and Its Construction-A Study of the Collective Memory of the Intellectual Youth Generation

  8. 它承载着个人及家庭的记忆,以及对远祖、对宗族和村落的集体记忆。

    To villagers , their collective memory encompasses the past of the lineage and the village .

  9. 其目的在于保存每个城市的特色、历史、集体记忆与场所感。

    Its goal is to preserve characteristic , history , collective memory and sense of place .

  10. 或是对当时社会的集体记忆那时人不被当人看

    and the social memory of what it was like when people were treated as things .

  11. 论教师的集体记忆与自我认同&基于实地研究的分析与思考

    On Teachers ' Collective Memory and Self-identity : An Analysis and Thought Based on Field Research

  12. 集体记忆中的重大事件常常是象征资本的载体。

    Events that are most prominent within the collective memory are often bearers of symbolic capital .

  13. 控制了集体记忆等于控制了事件的话语权。

    To control the how the collective remembers is to monopolize the discourse of the event .

  14. 虽然小,但足以勾起人们对地震的集体记忆;

    Though small , it is enough to remind people of the collective memory of the earthquake .

  15. 首先从社会集体记忆的角度解析了同类流言的不断循环再现现象。

    From the angle of collective memory , this essay first explains the phenomenon of similar rumor recurrence .

  16. 庆典的意义并不仅限于庆典本身,它或多或少地改变了我们对于国家的集体记忆。

    It is not only limited to itself in our country but also changed for the collective memory .

  17. 这是生活在中国这块土地上的人的集体记忆,因此我知道,这部电影会感动每一个人

    It 's a collective memory for everyone here in China so I knew the movie would touch everyone

  18. 从而揭示集体记忆与民族传统文化对使鹿鄂温克族群体生活及其发展走向的作用。

    So that it reveals the important role of national traditional culture with reindeer-herding-Ewenki and their development trend .

  19. 在这些故事的背后,隐含着一个地方文人通过文字书写而创造地方史的集体记忆的过程。

    These stories have implied a collective memorizing process in which local Literati created local history with writing .

  20. 通过历史学积累人类的集体记忆,把历史的经验教训转化为存在的自觉;

    To accumulate collective memory of mankind and to transfer historical experiences into consciousness of existence with history ;

  21. 在需求层面集体记忆是人对媒介遗留物需要的主要方面。

    On the demand level , collective memory is remnants of the media were the main areas inneed .

  22. 论变文的产生私人经历与集体记忆:知青一代人的文化震惊和历史反讽

    Personal Experiences and Collective Memory : the Cultural Shock and Historical Irony of School Graduates of One Generation

  23. 在我们对抗战时期文学的集体记忆中,抗战是其主旋律,但集体记忆之外,还有着个人记忆的狂欢。

    Our common memory about literature in the period of Anti-Japanese War is that the war is its theme .

  24. 再从社会学的角度,运用集体记忆理论阐释了广告为何会成为公众议题。

    Then from sociological aspect , it explains why advertisement become the public agenda by means of collective memorizing theory .

  25. 对于观众来说,他不仅仅是位新闻播音员,他成为人们集体记忆的一部分。

    For TV viewers , he was more than just a newsreader ; he was part of their collective memory .

  26. 这些文化在历史的积淀中化为人类的集体记忆,以集体无意识的形式流传下来。

    These culture become memory of all human in the history of the accumulation with the form of the collective unconscious .

  27. 因果性条件引发的中心现象,包括责任与义务、荣誉与尊严和集体记忆。

    The phenomenon caused by causal or basic condition : responsibilities , obligations , honor , dignity and collective memory . 3 .

  28. 集体记忆视域下的单位文化圈现象及其公共治理意义

    Under the Influence of the Collective Memory of the " Unit Cultural Circle " Phenomenon and Its Significance in Public Management Research

  29. 情境教育的理论框架与操作体系读《李吉林文集》有感作为一种集体记忆的浪漫主义对浪漫主义的文学人类学解读

    Theoretical Framework and Practical System of Situated Education ; Romanticism as a Collective Memory : Exploring Romanticism from the Perspective of Literary Anthropology

  30. 一直以来,针对这一特殊集体记忆的文学及影视作品不断涌现。

    As time passes by , the literature works and movies concerned with this special " collective memory " has been emerging constantly .