
  • 网络The golden rule
  1. PennaRecruitmentCommunications创意总监乔纳森•理查兹(JonathanRichards)表示:黄金规则就是演讲前别喝醉。

    Jonathan Richards , creative director at Penna Recruitment Communications , says : The golden rule is not to get drunk before you speak .

  2. 采用含时黄金规则波包传播法,对低振动激发(ν<12)vanderwaals分子HeI2(总角动量J=0)的振动预离解计算了总和部分衰变宽度。

    We have presented a calculation for the total and partial decay widths for vibrational predissociation for a low vibrational excited van der Waals molecule HeI_2 . The time-dependent golden rule wave packet method has been used in our numerical calculation for the decay widths .

  3. 为了短期的政治利益,可以打破黄金规则或《马斯特里赫特条约》(maastricht)的标准,而付出的成本就是破坏惊心培育出的“审慎”图景。

    Golden rules or Maastricht criteria can be broken , for short-term political gain , only at the expense of destroying the carefully cultivated picture of " prudence " .

  4. 然后用MP2(FULL)/6311+G方法扫描势能面找出不同NN接触距离的活化态体系的能量、活化能、耦合矩阵元,利用黄金规则计算出不同的NN接触距离的电子转移速率。

    Then at 6-311 + G basis set level MP2 ( FULL ) method is used to scan the potential energy surface of different N-N contact distance in order to obtain the energies , activation energies , coupling matrix elements and Franck-Condon factors of this system .

  5. 探讨了量子力学黄金规则在处理电于转移问题方面的可应用性。

    The Golden-rule has been applied in dealing with the electron transfer .

  6. 康德的无条件道德律令以及黄金规则就表明了这种境遇。

    Kant 's categorical imperative and the Golden Rule address the situation .

  7. 那根据黄金规则和一的法则而生活的渴望在哪里?

    Where is the desire to live by the golden rule and The Law of One ?

  8. 英国形成了以文义规则、黄金规则和除弊规则为主要代表的解释方法。

    In England , there mainly are the literal rule , the golden rule and the mischief rule .

  9. 叙述了定性解释液体衍射强度曲线和结构曲线黄金规则的经验公式。

    Two empirical golden rules for explaining the diffraction curve and the structural function of liquid have been elaborated .

  10. 证据关联性规则是证据规则体系的基础,在英国甚至被冠以黄金规则之称。

    Relevance rule of evidence is the basement of the system of evidence rule , it is called " gold rule " in Britain .

  11. 今年6月,马告诉《独立报》,他们的“行为运动”有12条黄金规则——其中有禁止也有鼓励。

    Last month , Mar told The Independent their " behavioural campaign " would have 12 golden rules - both prohibitory and encouraging , too .

  12. 黄金规则:坚持到底,并做到最好,以确保您的伴侣尽可能地过得愉快。

    The Golden Rule applies : Stick it out , and do your best to make sure your companion has as good a time as possible .

  13. 英国的财政政策框架便是一个例子,特别是所谓的“黄金规则”。该规则限定政府只能为筹措投资资金而借款。

    An example is the UK 's fiscal policy framework , in particular the so-called " golden rule ", which restricts government borrowing to finance investments .

  14. 诚信作为现代社会的基础性道德规范和市场经济的黄金规则,是现代化的伦理基础;

    Honesty , as the fundamental moral norms of the modern society and the golden rule of market economy , is the ethnical basis of modernization .

  15. 有一些事情我是百分百确定的&黄金规则,需要与残虐的各种形式斗争,爱、慈悲、谦卑和怜悯的价值观。

    There are some things that I 'm absolutely sure about & the Golden Rule , the need to battle cruelty in all its forms , the value of love and charity , humility and grace .

  16. 《义务宣言》为代表的西方文化与儒家传统道德为代表的东方文化,两者包含着共同的道德思想黄金规则。

    Both the western culture as represented by the Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities and the eastern culture as represented by the Confucian school of thought hold the common moral idea called the " gold rule " .

  17. 紧接着我们回顾了导致自旋弛豫的各种机制以及理论上的处理方法。对于简单的两能级系统,可以使用费米黄金规则和运动方程计算自旋弛豫/去相位时间。

    All the spin relaxation mechanisms and the theoretical approaches are reviewed : For the two-level system , the relaxation time can be calculated directly by the Fermi golden rule or the time evolution of the equation of motion .

  18. 在英美法系国家,证据关联性的重要性得到了理论界和司法界的充分认识,关联性规则被视为证据规则中的黄金规则。

    In the field of litigation evidence , the study on it makes great sense , which has been fully recognized by the common law system , while the " Relevancy Rule " is called " Golden Law " .